G-8 Ninja VS Scottish Police Officer!

Discussion in 'Western Martial Arts' started by slipthejab, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    Scots Chav!

    Origin - Ned is a nickname for the name Edward, English slang for same name Ted, originally it was applied to teddy boys and just stuck as a name for ne'erdowells in general, now means
  2. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    Thought it'd be something like that. Now why are all boy racers called 'Kev' ;)
  3. Bassmonkey

    Bassmonkey Formerly Cobalt60

    Damned right!

    Chav scum!

    I feel sorry for our police (UK) They really are upgainst the odds when it comes to voilent encounters with the public. The minute they strike anyone anywhere they would probably be sued thanks to the wonderful mentalilty the americans have massively advertised!

    And i agree with slips statement so much me thinks its worth sigging!

    (sorry to rant there, and no offence meant)
  4. RAbid Hamster

    RAbid Hamster Herr Trubelmacher

    I dont think you could offend anyone on this forum with the above. To be a martial artist you need discipline and a desire to work so as to improve ... things that are sadly lacking from our nasty little underclass.

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