Does Jujutsu Have the Leopard’s Paw?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Self Defense Geek 89, Feb 7, 2021.

  1. Hi. I have been looking all over the internet and I couldn’t find a clearcut answer and I was hoping that I could get one here. Does Jujutsu have the Hiraken Tsuki (Leopard’s Paw) as a vital area strike? Or does anyone know if the Samurai used it? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out with this.
  2. Nojon

    Nojon Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein

    The name of the system escapes me, but I had seen it done to the back of a hand that was holding a weapon...followed by a kote gaeshi/omote gyaku.
  3. Dunc

    Dunc Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    If you mean striking with the palm of the hand then yes it’s used a lot
  4. Actually, I mean with the fore-knuckles. Another term for the strike in question is the Half-Fist.
  5. Dunc

    Dunc Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Can you explain more precisely please - any videos?
  6. hewho

    hewho Valued Member

    Do you mean this shape? I'm yet to come across it, though my experience is limited. I can ask my instructor?
    16131286533995037252345821349474.jpg 16131286816594490325065425060748.jpg
  7. Alansmurf

    Alansmurf Aspire to Inspire before you Expire Supporter

    Yes its used ..strikes to arms legs kidlies neck etc
  8. hewho

    hewho Valued Member

    Did you teach a leg strike with this at a MAP meet Smurf? or was it a single knuckle? I recall a dead leg or two :D
    Alansmurf likes this.
  9. Here’s a video. It’s the third animal. (

  10. Yes, that’s the one. And it would help if you asked your instructor, thanks in advance.
  11. Alansmurf

    Alansmurf Aspire to Inspire before you Expire Supporter

    Yes indeed I probably did ..

    hewho likes this.
  12. Dunc

    Dunc Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Yes it’s used in some styles as a primary fist
    Generally speaking there are a very broad/open range of fists taught to give you a lot of flexibility in terms of targets, angles and limitations in terms of power generation
    hewho likes this.
  13. Tom bayley

    Tom bayley Valued Member

    or you could use it like this :)

    in practice it is actually a half striking half grappling hand. not necessarily the best for either but with great flexibility of application.

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