Gunfighting martial art or martial not

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Rataca100, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    You know when a puppy keeps nipping at your ankle and you literally cannot be arsed booting it...?
    axelb, Dead_pool and David Harrison like this.
  2. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Dont mock me, i got a decent grouping. Would have gotten a better one if i actually tried to aim and didnt get carried away with the semi auto, i do have pictues of the targets. :p For somone who doesnt do it often, it was pretty good.
  3. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    At the very least a puppy is cute!

    As a kid I went shooting with an air rifle.
    I hit the target in the middle 8 out 10 times first try.

    Am I now a professional regarding air rifles?
    He'll, no!

    "Playing" with something once or twice doesn't make you or anyone even close to an expert the same way someone is, who works with guns daily.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  4. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Making conversation and below.
    Didnt say i was a proffesional. Proffesional does not equal expert nor does working with guns all day make you a expert at gun fighting or gunsmithing.

    You never play with guns.

    I would say the fact he has experience working in law enforcment usuing firearms and now works as a police trainer gives him the experience/credentials to talk about them, not because he carries one all day, because hes done research and training into gunfighting. Also, one of the people to have to use one and engage in a actual shooting. May not trust him to make a firearm or manufactor parts for one though. (working on thr assumption he is a good police trainer, not saying he is or isnt)

    Im not fond of the "i work with X all day so i am instantly better than anyone else argument" but rather since he actually trains people well to use them he is. I wont stroke a state troopers ego so much as to say they are equal in trainign with firearms to the states SWAT team or the FBI's HRT (and whatever the role is called which makes that) Unless they, of course, have gone off and do training with good instructors.

    (the tone is not attacking anyone either, to make that clear here. Tone is hard to do via text. Also not calling Hannibal a state trooper)
  5. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Someone with practical experience, plus training plus working in a job teaching both of those to others vs some shutin on the interwebs with a hang nail.

    It's just so hard to choice who to listen too.

    Latikos, Knee Rider and Hannibal like this.
  6. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Just to clarify, you did read my comment above didnt you? If not clarification, i only take issue with say a s tate trooper and people thinking a state trooper is a expert in gun fighting because they carry one all day, or they think they canmanufacturer a firearm or do more than a field strip for basic faults in a firearm. By no means is thata insult to anyone in this thread, its me making a example of how i dislike aargumentt/point i see repeated. The same can be said as to somone who works on computers all day, does that mean they can fix them? No. (unless their work is fixing them, then yes but that was not specifie din the point)

    And yes i am making sure its clear what i meant.
  7. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Compared to you, a state trooper is an expert, even if all they do is carry and never have a negligent discharge. because they are actually doing that, whereas you arnt.

    Most of learning is listening, paying attention and asking relevant questions, none of which you do well.
    Latikos and Knee Rider like this.
  8. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Well, i am physically incapable of listening here. :p

    Watch the character attacks as well.
  9. Knee Rider

    Knee Rider Valued Member Supporter

    Are you going to TKD tonight?
    SCA likes this.
  10. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Yes, unless i vomit or something. All thats going to be said on that one. ( i do have my conversations open you know)
  11. Knee Rider

    Knee Rider Valued Member Supporter

    I mention it merely to intimate that your time might be better spent packing your gear bag and mentally preparing to leave the house rather than demonstrating a palpable lack of self awareness regarding the knowledge and experience gap between you and the people whose expert knowledge and lived experience you appear to be undervaluing.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  12. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    My perspective would be, you asked that to open yourself to put this in a response. There is no gear to prepare nor is there any mental preparation which will take a hour.

    My argument is still valid no matter what you do it it. :p
  13. Knee Rider

    Knee Rider Valued Member Supporter

    Do you know what rhetorical question is?
  14. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Its not Rhetorical anymore. :p
  15. Mitlov

    Mitlov Shiny

    There’s hard data that firearms are very effective for self-defense, especially when you count situations where the gun is drawn but not fired, stopping a crime in progress simply by being presented (i.e., the vast majority of gun usages). But this thread doesn’t seem to be the right thread to wade into that data, because there’s a threshold issue before we even get there. That threshold issue? Firearms are a HUGE responsibility, both in terms of building skill but also in terms of exercising good judgment. And—and I hate to say this, because it comes off as flaming, but it needs to be said—original poster is not displaying any of the maturity, judgment, etc that I associate with responsible firearms ownership and use. This sort of discussion is so counterproductive to the cause and reinforces all sorts of bad stereotypes about gun owners.

    Rataca100, if you talk a big talk but rarely train—which seems to be the case from what folks are saying—firearms are NOT a good answer for you. They’re a worse option, not a better option, than unarmed martial arts for someone who doesn’t put in the discipline and sweat equity. Because if you talk a big talk about taekwondo but never train, you just embarass yourself. If you talk a big talk about firearms but rarely train, you can end up killing yourself or an innocent person.
    axelb, Latikos, aikiMac and 4 others like this.
  16. Knee Rider

    Knee Rider Valued Member Supporter

    I'm sure that's what you think.
  17. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    What character attack?

    You've said you rarely leave your property, and you have a bad nail so you find training difficult.

    Thats not a character attack, that's statement of fact.
  18. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    I have a mixed view on training, i dont view it as always necessary. Its not necessary to recive formal training to use a firearm safely or effectivley if you needed to shoot someone with it. Just seems to be a trainers use for the basics of firearm safety would be to help make it habit. (granted its probably only going to help if you learn more advanced things from somone else) I would probably just to cover a legal base and to improve skill seek training for firearm use should i want to /be able to carry one for self defence.

    You are attacking personal traits in replacement for an argument to undermine said argument, Character attack. If its fact or not does not mean it is or not a character attack.
  19. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Highlighting your lack of practical experience isn't a character attack, but maybe it was clumsily worded.

    Let me reword it,

    You have no relevant experience.
  20. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Ridiculous assertion and to be honest downright stupidity - incredibly dangerous view to hold

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