Girl attacked by shark... oh wait a minute...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by slipthejab, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. Sgt_Major

    Sgt_Major Ex Global Mod Supporter

    My car would have a bumpy ride through that part of the motorway

  2. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"


    I knew you were a cold-hearted brute but that just crossed the line.
  3. fruitjuice!

    fruitjuice! Banned Banned

    Especially bunny rabbits!
  4. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    erm....He just disproved his own statement
  5. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

  6. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    Sounds pretty evil to me. Get them, get them all!!! :woo:
  7. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"

    I say crush a truck load of snakes to eat all the bunny rabbits :p There's your problem solved :D
  8. Shrukin89

    Shrukin89 Valued Member

    Not perferablly hilarious I would think, sure things like this happens everyday, any animal could attack a human if threatened. I believe the attack would probably would be the cause from the disturbance of their habitats. We do assume that they understand. But acting friendly could also build relationship with other animals. Show positiveness then you'll get postiveness in return.

    There was a recent case where Shamu the killer whale, attacked one of the trainers. If I was a whale I would do the same thing.

    But someone else's death or pain whether and animal or human shouldn't be laughed at unless if the person who is injured thinks it's funny, that would be the only exception. Though I sometimes do laugh at someone's stupidity. Though I wish I wouldn't. It's immature, and gets some people ticked off too.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  9. fruitjuice!

    fruitjuice! Banned Banned

    No no no no NO! Wild animals (not domesticated dogs and budgies) but real wild animals do not understand a human's demonstration of "friendliness". Now, if we play our cards right, they can percieve us as no-threat, as harmless, as something that doesn't interest them. But never as something friendly. Being friendly doesn't exist in nature. There is threat, and there is no threat. And a wild animal, depending on its temper, may still attack you whether it sees you as a threat or not! The fact that it sees this docile human acting all submissive (or what we believe to be friendly) only tells the animal that there is no threat.

    Which can easily lead to a wild animal with a temper picking on you because you are not a threat. Animals dont have an innate code of conduct, they dont just attack because they feel threatened, wild animals can and do attack because they want to dominate you. For no evolutionary reason what so ever. Just because they know they can. It's the same principle as bullying, and it happens.
  10. Shrukin89

    Shrukin89 Valued Member

    I don't believe there would be a reason to dominate when there is no threat.
    What I mean by friendliness is that you don't have to necessarily go up to them in person to see if they're friendly or not. All you have to do is not invade their space. Just respect them. Then they won't bother to attack. It would be like another person trying to break into someone else's home. They're invading your space and property, as being "to our territory".

    I've seen no animal attack a human for the heck of it. There's a reason behind of why they attack us. If they're is no reason then that's their problem. And it also could be the season, whether it may be stock piling season or mating season. Tempers can change in those critters.

    Bully's pick on us, because they have nothing else better to do, they get "bored."

    If bullys didn't get bored then there would be no reason for them to attack, unless if they were on drugs or if something bad happened.

    But boredom was maybe the first cause then maybe it chains from another victim being the bully now from being abused, from that bully that became one from boredom.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  11. xen

    xen insanity by design

    check this bad-boy out :eek:

    would you want to get between him and his carrots?? :D

    Attached Files:

  12. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    I love giant rabbits. They're awesome. Imagine riding down to Tesco on one of those? :D
  13. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    until you **** it off and he bucks you off and then gives you a reverse back kick! :eek:

    silly rabbit... tricks are for kids. :D
  14. Shrukin89

    Shrukin89 Valued Member

    lol, I love that cereal
  15. M-Col

    M-Col New Member

    That's unbeleivable. I don't think I would go in the water if I lived down there.

    That giant rabbit is awsome. I've never seen one so big. Where do they live? What happened to his other ear.
  16. Angelus

    Angelus Waiting for summer :D

    so the sea lion thought the girl was a rag-doll?
  17. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"

    *Runs off to buy a giant rabbit*


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