high school drunk boxing?

Discussion in 'Boxing' started by rsm688, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. rsm688

    rsm688 Valued Member

    first off nobody say dont do it its stupid and will just get someone hurt. all the guys at my school box at the beach and most of them are drunk or somewhat drunk. its all fun and games and involves no harsh feelings, weve been doing it for years and are all good friends. no one has ever had any injury worse than a busted lip. rules are: 3- 30 second rounds, if the guy goes down you cant hit until hes up again, and only head shots no body hits. im not a big boxer but i have fun with this. i know some of the techniques and can throw punches just dont have too much experience with boxing. let me describe the threetypes of boxers i see at these little boxing events:

    A.) Madman- just starts flinging punches left and right with absolutely no techinique just throwing as many punches as possible until he tires out

    B.) Blocker- the kid that rarely throws a punch but blocks his face very well and is hard to get a good hit on

    C.) Wannabee Boxer- this is the kid that watches all the boxing matches and reads tips online and thinks hes a pretty good boxer. knows a little bit of technique but has no experience using it

    what im looking for is some hints or techniques that would work well against the above 3 types of boxers. if you dont think its a good idea or think its stupid please dont post.

  2. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    First off, it's not boxing. And don't think you know anything about boxing, because you don't.

    I would recommend finding a good boxing gym, or at least a video that will show you how to trade leather with good technique.

    Or just stand out there and bust each other in the head. Lord knows I did it when I was younger.
  3. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    One question though - why would you allow head shots but not body shots?
  4. gornex

    gornex Valued Member

    Bum rush the guy screaming as loud as you can
  5. mlan

    mlan New Member

    Underage drinking is illegal, I'm surprised you openly mention illegal activity on an open forum
  6. gornex

    gornex Valued Member

    lol its not like anyone is going to track him down, i'm underage and drink lots.
  7. rsm688

    rsm688 Valued Member

    x2. and also around here the cops dont care about underage drinking as long as your not driving, they will pull you over and you can have 200 beers and 5 drunk people but as long as there is a sober driver most of them dont really care too much, occasionally make you pour it out but thats about it.

    yohan: i know its not really boxing, its a downgraded regulated wannabee boxing. and actually i do a little bit about boxing, by no means saying im a boxer or good at boxing but i know techniques. ive got pretty solid punches and good form. do heavybag work, shadow box occasionally and spar with my buddies.

    the idea about no body shots is just for simplicity and to keep away from broken ribs, drunk guys puking when getting hit in the stomach, etc...
  8. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Hey dude, I used to go an punch up with my friends and hit a heavy bag and play like I was boxing too, but the moment I stepped into a gym with guys who are training boxing, I realized the exact same thing I'm telling you . . . . punching with your friends on the beach on the weekend ain't boxing. It's fun, and you might learn xomething, but it ain't boxing.
  9. cc.nyc

    cc.nyc Valued Member

    The flying knee should work well against most drunken teenagers.

    Yeah... I know it's not boxing, but neither is what you and your friends are doing.
  10. tolchocker

    tolchocker Skittles!

    dittoed :eek:

    i find it hard to imagine a 'controlled' (even mildly so) sport in which you participate in while hammered.
    also a lack of fine motor controls added to loss of inhibitions and lack of feeling generally doesnt bode well for a contact sport

    other than that though, sounds fun! :D
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2007
  11. Boxerboy

    Boxerboy Valued Member

    haha, i meet these kind of kids ALL the time. guess what man, you dont know JACK about boxing. go to a boxing gym and the guy who has been training for a month will knock seven kinds of hell out of you. I used to think the same thing until I got the balls to join a real gym and realised I had -nothing- on the guys who trained there.
  12. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter


    You box for three rounds of 30 sec. each?
    Come on bro... if you're going to even call it boxing the for the love of baby Jesus get the times correct. Three rounds of 30 sec. is not even breaking a sweat. Not even close. Most could do that standing on their head. :rolleyes:
    As it is with most kids thinking they're boxing but really haven't got a clue. Which is what is obviously is happening with your crew.
    Again.. not boxing. No point in being a punching bag. If you want to box you've got to trade.
    No real difference than probably what most of your crew is... that except he at least follows boxing. :D
    Hint #1 - learn to box in a boxing gym under a boxing coach

    Hint #2 - learn to box

    Hint #3
    - refer to hints #1 and #2
    err... you also need to learn that it's an open forum and people can post what they want in regards to what you've posted. Live with it.

    If you have some desire to learn how to box then do so... if not continue on with the girly boxing that you're doing. Actually I shouldn't say that... my kid sister trade punches for more than three rounds of 30 sec. :p

    Seriously... learn to box and stop playing slap and tickle with your mates. :rolleyes:
  13. Smokey13

    Smokey13 Valued Member

    Wild Swingers: catch their hooking arm at the elbow with your elbow and deliver punches to face

    Blocker: Just keep hitting that whiny brat till his arms hurt...you know you want to!

    Wannabee Boxer: Let him think he is winning by retreating and attempting to block, then use superior boxing techniques you mentioned above to demolish him.

    On the other hand you could just do a popeye and chug some spinach turning you into a human boxing machine akin to rocky..........

  14. callsignfuzzy

    callsignfuzzy Is not a number!

    This should be archived and made standard for any questions involving backyard boxing, backyard MMA, backyard karate, or anything else with "backyard" that doesn't have "cookout" connected with it somehow.

    Nice, Slip.
  15. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    What about broken noses, busted up jaws, cracked orbital lobes, and various other serious head and face injuries that can result from your drunken attempt at brawling (and that's being kind).

    As for the rest...

    3 30 second rounds?!? Our 5 year olds spar longer than that. :rolleyes:

    If you want to learn to box properly, go to a gym. Otherwise stop wasting our time with your wannabe fight club crap.

    Why waste our time on advice, you'll probably be too drunk to do more than flail around and end up on "Cops" some day anyway. Or maybe "Bum Fights".
  16. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    LoL - CLASSIC!!
  17. rsm688

    rsm688 Valued Member

    best response yet. thanks man

    to the others: i know 30 seconds is nothing, i never said it was. but out of about 50 guys there are about three plus me that can keep swinging after 30 seconds (no joke, its ridiculous). i never said i was a boxer, i said im familiar with the techniques. and about head injuries, theres not really anyone that can land a good head shot, body shots are much more easier to hit and be successful because none of the guys know how to block them they are more concerned with their face. im not a wannabee boxer, im more interested in BJJ and Muay Thai which is what im about to start training in. This is more of a fun friendly event than you guys are making it out to be but its all cool. i expected alot of those comments anyways :cool: .
  18. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    So you allow shots to the head when no one is even any good at them? You guys really are pathetic with a capital "P". You don't even have the common sense to understand that the body shots are safer than head shots. You guys deserve whatever brain damage you manage to inflict upon each other when you do your drunken stupidity, Lord knows you can't possibly get any dumber.
  19. Boxerboy

    Boxerboy Valued Member

    you know i did a lot of dumb things when i was younger, but at least they were entertaining. havent you guys got anything better to do? get a girlfriend or something, sheesh
  20. Smokey13

    Smokey13 Valued Member

    Oh please dont misinterpret my reply for actual advice...

    SARCASM!!!! is the lowest form of wit i know, but jeeze boy, buck up and stop playing slappy!

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