Girl attacked by shark... oh wait a minute...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by slipthejab, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Wow! :eek:
    What a bummer for that poor girl. :cry:
  2. fruitjuice!

    fruitjuice! Banned Banned

  3. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    fruitjuice :rolleyes:
  4. 19thlohan

    19thlohan Beast and the Broadsword

    Wow, you never know what's gonna get you down there!
  5. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    err... why would that be hilarious. :confused:
    The poor kid got attacked and injured by a wild animal.
  6. boards

    boards Its all in the reflexes!

    Yeah they had this on the news here the other day. The wounds she had were pretty savage, going in her neck and jaw. Not something you expect to hear :eek:
  7. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    The poor girl lost three teeth and some bone in her jaw, the bite was so close to her carotid artery. Sheesh, and she seems positive, hope she recovers well.

    Fruitjuice on the other hand is a meathead.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  8. Fishbone.

    Fishbone. Banned Banned

    Saw it ages ago.. That'd ruin my life if I was her.

    3 teeth, I hope their not front ones.
  9. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

    Back in Azerbaijan, there would often be helicopters patrolling the coastal waters for groups of sea lions near resort towns on the Caspian. It is not so uncommon for them to attack, or at least in the Caspian it isn’t. When I was about 7 years old, I had a sea lion put its head on my foot underwater, scared the crap out of me, but they are kinda cute.
  10. Sgt_Major

    Sgt_Major Ex Global Mod Supporter

    scary stuff. Man isnt the dominant best in the water....
  11. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow

    ouch.... :eek:
    gotta hurt...
  12. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    That's right. Giant Squid pwns the waters!!!

    Come on Moosey have at it! :D
  13. fruitjuice!

    fruitjuice! Banned Banned

    Happens every day. Shouldn't be a surprise. Humans have always killed animals and animals have always killed humans. You're not safe from any wild animal. You're not safe in any wild environment.

    In Africa Mosquitos and countless insects slaughter people, elephants and hippos tear people's limbs off, lions and other carnivores take villagers. In India, the elephant there has racked up a serious body count of people.

    The fact is, wild animals kill and hurt people because they are not our friends and do not understand the words 'We come in peace'. I was merely showing amusement in this sea-lion scenario because hell it's an original one. Same way I laughed at Steve Irwin's demise at a bloody stingray. Same way I laughed when a metre long monitor lizard nearly tore the fingers off my left hand last year (since they're usually jumpy, cowardice little things that run away from anything). Not because another human being dying or being hurt is funny mind. Because fact is I know every day somebody is gonna get the brunt of an animal attack, so seeing something inventive every now and again is something to perk a smile over for me. Shouldn't be concerned over a stranger's well being anyway, particulalry if there was nothing you could have done about it.

    Most of you are probably thinking by now "If you find it so funny then I hope you meet a similar demise". And the truth is, with where my life is going now, I probably will. I can only hope I go out with style by an original animal attack, so that all you nice people will have another to add to your collection. I've got my eye on that dead whale shark found beached on a bay in cape point, cape town. I know it's just waiting for someone to get close so it can swallow them whole :p
  14. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"

    Really, even bunny rabbits? :p
  15. 2E0WHN

    2E0WHN Valued Member

    Or my pet rock? Even my ex called me an animal.... So are you lot unsafe from me?
  16. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"

    Tell us something we don't know :D
  17. 2E0WHN

    2E0WHN Valued Member

    I am not cross eyed.....
  18. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"

  19. 2E0WHN

    2E0WHN Valued Member

    Well you did ask.
  20. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    Animals are deadly, even ickle bunny wabbits:

    They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead. ...

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