Asking To Answer

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by TheSanSooStorm, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. TheSanSooStorm

    TheSanSooStorm Valued Member

    Do we at here at martial arts planet, as well as in other situations in life, ask personal/individual questions just so we can answer them ourselves? Almost like if your sad and want to talk about it you ask someone "are you okay?" Just so they ask you how YOU are doing. I mean are we really that concerned with others opinions anymore? Or do we tread through endless posts just to shoot off our own opinion? Has posting on MAP become more important to you then reading? Do we ask eachother questions about styles, what the other person does to learn of what they do, or as a rightofway to brag about ourselves, our style, and our way of life?

    My point of this post is not to say we are all arrogant, but rather to simply pose the question of not if or how you do something, but WHY? This topic is a place to be honest, so leave the cope outs at the door. I think its okay to like to tell people about yourself, but theres a point where it becomes selfish, or alittle hot headed, and I think I`m guilty of it every once in awhile. But one thing I cannot escape is my interest in what others have to say. And that I read alot of more threads then ones I post in them.
  2. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member

    Its good to share and talk about stuff. I think everyone has some sort of relationship with there experience. Sometimes we are all self centred, in a way it is useful to pick up on how your character interacts and in a forum things like that can get magnified somewhat. If you can get something out of it and work/practice with it all the better - if of course something is displeasing you.

    It's amazing you know but almost anything, anytime can become something to work with if you are that way inclined.

    Funny, the other night at home - there was this huge spider in my room as I was about to sleep.. now I don't have a problem with little spiders or spiders in general - but a few years ago I would have killed it just like that. Truth is I felt fear toward this spider - did I mention it was huge! Anyway after a bit of a staring contest the words of lau tzu came to me "do nothing".
    That irrational fear thing just dissolved itself away after a while of being with it, and I'm glad I acted as I did. Instead of acting on the fear. I was a little uneasy in bed for a while with silly thoughts of it crawling around over me or something.. how silly. :) anyway next day some one else killed it on the landing (shrug)

    That reminded me of musashi story were a snake comes into the cave. Here it is - I think its an absolute cracker! enjoy..

    Musashi once asked his young student what his goals were in life, 'to be like you', he replied, upon which Musashi admonished him that his goal was too small and that he should aspire to be like Mt Fuji, with such a solid and broad foundation that the strongest earthquake cannot move him, so tall that the greatest enterprises of man seem insignificant from such a lofty perspective, with a mind as high as Mt Fuji one can see all things clearly, all the forces which shape events, not just the things happening near you.

    At the time of this conversation they were walking along a narrow mountain path and came upon an enormous overhanging boulder which looked as if it would fall at any moment. Musashi sensed the fear in his student which he used as a lesson, telling him 'that he should train to be like this boulder, with most of its strength hidden and yet so deeply rooted you are immovable, so powerful that what can be seen will make men cringe to walk in your shadow.'

    This was what Musashi felt was the ultimate goal of his training and in many ways he exceeded this in his colourful life, but as he matured he realised this was not enough for men still came to challenge him, risking all for an instant of fame that would come from beating him.

    This enigma troubled Musashi for many years until one day he was meditating in a cave with his old mentor/tormenter Takuan. As they were meditating Musashi sensed the presence of a deadly snake as it entered the cave near to Takuan and knew that the slightest movement might cause the snake to attack his friend, so he controlled his spirit.

    A smile appeared on Takuan's lips as the snake slid across his thighs, never losing his complete tranquillity in the face of death, more amazing was that the snake seemed to accept Takuan as a natural part of its surroundings. As the snake neared Musashi it sensed his presence and reared up to strike but Musashi gave no reaction and the snake turned and rapidly left the cave.

    Musashi's skill, power and menace were so real to it that the snake was scared. Most men would have been proud of this achievement, such a powerful aura, but Musashi was troubled by this event for it showed him his greatest weakness.

    Takuan asked him what was wrong and Musashi told him that all his life he had trained to achieve this power and now that he had attained it all living things instinctively feared him. Takuan smiled and said 'since it did not attack you, you defeated it without striking a blow and because of your great skill you and the snake are alive now, why does this bother you?'

    Musashi replied, 'because I am so strong that nobody can ever grow close to me, I can never have the peace that you do. You did not fear the snake nor it you; your spirit is so calm, so natural, that the snake treated you no differently than the rocks, trees and wind.

    People also accept you the same way too.'

