Exhaling on strikes, mouth guards, and tongue/tooth safety?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Morik, May 27, 2019.

  1. Morik

    Morik Well-Known Member Supporter MAP 2017 Gold Award

    The other day during drills, I was exhaling with my strikes as usual (with a generic gel mouth guard), and noticed that my method of exhale involved opening my mouth a bit (teeth not clamped together) and my tongue coming forward a bit.

    I recently started sparring. For some reason I hadn't thought of it until that drilling class the other day, but I noticed that if I caught an uppercut or anything that would cause my lower jaw to crash into my upper jaw, I would likely hurt my tongue. I tried exhaling with my teeth fully closed, and it was much much harder to move the air through.

    I assume it would be good to get in the habit of being able to breathe while keeping my teeth closed, or most of the way closed, to reduce injury risk?
    Would a custom mouth guard, the type dentists provide, be easier to breathe in? I've heard they are easier, but I never had trouble breathing with a generic boil-and-bite gel mouthguard. Then again, maybe the way I am breathing in it is opening me up for tongue/tooth injuries...

    What is the proper technique for breathing in a mouthguard without exposing yourself to tongue/tooth injury? Should I be keeping my teeth together for the most part?
  2. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    As usual JV has the answers.

    You'll also note some similarities with the video I shot earlier in the week for the boxing thread.

    I suggest shadow boxing with the mouthguard. That will help you get your breathing down before you start sparring.

    It's like everything else. Practice makes perfect.

    Grond, axelb and Morik like this.
  3. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    It takes time to get used to it.
    I wonder if part of the process is your adrenaline or anxiety might be higher when there is something in your mouth restricting air, which can cause quicker energy drain.

    Train with it as much as possible and the highlighted video techniques will help you on the way :)

    I used to do bag work and shadow boxing for rounds when training for a fight.
    I felt like it helped condition me to it immensely.
    Morik and Grond like this.
  4. Grond

    Grond Valued Member

    I definitely did. I didn't post that particular JV video in the other thread because I liked his other one better, but JV's channel has a whole bunch worth watching all the way through. Basic stuff....hot heads ignore this stuff, whereas wise men stop and observe.

    I have a silly sounding but definitely interesting experiment for all you boxers to attempt. Take your mouthpiece to the local swimming hole and practice swimming, treading water etc., with the piece in and see what happens. I had the mind to try this once, and an hour with the mouthpiece in the pool was a mind expanding experience in learning to breathe with something funny in your mouth. Your nose is designed for only breathing, your mouth is shall we say, multipurpose. Learning to nose breath is valuable, but like JV says if your nose gets clogged with snot or blood, you may have to improvise ;), which is were practice makes progress. Think of your mouth breathing as your backup option, if your nose fails.
    axelb and Morik like this.
  5. Morik

    Morik Well-Known Member Supporter MAP 2017 Gold Award

    I'll have to try bringing my mouthguard to the pool and experiencing how horribly funny I'm sure I'll be trying to breathe through it keeping my teeth closed.
    Grond likes this.
  6. Morik

    Morik Well-Known Member Supporter MAP 2017 Gold Award

    So I didn't pack my mouthguard today before I left, and went swimming. I tried just breathing with my teeth together, both from mouth & nose.
    Total disaster. With the nose, there seems to be some period after coming out of the water where if I inhale I get a bunch of water up my nose. With just the mouth & teeth closed I can't get enough air before my face goes back under.
    I think I'll have to just practice on my heavy bag (it will be back up soon!) and at class.
    Grond and axelb like this.
  7. Grond

    Grond Valued Member

    Thank you so much. You proved Simon's point, JV's point, and mine. Breathing is all easy and stuff until your nose is not a breathing option, and your mouth might have something in it as well. OH bother, right?? But, consider this. You have lived your whole life breathing through rough periods, right? SO the better trained you are at this one thing...breathing under fire...

    Dead_pool and Morik like this.
  8. Monkey_Magic

    Monkey_Magic Well-Known Member

    Even without a mouthguard, I think swimming can improve breathing and breath control.

    Learning to swim with good technique includes learning very relaxed breathing whilst exercising hard: a useful skill for martial arts!

    In my experience, yes. Ever since I had my dentist make a custom mouthguard, I’ve found breathing far easier. Not cheap, but the mouthguard’s lasted a decade and still works brilliantly.
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
    Grond and Morik like this.
  9. Grond

    Grond Valued Member

    Another thing to consider is that cost and design play a huge part in how you adapt to breathing through the guard. Compare the $10 price difference and the fact that the first guard is what most people would be comfortable with, and the second probably isn't for everyone but has visibly better airflow. I haven't used the latter but I might try it. I like breathing..and it claims to come with a $10,000 dental warranty.

    Evershield Double Mouthguard | Everlast

    Fang Double Braces Mouthguard
  10. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    If you have issues breathing through your nose, you can also look into trying an OTC anti congestion nasel spray, and/or breath right nasal strips.

    It's made a huge difference to my fitness/rolling.
    Grond and axelb like this.
  11. Morik

    Morik Well-Known Member Supporter MAP 2017 Gold Award

    I don't know that I have much trouble breathing through my nose in class--ill have to monitor it actively next time and make sure I'm actually trying to breathe through my nose.

    I do know my nose starts running like a faucet after getting tapped in light sparring... So I imagine learning to make do without the nose available, at least some of the time, would be a good skill to learn.

    I'll try to practice more limited breathing while swimming (teeth together or mostly together, bise when I can, etc).

    Maybe I'll ask my dentist about custom mouth guards.
    Grond likes this.
  12. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    There's companies around that will do a custom Mouthguard for you, from an Impression you do yourself, if your dentist is too expensive, look into that option too.
    Grond likes this.
  13. Grond

    Grond Valued Member

    I get nose irritation from that stuff especially the sprays. You know what works really well, though in a pinch? Mentholated rubs, BenGay, etc. These substances are counterirritants, and they loosen up congestion fast. Even a bloody nose, if you're that desperate. You can literally rub this under your nose and it's better than a dozen Buffalo style hot wings. You have to be careful around your eyes but basically, if it works for an upper respiratory infection, it probably does a good job opening up your nasal passage.
  14. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    How does that work in sparring?

    Isn't their a risk it'll get on the other guys glove, and then all over your face?

    Have you tried a sodium chloride nasel spray/douche?
    Grond likes this.
  15. Grond

    Grond Valued Member

    Like netti? No not while training but definitely after. The trouble with just salt water spray ( or netti for that matter) is it can just end up clogging your sinus anyway and it's not that effective if you're already clogged up whereas menthol vapor immediately loosens the clog up.

    And correct this is something for in between rounds if you're having trouble, not in the middle of things. A corner function. If you are gloved and taped up, you need someone to apply and remove it before you go back in. I just use the stick applicator type, wait a few minutes, and then remove with a wet towel or something.

    I know somebody would just chew a couple Halls cough drops in between rounds. That another neat trick. Obviously, do not continue sparring with that in your mouth.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  16. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Xylometasone unclogs me for about twelve hours, or a saline douche once a day keeps my nasel passages completely clear, (once I'd had my nose reset, under anethestic). If you have nasel issues normally, then getting them clear for everyday life, helps more then a cough sweet during.
    Grond and axelb like this.

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