Bruce Lee: An Untimely Death

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by wayofthedragon, Nov 7, 2002.


What do you think about this suggestion?

  1. I agree

    20 vote(s)
  2. I disagree

    14 vote(s)
  3. It is possible

    6 vote(s)
  4. Bruce Lee is dead:confused:

    8 vote(s)
  1. Adam

    Adam New Member

    I don't care about how Brucie died, as he is (sadly) dead, but I do have one question: How did the vote count on this poll get up to over 3000! One of the mods or a good hacker must feel strongly about this topic.
  2. SoKKlab

    SoKKlab The Cwtch of Death!

    In terms of his Legend,
    It's probably better that he did Die, that way, he was guaranteed an Iconic status and the Poster sales industry award for best seller, along with Che Guevara and James Dean.

    Just imagine if he was now a Fat balding 63 Year old, living in a Caravan park in Essex, East England somewhere, broken by the machinations of the Film Industry and despairing of Jeet Kune Do as it is today?!

    No Gods No Masters...
  3. wayofthedragon

    wayofthedragon The Defender

    A hacker:eek:.....wasn't me.....I promise
  4. Marku

    Marku Banned Banned

    Way of the dragon was when he was at his best (Physcialy) If bruce lived on maybe he would of shown the world more than he did(his philosophy was good). More about jeet kune do and other stuff would of been awsome. This guy probably did deserve most of the fame he got, defininity one of the best martial artists of the 20th century. He was the 1st of many things(first famous asian guy in the world, first to use nunchuku's on screen?, he created his own style that's unique ) etc. Im too tired to write in too much detail but anyone here who know anything about bruce lee will know what i mean.
  5. smee193

    smee193 New Member

    I think more than anything he did Bruce made a lot of todays greatest martial artists what they are!

    He opened the world of M.A to audiences all over the world.

    how many of us as youngsters dreamt of being bruce? i know i did in fact i still do.

    how many times have you made bruce lee noises?
    how many times have you made bruce lee moves?

    Great men are few and far between I am not one but i am grateful that i have had the chance to view one of the best!

  6. SoKKlab

    SoKKlab The Cwtch of Death!

    I watched Fists of Fury again recently (The one in Shanghai 1908 for people in the USA) and I forgot that he could actually act...He doesn't get enough credit for his acting.

    Bruce Lee was an interesting guy, a great Martial Artist, a good actor-but the man was NOT a God.

    And he's been dead for thirty years and has now become a major industry, probably against his wishes.

    Look at all the Commercial product that bears his name, most of it is meaningless rubbish. His 'Legend' is being exploited for maximum cash value.

    What next? The Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do Cookbook?

    And he had some innovative thoughts on martial arts.

    Once again, he was a Man not a God. Let him RIP.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2003
  7. pgm316

    pgm316 lifting metal

    LMAO I think certain mods get more than one vote! ;)
  8. BB Wolf

    BB Wolf New Member

    With all due respect, I can't say as I buy this theory. You can't really "overdose" on cannabis like you can on other drugs: i.e. cocaine, heroin, alcohol, etc. . There was cannabis found in his system at the time of his death (it WAS the Seventies:cool: ) but there were also much more dangerous things he was taking, such as steroids. People have weird reactions to perscription drugs all the time. Also, though in the Bruce Lee mythology that attibutues his death to something sordid, it could be that he took one (or several) too many too the head over the years. He did die of "swelling of the brain" after all. It could be that the cumulative effects of all of the fights he had been in over the years, possibly combined with a perscription drug reaction, could have been his undoing. Or perhaps it was just his time to "shuffle off this mortal coil". In death, he became more legendary than he ever was in life, and he became an 20th century global icon, one of the of the most recognizable on the planet, up there with Bob Marley and Che Guevara. His message, which revolutionized both martial arts and movies, became more widespread. When it comes down to it, why he died, is not that important, it is what he did in his time here.Don't get me wrong, I don't worship the man, but he was and exellent martial artist and an inovator, and without his popularity and ideas, many of us would not be exposed to MA or would still be stuck in the style cliqueishness and stagnation that he fought so much against.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2003
  9. pgm316

    pgm316 lifting metal

    I agree it doesn't make any difference how he died ;) I'm not sure about taking too many blows to the head, its not as if he was a boxer!
  10. Marku

    Marku Banned Banned

    nobody could touch the guy!!, so very very doubtful anyone hit him over the head.
  11. spacepimp

    spacepimp Valued Member

    who is che guerra?

    Who is Che Guerra?
  12. KiWarrior

    KiWarrior Banned Banned

    Books = good
  13. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    Spelling = better

    Che Guevara

    guerra is Spanish for war, isn't it?
  14. KiWarrior

    KiWarrior Banned Banned

    I didn't really think it was a sarcastic rebuttal (did consider it though) but you are, of course, correct on both counts.
  15. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    Believe me, I had to check to make sure. :)
  16. spacepimp

    spacepimp Valued Member

    Thanks for the answer...

    So without your help, I found out he was some communist guerrila leader. I should have guessed when I went to the site and I tried to skip over the intro and it would not let me. Like all communists just the illusion of choice. Now if you want to go into an intellectual challenge, come back when you have mastered more than trivial knowledge that takes less than a minute to find out. (Here's a hint:
  17. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    Huh. Joke's on me I guess. I thought you were just tripped up by the spelling error. Didn't realize you simply didn't know who Che Guevara is.

    Not that I'm knocking you for that. I don't know much more than you just said.

    Ah well. I'm off.
  18. KiWarrior

    KiWarrior Banned Banned

    I wouldn't call revolutionaries and revolutionary thought trivial. Similarly I wouldn't consider socio-economic forces to be a trivial thing to consider, regardless of personal feelings on their sentiments.

    Re: Math
    I'm currently doing some work with matrix mathematics and simulation modeling, more than enough for my poor little brain, thanks though.
  19. Poop-Loops

    Poop-Loops Banned Banned

    WTF? Three thousand people agree???

  20. honest_john

    honest_john New Member

    All the texts I have read support the thoery that Bruce was killed by an allergic reaction (brain swelling/anaphalyactic shock) from chewing Cannabis.

    The coroner who found the remains of it in his stomach kept this fact secret initially for a long time so as not to tarnish his enormous reputation/following in Hong Kong.

    You see, in China at the time Cannabis was seen as a 'dirty' drug associated with "junkie's/dishonourable Westerners" - this from a nation famed for smoking raw opium for thousands of years?!?!?! wtf?

    Sad thing is, he was at his mistresses' when he collapsed and she freaked out and did a runner not returning from about 4 hours with a freind of his reportedly, if she had called an ambulance at the time chances are a simple shot of adrenaline would have saved his life - sad, sad, sad.

    The myths that have grown around his death serve only to increase his "cult of personality" - but if you ask me the sordid truth is much more fascinating becuase despite all his success, skill, energy and drive - he was only human, this means there's hope for the rest of us too...the real message behind Bruce's life? forget all the mysticism and assorted bull****.

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