    Takuan laughed with pleasure that his student had made such an important self-discovery, and Musashi spent the rest of his life training to perfect his spirit to be like Takuan's, for he finally realised that the real ideal of martial training was to achieve HEIJOSHIN or constant stable spirit, peace of mind both inwardly and outwardly.

    just call me Dr. Dolittle :)
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2005
  3. TheSanSooStorm

    TheSanSooStorm Valued Member

    That is a really cool story. I love short stories like that, that have so much morals to it.
  4. Taliar

    Taliar Train harder!

    But equally someone could point out that this post is just to highlight that you are think you are 'philosophical' thinker, and are trying to sound modest, but in reality are putting across you 'enlightened viewpoint'.

    Or it could be like most, that you like MA and think you have a lot to learn and a little to teach, and its good fun. :D
  5. TheSanSooStorm

    TheSanSooStorm Valued Member

    Actually thank you for pointing that out. I was hoping that someone would notice how what I said is almost a oximoron. Because I was asking the question of "do you ask just to answer yourself" and gave my opinion or answered the questions the may or may not have put me in the good light of the question. But don`t shrug off what I asked and noted like its meaningless, asking to answer is a very real thing. People do it daily, and if it diden`t happen on martial arts planet then it would be not normal in comparison to the rest of the world.
  6. littlesakura10

    littlesakura10 New Member

    i think perhaps the need for interaction with other beings is an essential thing or even tool for gathering and sharing information. all that we are is reflected in all around us, and most easily seen in other humans (if you will). :D

    i think each of us may have many reasons for reading and posting here on MAP - ultimately i find threads and posts that inspire me to think/consider/ponder my own life/spirit/metaphysics (etc!) in new patterns or perhaps even to find others of a similar belief and understandings to re-enforce to yourself that perhaps you are beginning to see a little more of the path that has chosen you. :Angel:

    "...the moment you stop learning is the moment you stop living..."
  7. slc

    slc Banned Banned

  8. flaming

    flaming Valued Member

    I think the brain asks itself am i good the very first time it hears of good people, and you "find your self" when you turthfully answer that question.
  9. TheSanSooStorm

    TheSanSooStorm Valued Member

    Very insightful coment. But I have to ask is the quote at the bottom of someone elses? I think its of Bruce Lee, but I have repeated this in my life over and over. SO I must have read it elsewhere, then continued to say it.

    However it is entirely true. Ever sense we are in development we are constantly learning, constantly changing, and constantly developing. This continues our entire life and when it stops, we are infact dead. SO the quote is true.
  10. TKDragon

    TKDragon Valued Member

    I agree that interaction is essential. We post here because even though we cannot do it in person, we can interact with others who share or interest in martial arts.

    Sometimes we post with a "legitimate" question we would like answered, sometimes we feel strongly enough about a post we've read to comment on it and agree or show another point of view. Other times - and this is where the "selfish" part comes in - we post a question to see if we are correct in our thoughts on a subject by guaging the response of others. Finally there are those who post to threads even though they really do not have anything to add but just want to get a post in there.

    IMHO, littlesakura10's post was well thought out. Hopefully before we automatically disagree with someone we try to understand their point of view. By doing this, I think we can better explain why we disagree instead of simply stating "Your wrong" and coming off as a jerk.

    Just a few thoughts on the subject.
  11. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    I usually just ask questions a vehicle to wind others up, post inane pictures of Richard Simmons or transvestites and try to slip the superfluous sexual innuendo in the hopes that the mods won't catch it an sin bin me again. :D


    At least I was honest. :D
  12. BoxBabaX

    BoxBabaX H+F Baba ^^

    Yes, that was definitely an honest response. :D
  13. littlesakura10

    littlesakura10 New Member

    to be honest i really don't know. it could be - i can't say i have read or had much to do with Bruce Lee's work though. its a truth for me. :Angel:

    lovely thoughts - thank you for the compliment! :love:

    i think it can be hard to keep the objectivity or the observer with us if we are passionate or emotionally invested in something. this is not neccessarily a bad thing i think. perhaps successful communication or information sharing is about respect and allowing all to voice their opinions or ideas in full. what we as individuals do with the information after that is entirely up to us. i don't think we can discard things without some consideration though as i believe that everyone and everything has something to teach us - even if it is the "silence" required within ourselves to appreciate something other than ourselves.

    my apologies, i do have a tendancy to ramble..... :D
  14. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    @ GEO...

