Hanshis and Kyoushis' ages

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by SubNoobPhanatic, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. tatsuo koyasu

    tatsuo koyasu New Member

    It depends on what style of Romanji (Romanized or Anglesized characters) used.
    The Count seems to be using one of the Hepburn systems. In the Hepburn system the word Do (the way) is spelled Dou or Doe. Ku (nine) is Kyuu etc.
  2. Count Duckula

    Count Duckula Valued Member

    That is correct. It is just what I started using when I started learning Japanese, and I try to stick with it for consistency's sake. I have enough trouble with ambiguity as it is :)

    Writing everything in hiragana would be much less ambiguous, but then only people who can read Japanese could read it. So I try to take care to use the romanization you mentioned, so that at least for myself I know what I am writing.
  3. tatsuo koyasu

    tatsuo koyasu New Member

    No slight intended. I do the same.
  4. Kuniku

    Kuniku The Hairy Jujutsuka

    Sorry for the Off Topic - but what font did you use for those kanji Mr Vampire Duck? I've never seen a kanji font as pretty as that before, and I'd love to use it!

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