Don't take offense just asking

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by rivend, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. rivend

    rivend Valued Member

    I am not directing this to any particular post/thread or any particular person. But from listening to a serious conversation over the weekend I want to share this here.

    Do you as a person need to get over yourself, before you ruin friendships or a serious relationship with someone.Are you so self important and egotistical, that you have possibly created some situations that may end up causing you pain and suffering and loss down the road.

    If you can take a serious look at yourself and come out of yourself it may save you grief and pain in the future.

    This was a subject someone brought up and this question was directed at someone in particular.Who is in my opinion in need of taking a serious look outside the box.

    And the individual asking and confronting this person with this meant this as a help, and not a criticism or put down.No tempers flared up and the talk remained friendly but I think we are still considered not as smart or in the know as the high and mighty one we asked this to.
  2. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    yes, occasionally :)

    have you asked the question to yourself too?
  3. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    Doesn't everyone live in a greenhouse?
  4. rivend

    rivend Valued Member

    Yes constantly I try to live by this way of looking at things.But self awareness sometimes doesn't come easy to some. And when they fall or lose something they thought they owned it is a bitter wake up call.
  5. Kurtka Jerker

    Kurtka Jerker Valued Member

    Oh of course. All the time I wonder if something I've done or said is right or prudent. The line between hard truths and needless or even incorrect abrasiveness is something I struggle with all the time. I like to think I'm doing the right thing more often than not but I've looked back and felt I either that what I did was misguided and rude or that it was functionally correct but poorly executed more than once.

    On the other hand, I've many a time wished someone had backed me into a corner and left me with no option but to confront my mistake or misconception rather than play politely around the edges and let me continue in ignorance, so it's hardly a science on either side.
  6. Pitfighter

    Pitfighter Valued Member

    Don't ever tell a fat girl she's fat!
  7. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    We are individuals. As individuals we have our own opinions. And we know the cliche' about "opinions"
  8. tonyv107

    tonyv107 Valued Member

    Yes, I have been told that I'm a huge **** (sorry!) on several occasions by my sisters, GF and other friends. The problem is I can be pretty blunt and I make jokes and tease people. The reason is because at my job my coworkers and I are constantly ripping on eachother to make the day go by faster. Unfortunately most people have the hide of a newborn piggy =P.

    On a serious note, I do realize that I need to learn to bite my tongue because my crude humor can put people off. Even though I'm a pretty friendly guy (besides the teasing).
  9. rivend

    rivend Valued Member

    Your honesty impresses me
  10. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Which is it, are you pretty or friendly? :eek:

    (Guys don't want to come off as pretty):confused:
  11. tonyv107

    tonyv107 Valued Member

    Ok fairly friendly lol
  12. tonyv107

    tonyv107 Valued Member

    Ok fairly friendly lol
  13. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    As long as it isn't fairy friendly....LOL
  14. tonyv107

    tonyv107 Valued Member

    Only on a Tuesday my friend.
  15. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

  16. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    That depends on circumstances. I've grown apart from some friends because they had such obnoxious friends with 'issues'. Of course they might have thought I was the one with issues. A couple I've mentioned in another thread where one woman glassed another in my local pub. Another was in a relationship with a muso friend but lost it in a Betty style and is in hospital as far as I know. There are others. I haven't stayed in touch when friends have got into relationships and only meet friends as groups, mostly because of my sensitivity to friends of friends, which is a shame
  17. illegalusername

    illegalusername Second Angriest Mapper

    My ex kept telling people that i'm an egomaniac and when i heard about it i was like woman that's like getting ****ed that your jar of peanut butter doesn't have a warning label saying "may contain traces of peanut"
  18. rivend

    rivend Valued Member

    Certain successful pursuits or careers in life are pushed forward and constantly motivated because the individual is a egomaniac and self absorbed.
  19. Hatamoto

    Hatamoto Beardy Man Kenobi Supporter

    I totally need to get past myself. Only yesterday my girlfriend and me had a bit of a sensitive conversation about how I close myself off when I'm depressed and don't notice how it might be affecting others around me, such as her feeling pushed away and like her feelings don't matter. I've been told I'm selfish more than a couple of times through the years and yesterday was quite disappointed to find it's still the case :/

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