    Great story man...
  15. reikislapper

    reikislapper see you on the flypaper

    OK my two pence worth lol

    With any site on the internet you have to be very careful what your going to say about yourself. Some of the people can appear to be able to be trusted and make out the information you give out won't be passed on but in reality it doesn't work out like that. People are a lot different in real life and they only show a certain amount on there. There are a few in any site who push the boundries and can make someone feel like an outcast even though they are just learners like everyone else. We all have to start somewhere and sometimes it can get a bit fustrating when your trying to get a point across and they think that your not being serious, maybe it's where they're at at the time.
    In the time I've been on the net, I've made a few friends and also lost some through not keeping in touch when your on a few sites. We still text from time to time but it's not the same is it, we like to know how they are, and just say hello. With others well that's a different story to which I'm not going there, they have their own path to follow and it's down to them lol. I've also made a few mistakes with trusting certain ones and found out too late, this is why you should be careful with who you tell and how much you say, it can damage you and they have no idea cos after all it's just a site and no one can change how they are in reality, it's their karma.
    All I really want to say is that when you go on a site just make sure that when your giving advice to someone you don't go in with guns blazing as it can be too much for some people. It can damage them and it's not you who has to sort it out as your just a name and nothing else. They're the ones who have to pick up the pieces and move forward. I've seem to much of the negative stuff to last me a lifetime, just give everyone a break and be kind to them.
  16. Taiji Butterfly

    Taiji Butterfly Banned Banned

    B'stard Philosopher....

    You are so amazing Geo! :) I really needed to hear that on a rainy Monday morning after the most horrendous few days of my recent life. Thank you. (And Musashi has been my MA inspiration for many many years, so it's always nice to hear his stories.... :) )

    Lisa - it may surprise you but I absolutely agree with you on that one :cool:

    Regarding the original point: I definitely "ask to answer myself" at times - it's a kind of reflecting self-confirmation or a "putting outside what is inside so we can re-absorb it again" imo. We also look for acceptance or confirmation of our contrariness at times - it depends on your personal mission(s) in life I guess....
    I also think that opinions, beliefs and pov's are essentially forms of energy. Human beings are social and inquisitive creatures and as such must constantly exchange energies with others in one way or another. That's what it boils down to imo everything else is just dressing ultimately....
  17. TheSanSooStorm

    TheSanSooStorm Valued Member

    Another question to ask.

    Heres an additional question: DO you think the majority of negative posters (insert your idea of a negative poster here.) come here with the attempt to be negative, or is it more accidental on there behalf? And also, do you think that negative people on this forum (just like in life) are essential to complimenting the more positive components to disscussion? What I mean is, do the negative people bring out a higher good in us, in a indirected way?
  18. reikislapper

    reikislapper see you on the flypaper

    To be honest, I think you should change the wording here as it seems that it's your perseption of being negative. What might be negative to you may not for others, there are some who can get a lot from an experience which they've gone through and turn it positive (it can be done). If you go out looking for a negative posting to make your ego look better then who is in the wrong, you or the other poster, after all it's all connected to karma isn't it. The way I see it we all have something to contribute no matter what anyone says, if you get just a tiny bit of teaching through someone having a bad day and you've been through the same situation then you might be the one who can help even in a small way.
    I'm not having a go at you TheSanSooStorm, I'm just trying to show even negative posters have feelings to and it's wrong to put them into a mini guilt trip to help ego's on here, isn't there enough of that in the first place.
    lisa xx
  19. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    I think members who have a tendencey to post negativley, as you put it, are generally the type who automatically expect everyone else to hold the same oppinions as they do. So when someone disagrees with them and refuses to budge, I think their behavouir is more a simptom of shock or frustration rather than a deliberate attempt to be negative.

    There are of course the trolls and there like. But I'm not sure if you were refering to them since it's fairly obviouse their intention is to cause disruption.
  20. TheSanSooStorm

    TheSanSooStorm Valued Member

    Well Lisa I do have to question if you and I are reading what I wrote the same way. I was asking everyones opinion of (there ideal) negative poster. Notice how I put a (insert your idea of a negative poster.)? The main part I am focusing on is the first part of your statement:

    "To be honest, I think you should change the wording here as it seems that it's your perseption of being negative. What might be negative to you may not for others, there are some who can get a lot from an experience which they've gone through and turn it positive"

    Your almost more specifically making my point above, and as you continue answer the question I asked. So mabye I`m misunderstanding you, but if I am basing a question, as in a theoredical question, that I made a point of clarifying that the question is directed at the other persons idea of a negative poster, AND have not entered a example of what I consider to be negative, that why is it you are saying I am basing this on my perception? More or less I just asked whoever was willing to listen "what color is the house." and it seems like what your saying is that by asking that, I am assuming everyone thinks its the same color as I do. Yet I am asking them a simple and direct question. So do reply and clear up this, as I`m interested in how you came up with getting the oppisite of what I thought I was typing.

    And don`t worry, I know your just trying to disscuss, I don`t take your comments as attacks.

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