Flat earthers?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Dead_pool, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    Can confirm. The scientists I've known tend to either abstain completely or have experimented with an assortment of drugs and smoke a lot of reefer.

    It means they know the truth about 9/11: that it was a false flag operation initiated by George W. Bush/the Bilderberg Group/Reptilians/etc.

    I think we really need to radically reconceptualize how we teach science. Memorization doesn't stick with you, even year to year, but concepts are enduring and showing students how to think like a scientist is an enduring skill. I'm in a science education course now though, and you would not believe how ignorant of the scientific process, or science itself, most science teachers are. It's really a terrible situation. So they rely on memorization based tests with easy right or wrong answers because most of them don't understand the underlying concepts or how we got to them themselves.

    Terrible situation.
  2. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Sure, I meant more the scientific method, critical thinking, weighing evidence and sources etc...

    Knowing scientists who smoke weed.

    It's very easy to roll out the dumb stoner stereotype, but the reality, as always, is far more nuanced.

    Yeah, I'd buy that. Definitely it takes an arrogant character to talk about subjects they know nothing about publicly. But there is still the issue that a failing in education (whether that lies with him not educating himself, or the state not educating him to a sufficient level) has led him to be unable to tell the difference between expert analysis and demonstrably false imaginings.

    Still though, I've known plenty of people like Eddie Bravo (inquisitive without the critical faculties to discern viable data from junk), and I cannot think where the buck could possibly stop other than the education system they went through.

    I want to be clear that I'm not necessarily blaming individual teachers, as they are largely prisoner to terrible education policies.
  3. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    LOL! Excuse me as I laugh. :D Truther, birther -- got it.

    I believe it. A couple years back, early 2015, I started taking classes to get a "STEM" teaching certificate -- Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. I have an MS in math and I took several physics and engineering courses as an undergraduate, so, sure, why not? But I quit because the classes were crap. The stuff they have to digest and regurgitate is gobbly-gook nonsense. Yet those are our teachers?? :cry:
  4. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    The conspiracy theory stuff is getting scary; recently I recall some of the parents of the kids who were killed at Sandy Hook getting harassed by people claiming that it was a conspiracy to take away citizen's guns.

    Yup, that's the same program I'm in now. I'm getting certified as a chemistry/biology/STEM education teacher and getting a masters out of it. Most of the teachers do not have any lab experience whatsoever. :[
  5. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    More than harassed, one of them received a death threat.

    I wonder where they got the idea from...

  6. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Its not smoking weed per say thay causes dumbness, but that the type of person who ignores advice to not smoke weed at school, also tend to be dumb.

    Of course later on plenty of people smoke weed and are super intelligent.

    But the weed doesn't cause they're high IQ either.
  7. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    has he changed his mind about moon landings now?

    Thats one of the many reasons I stopped listening to his show, too many people taking fun stoner talk as facts!
  8. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    yes dead_pool, apparently he's changed his mind about the moon landing. we should be thankful for small miracles.
  9. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Joe rogans recent FB post - "A lot of people ask me, "why do you give a DAM if people believe dumb STUFF like the idea that the earth is flat?" And the best answer is because I've fallen for A LOT of stupid STUFF myself and I wish I had someone to point out just how dumb some of it was before I got too invested in it.

    Here's a great example of stupid STUFF I was obsessed with: flying rods. @eddiebravo10 and I smoked the devil's cabbage one day and watched this documentary that claimed that there were these alien-like jellyfish looking tubes that were flying in the air all around us and moving so fast that the naked eye couldn't pick them up, but that you could capture them with a video camera.
    I was completely freaked out. I couldn't shut the HELL up about it either, so I'm sure I was extra annoying to people who probably didn't give a STUFF, but had to sit through my stupid explanation of these supernatural beings zipping through the air all around us.

