
Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Zinowor, Jun 27, 2014.

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  1. Zinowor

    Zinowor Moved on

    MAP and Zinowor are getting a divorce. Too many feminists and holier than thou people on this forum. I never really grounded here, because of that, and it would seem I overstayed my welcome.

    No hard feelings, it just wasn't meant to be.

    Goodbye everyone. :D

    p.s. How can I delete my account? Or could a mod do it for me?
  2. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    They can't be deleted, just noted as "moved on." If its a divorce can we get half your stuff? :p

    Best of luck mate
  3. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Who are you, again?
  4. Zinowor

    Zinowor Moved on

    Hi, my name is Threadkiller. Nice to meet you.
  5. Zinowor

    Zinowor Moved on

    I know what I can do. I'll put a new password on it, that's impossible to remember and I won't write it down anywhere. I'd have to do the whole reset thing before I could login, so I'll go with that.

    I'll stay for a bit to say my farewells, and then I'm "moved on"
  6. Rhythmkiller

    Rhythmkiller Animo Non Astutia

    Hey Zinowor,

    what exactly is the issue? I never seen you in any bother here and found you generally pleasant. Is it maybe something that can be resolved?

  7. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    Too many feminists? On MAP? You're playing with us, right?
  8. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    If you don't support equality for women then quite frankly I AM holier than thou.
    What a strange reason to leave a forum.
    "The people here are far too progressive and inclusive of others...I'm off".
  9. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Why do you have to go through all that? Do you not have the self control to just not log in if you don't want to?

    And if you are so tempted to log in that you have to go through all that, maybe you really don't want to be "divorcing?"

    I mean, I don't get it. Just don't log on if you don't want to. Why all the grandiose plotting and public announcements to make sure you cannot log on in the future?
  10. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    You ever slam the door when you've got sick of an argument?
    "Well I've had enough...so there!...SLAM!"
    It's like doing that.
    There's no point leaving unless people know why your leaving.
  11. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    Catch ye man, have a good one :)
  12. ned

    ned Valued Member

    Keep up,it's not a divorce any more its a 'conscious uncoupling'
    -oh hang on,sorry thats a feminist construct :p
  13. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    Can't help myself…

    [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=912DKxD0H1U"]Tammy Wynette - "D-I-V-O-R-C-E" - YouTube[/ame]
  14. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    Who will get custody of your "thanks"'s?

    Oh won't somebody think of the "thanks"!?!
  15. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    Sorry dude but to be honest you flew way below my radar. Ta Ta.
  16. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    This is like someone slamming the door and no one noticing, so they announce "I am slamming the door now Hey does anyone know how I can slam it harder?"

    If one is going to get on any forum, one has to deal with opposing viewpoints. I have had to deal with serious homophobes spewing some pretty aweful stuff. I don't go around slamming any doors. I just discuss the issue- sometimes passionately and strongly, but it is just a discussion. If one cannot handle discussion from multiple points of view, then a forum is not a good place to be.

    I can only imagine the thread on "hitting like a girl" is the thread that is so offensive to zinowar and that I am one of the primary "feminists" as I basically got that all started and split off into its own thread by my responses. Oh well, if raising a discussion point on sexism in martial arts is so challenging that one has do declare "I am sexist at my core" (quote from zinowar) and then slam the door and quit, I am really not all that sympathetic.

    Zinowar, are the thoughts of asking one to think through your self proclaimed core sexism so challenging that it makes you so unfomforatble, you have to run away completely rather than discuss? Or you can simply ignore a thread without quitting a forum? No, I still don't get it. I may have had it explained, but it makes no sense.

    Verbal sparring is just like sparring. One has to be able to give and take hits goodnaturedly. Seriously, we are martial artists. I would expect us all to have decently thick skins.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  17. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    Before getting on any forum one should sharpen one's verbal machete. No quarter asked, none given.

    BTW zinowar, you probably want to stay away from Bullshido.
  18. Zinowor

    Zinowor Moved on

    Hmm, actually I barely read the "hit like a girl" thread, so don't worry about it. It's not you. There is someone however who I particularly don't butter well with and he probably knows who he is, so I don't need to mention it. Not you, Ero.

    The real problem I think is that I'm too much of a traditionalist. MAP has too many New World ideologies and I just can't bring myself to go along with that. All of my instincts keep telling me otherwise, so I don't see the point in continuing this.

    There are other, more important, areas I wish to better myself in, but I can't better myself if I don't recognize the problem.

    I honestly think there is nothing wrong with believing that men and women are different.

    I don't particularly like the MAP humor and I've learned all that I needed on MAP about martial arts.
  19. Zinowor

    Zinowor Moved on

    I won't be joining any MA forums, so don't worry.
  20. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Bet this thread isn't going the way you imagined, eh?
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