Do you/have you smoked tobacco?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Judderman, May 7, 2004.


Have you or do you smoke tobbacco?

  1. Never smoked

    398 vote(s)
  2. I quit

    238 vote(s)
  3. I smoke, but only socially

    78 vote(s)
  4. I'm a smoker

    106 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    it's easier to never start then it is to quit :) unfortunately being a regular passive smoker makes you much more likely to start as the nicottine is already in your system.
  2. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    Don't start man. It's not a good habit for anything.

    Smokers like myself do it cuz we're . . . well hooked. Half addiction, and half habit.

    It feels damn good.

    If you gotta smoke something go to a Hookah bar once in a while, those are nice. Straight tobacco no nicotine in the sheesha.
  3. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    Yeah well I don't plan on to be fighting past my 30's anyway.

    Want to get as much competition and stuff done as early as possible.

    Love smoking too much cannot quit.
  4. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    switch to weed mate better buzz and no nicotine
  5. DaeHanL

    DaeHanL FortuneCracker

    my pop always told me to smoke a 'j' and not a cigarettes. at least one gets you high. lol
  6. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    It doesn't that's addiction. A cigarette gives you enough nicotine for 5-10 minutes. After that you start getting sick, craving nicotine. A little later on you notice you don't feel so good, might come as tension, bad temper, even feeling slightly ill. Guess what fixes the feeling? That's your feeling damn good:bang: 'till the next time. They cure your addiction, nothing more.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
  7. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    you okay Md? you just wrote a serious post
  8. rtkd-badger

    rtkd-badger Fundimentaly Manipulated

    Give the crap up, I smoked for years and all it did for me was send me backwards. I gave up about 3 years ago, never looked back.
  9. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    Happens now and again:cool:

    Well once now anyway:bang:
  10. bewatermyfriend

    bewatermyfriend Valued Member

    I smoked for approximately 15 years. When I began studying kung fu, I felt like I could be a bad influence on the children in class if they smelled the smoke on me or if they ever saw me smoking outside of class. It was sort of the final straw that led me to quit nearly four years ago. My mother-in-law's doctor suggested a book called The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. She said she had a 100% success rate with her patients using this book. My wife and I read the book, and as I have already mentioned, we have not had any type of tobacco or nicotine substitute in nearly four years. I am grateful for this. I never think about smoking and am absolutely shocked that I harmed my body, mind, and spirit for so long. If anyone wants to quit, please try this book. You can get it on Amazon.
  11. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    You can get it from his link 4 posts back or even do it online now (not as good) Best bet is to go the whole hog and see one of his reps. in person. He makes cigarettes taste bad.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
  12. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    No. I hate weed. I've tried it and hate it.

    If I was going to take "drugs" I would rather take ecstasy/cocaine or just drink a crapload of alcohol.

    Weed just sucks in my opinion. Makes you lazy and don't want to accomplish anything.
  13. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    as opposed to coke which messes you up?
  14. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    I don't do any hard drugs recreationally to begin with. I've tried several different things, and ALL of them are better than weed.

    So at the "rate" I do ANYTHING, really, IF I do plan on getting messed up, it might as well be something harder and better feeling.

    Yes cocaine at higher doses can really screw you up.

    But just doing it a few times, in your lifetime, does not affect anything.
  15. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    fair enough.i dont plan on doing anything so im not too fussed :D
  16. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    makes you eat the pack one after the other? thats what my bro said he'd make me do
  17. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    No he just tells it as it is. He believes it's easy to stop smoking. It's the tobacco companies that have created the myth it's difficult. I know a couple of people gave up through this system.

    .........and coke is Gods way of telling you you have too much money:cool:
  18. DaeHanL

    DaeHanL FortuneCracker

    i read the book and quit for 4 mos. i eventually went back, but that's a long story.
  19. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    It's a clever book. I think visiting an area rep would be the best choice though. You can even do it online but I don't think it's as good.
  20. DaeHanL

    DaeHanL FortuneCracker

    i would have quit indefinitely, but i went to a race that was sponsored by marlboro and scoal. i go the tickets from marlboro, so in order to go in i had to try product. i tried the dip thinking it was better than trying a cig. before you know it, i'm hooked on nicotine again, and i dipped for a day on their free sample. after a day i thought to myself, 'this crap is gross, i'm just going to buy some smokes.' haha. gotta feed the addiction...

    so now i stay away from all products that have nicotine. learned my lesson

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