    Turns out that these things are actually just bugs flying fast and flapping their wings in front of the camera producing an effect called "motion blur" when the video camera has longer exposure times. Years later a show called "Monster Quest" filmed a bunch of bugs with 2 cameras. One was high speed, and one was standard. In the high speed one you just saw bugs, but in the slower exposure footage the same bugs looked like alien tubes flying through the air. Needless to say I felt like a BLESSED idiot, and I couldn't believe how much of my precious time I had wasted thinking about this "mystery."

    Conspiracy theories are fascinating and very compelling. I completely understand their appeal. Part of the appeal is that you know something that the rest of the world isn't aware of, and there's this almost overwhelming compulsion to let others in on this hidden truth. A great percentage of the time, however, that hidden "truth" is just nonsense."
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
  10. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    so this is interesting....

    i need to find a way to talk to my kids without being 'that' parent.

    there is some research out there that using marijuana at a young age can lead to developmental issues with the brain. i want to convey that to my kids. i'm fine with them doing whatever they want when they're adults--really, i am. but i know if i try to tell them this stuff as kids and as teenagers, i'm just going to be giovanni-downer and they'll just ignore me.

    sorry for the off-topic. just came to my mind as i'm reading your post.

    in a lot of ways, sex is so much easier for me to talk about than drugs and alcohol.

    like i wish i would know then what i know now about alcohol: one drink is great, and that's enough. which should be the maxim for all (legal) drugs: do a little, and infrequently.
  11. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    This research?


    Well, being an adolescent is all about finding your boundaries, isn't it? Like being a toddler, or going through a mid-life crisis. If you never go to extremes, you don't know where the happy medium is.

    If I had kids, I'd sleep a lot easier at night knowing my kids were smoking bowls and incurring a slight loss in brain function than if they were out getting drunk and having sex. Death by misadventure and babies are a lot scarier to me than a poor academic record.
  12. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    When I worked in mental healthcare, the acute wards were full of young stoners, whether weed caused the problems, or they were self medicating with the weed I don't know.

    But it makes you wish that they still grew low yield strains for the young ones.

    ideally you need to find someone really uncool who smoked and tell your kids your a massive fan of theres!
  13. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    My mum worked in a spinal injuries unit that was full of kids who were drunk at the time of their accident. I know which I'd rather have, if I had to choose one, for my child.

    I think one of the problems is people self-medicating cannabis for anxiety, not realising that it actually stimulates the adrenal glands and exacerbates anxiety.

    If we're talking anecdotes, then all the kids I knew from my youth who had psychiatric problems and smoked weed already had psychiatric problems. I'm certainly not someone who says that cannabis is harmless and the answer to all the world's problems, it can definitely exacerbate agoraphobic tendencies and induce anxiety attacks.

    It's still a lot safer for all involved than alcohol though.


    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
  14. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    Boom! Bottom of the list!
  15. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

  16. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Also depends on how the cannabis is taken, surely? Many users smoke it with tobacco, if not most.

    It's only anecdotal, but I saw a number of kids using cannabis, muchrooms etc who were way out of their depth when I was teaching 16-18 year olds. There were many issues surrounding their use, not least of which was that it was constant. They turned up in the morning stoned, topped up during the day on skunk and mushrooms, then went home to "relax" with more.

    These kids weren't smoking the occasional joint, they were the equivalent of the alcoholic who starts the day with half a pint of vodka and builds up from there.

    They were barely functioning, not just slightly impairing themselves. Many talked about careers they were going to have, but honestly they were going nowhere.

    I felt incredibly sad to see them so literally and figuratively wasted.

  17. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Well, tobacco is a separate issue really. In Europe it's common to smoke cannabis with tobacco, but not in the US and Canada.

    As for the above; yes, people who are high all the time won't tend to get far in socioeconomic terms (unless they are in the BJJ industry :p ). I think that's a given. But there is still the fact that those kids were putting themselves at less risk than if they were drinking alcohol every day, or stealing their mum's prescription downers or whatever.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
  18. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

  19. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    nicola AND boris? wow.
  20. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Presumably not at the same party :D

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