hat backward or forward?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by TNT Tommy, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. TNT Tommy

    TNT Tommy New Member

    If you wear a baseball cap, do you wear it with the bill facing backward or forward?

    I wear mine backwards all the time. :woo:
  2. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    Moved to Off Topic.
  3. JinkokMike

    JinkokMike New Member

    Are you sure this is the correct place to mention about baseball caps shouldn't that be in the offtopic area.

    I'm not having a go so please don't think that.

  4. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter


    fashion conscious. :D
  5. JinkokMike

    JinkokMike New Member

    lol well the texans always are :p
  6. Taiji Butterfly

    Taiji Butterfly Banned Banned

    The baseball cap is the uniform of my enemy
    I care nothing for which way round it is worn
    I wish only to see it buried with my enemies
    Or forced into his orifices before he is executed

    I'm sorry....
    Am I taking this topic too seriously....? ROFLMAO :D
  7. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    Forward, the way it's meant to be worn. Backwards is only acceptable if you're doing it for a reason, i.e. the bill gets in your way.
  8. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Forward of course. :rolleyes:
  9. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Maybe 50 cent is from Texas....:D

    Attached Files:

  10. Bellator Manus

    Bellator Manus Warrior of the Hand

    This echoes my thoughts.
  11. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    I wear my cap forward most of the times, only when I'm at home I sometimes wear it backwards...
  12. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    Forwards! How's it supposed to keep the sun out of your eyes if it's backwards?
  13. Mufty

    Mufty New Member

    I tend to take mine off when Im indoors, why are we talking about this ???? :bang:
  14. seiki juku kid

    seiki juku kid New Member

    lol i dont wear caps or hats at all for that matter, they don't fit over my hair :(
  15. Tyranith

    Tyranith New Member

    Hats of any sort just don't suit me at all.
    My best mate wears a baseball cap backwards, but he mainly wears it to keep his hair out of his eyes while he's playing guitar.
  16. Melanie

    Melanie Bend the rules somewhat.. Supporter

    I dont wear a baseball cap - especially around where I used to live - they were associated with criminals. Anyone wearing a cap was considered they had something to hide.

    Besides - I have long hair - I don't want hat hair :p
  17. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Bill forward only. Wear it backwards here and the police will stop you.
  18. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    My flatmate works for the police force and says they have a 'special' name for baseball caps. I can't write it here - but they genuinely do pay extra attention to people wearing them!
  19. jess869

    jess869 New Member

    my bro wears it backwards and it looks rediculus.... he looks like a ganksta-rap-star-wannabe. pple just point and laff...

    forwards people!
  20. TNT Tommy

    TNT Tommy New Member

    Looks like the majority is wearing it forward.

    I just thought it would be interesting to see how other people wear their hats and their opinions on what wearing a hat backwards means.

    I think it looks cool. I've always worn a hat backwards and nobody really says anything about it.

    About 1/2 the students that I train wear their hats backwards too.

    In the area where I live, I think it's just a thing about looking cool or something.

    Thanks for all your replies so far guys!!

    TNT Tommy

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