Christian Based Martial Art

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Rojack79, Oct 7, 2015.

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  1. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    I'll be honest I was expecting him to be banned by now. :D
  2. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    Why does the US constitution give citizens the right to carry guns but not swords? That seems illogical. Surely the principle is the same? :confused:
  3. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    Do you think if everyone carried big swords that people would learn to use them? Like, instead of guns you could only carry swords over 3 feet in length. Would more people train to use them? Would people prefer the katana over the claymore?

    Also, why does nobody who talk about self protection wear bullet proof vests?
  4. Ultima Ratio

    Ultima Ratio New Member

    Chadderz, I can't resist the bait!

    Are you japanese? That is about the only reason I can think of to give your style a japanese name that is not totally ridiculous. Even then, I'm not convinced. I know us westerners love everything japanese and samurai, but do you have any reason to use a japanese name other than it sounds cool?

    Your sword style might also sound good if you said it in Hebrew. Oooh, or better yet Arabic.

    سيف الله
    sayf alllah

    The sword of allah! Check out them squiggles!

    At least these languages have attached cultures with a long history of belief in the abrahamic god. Less than 3% of japan is christian. In fact, the majority of japan seems to claim no religion at all.

    Man, maybe if god had leant a hand during the shimabara rebellion, things would be different. But I guess he doesn't like to get involved like that. I'm glad he has time to give you dreams of sticking dudes with pointy objects though.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
  5. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Modern science has a name for those visions... schizophrenic hallucinations.
  6. Rhythmkiller

    Rhythmkiller Animo Non Astutia

    If your inspiration is based in divinity then more power to you, nothing wrong with that. Try and come back down to earth though.

    As others have said, study with a proffesional and learn your craft otherwise you could get hurt or more seriously you could hurt someone else.

  7. Johnno

    Johnno Valued Member

    I'm still not clear about what is specifically 'Christian' about this martial art.
  8. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member


    Where are you based?
  9. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    Tucson, AZ.
  10. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Apart from the "go train" message, I don't think this is helpful at all, aaradia.

    Just because some traditions require you to navigate self-made paranoia and manufactured malevolence, doesn't mean it's actually doing anyone any good, or that those practices are there for any good reason. "Purification" and "testing spirits" are only required if that is the experience you want to play with. Otherwise, you are planting unneeded paranoia into an experience that could otherwise be perfectly benign, or even beneficial in some ways.

    It's like asking someone who's tripping if they feel okay. You've planted a seed of doubt that they must now overcome.

    This outdated Freudian idea of competing selves, saying that some things are product of "ego", others "id", and all the good stuff is "superego" or whatever. That's not very helpful either. It's a terrible mixture of modernist-esque ideas of progress mixed with old dualist notions of transcendence.

    If you don't believe it's God, then it's imagination. The only way that is going to lead to lead to mental illness (or at least mental illness with detrimental symptoms) is if you plant enough seeds of paranoia and doubt. That is why esoteric practices send some people crazy - not because there is any inherent danger in dealing with "spirits", but because some traditions and groups want you to believe there is, and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
  11. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    It came from God.

    How much more Christian can you get?
  12. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    If someone that's done a regular non-god sword art beats the god sword guy in a sword fight does that mean god created a weapon based mcdojo?
  13. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Of course not!

    That would come down to a spiritual failing on the part of the receptor of holy sword skills, obviously ;)
  14. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Equally though, if someone IS choosing to navigate this particular path there is no way you will dissuade them by pointing out facts - then it IS important to put such safeguards and practices in place.

    From a purely psychological viewpoint alone they ensure a state of "right mind", or "spiritual placebo" that may cause pause even if just for a moment; from a more esoteric viewpoint the same applies, albeit the consequences are seen as from "external forces"

    From my perspective the OP is "positive trolling" - there is no way he can seriously believes this is divinely inspired and instead I think he was aiming for the "wow cool!" factor

    Needless to say his aim was terrible
  15. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Personally, I have no interest in his motivations. I found it entertaining :)
  16. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Personally I feel the urge to go full berserker mode on him and scream "WHERE IS THY GOD NOW?!?!?!?" after my inevitable victory!

    That is my default state though, so read nothing into it......
  17. Ero-Sennin

    Ero-Sennin Well-Known Member Supporter

  18. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

  19. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    I know EXACTLY what you are thinking Dean....
  20. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Actually, they are.
    The OP said his he received messages from the Christian God. So, that's the context we're working in, and in that context -- as well of that of any other theistic religion that I'm aware of -- there most certainly are ceremonies and long traditions of required purification and testing of spirits.

    Our buddy Aaradia was spot on, and the OP is wildly off the mark.

    Consider even Buddhism, which though it often recognizes deities is not a theistic religion. One will find time-tested purification rituals and checks-and-balances for discerning whether the experiences from deep meditation were genuine or not. Same idea as what Aaradia was saying. It's common in religion -- yet our OP is foolishly not doing it.

    (I think the explanation is that the OP a troll making up a story, but that's just me.)
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