
Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by matt271, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. matt271

    matt271 New Member

    how does chi to work??
    i studied physics in highscool, and dont see where chi fits in.
    i rem a girl tried to show me some karate stand that was "perfect" and made it so she could hold all the weight on her body. then she says "1 finger out of place..." and her knee like dropped. i suspected she did this on purpose. but i keep hearing references to it now.
    i thought maybe the position of the legs spread the force out or something, but if that was the case, fingers wouldnt make a difference.
  2. Taoquan

    Taoquan Valued Member

  3. Terao

    Terao Valued Member

    :D This is why chi is so much better than science class.
  4. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Depends on what you believe to chi to be. And there are a lot of theories. Personally I think most of it is down to mental attitude.
  5. jkzorya

    jkzorya Moved on by request

  6. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

    LOL... another chi thread... :D :bang: :eek: :cry: I'm overwhelmed with it.. ;)

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