a Travesty in action

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Travess, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    You sir have just been shortlisted as my new nutritionist, and if you can convince me that the beer may also contribute towards me getting buns of steel, then the job is all yours!!!

    Knee Rider likes this.
  2. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Thursday (14/12/17)

    Today quickly went from being (at least in the planning stages) a very full day, but which ended up almost being another rest day...

    Due in part to both childcare issues, and only having 3 hours sleep last night, I decided that I'd not only postpone today's calendar selection until tomorrow, I'd also have to miss today's Kids Karate class - The latter being a decision that I did not make lightly!

    Fast forward to the evening, and I even managed to miss the 1st 30 minutes of my Karate class, as I'd fallen asleep on the sofa. :oops:

    Still, what I did get to do was worth dragging myself out of the door for - 60 minutes of Environmental Partner/Sparring Drills and 3rd Party (protecting/holding a baby) Controlled/Restricted Sparring Drills.

    Hopefully tomorrow will see more of a return to training form for me. (Though I am not feeling it at the mo...)

    axelb likes this.
  3. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Friday (15/12/17)

    So, I made the executive decision to scrap my 'Advent Tabata Calendar' as the set, single daily exercises weren't really gelling for me - Chalk that one up as a lesson learnt!

    I did however like the principle of matching the workout time with the corresponding date, as a means to gradually increase my workload thru until Christmas, which at the same time meant that any missed sessions would have to be made up (if I was being strict with myself)

    No Tabata yesterday (the 14th) which left me with needing a 29 minute Tabata to take up the slack - Which I did in the form of 7 x 4 minute Tabata (with a 1 minute cool down at the end) with each Tabata contains 2 exercise, which I alternated over each 1 minute work period.

    Tabata 1: Stretching (upper & lower body)
    Tabata 2: Shadow Boxing / Low Row (TRX)
    Tabata 3: Squats / Crunches
    Tabata 4: Shadow Boxing / Low Row (TRX)
    Tabata 5: Bicep Curls / Front Kicks
    Tabata 6: Push Ups / Shadow Boxing
    Tabata 7: Shadow Boxing / Plank

    Cool down: 1 minute Light Neck Rolls (felt a little tight during some of the shadow boxing)

    Start time: 10.18
    End time: 10.53

    No HR taken

    Tomorrow is mini Travess' birthday, so a Rest Day will be had then, which will leave me 33 minutes to make up on Sunday.

  4. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Wow, a 29 minute Tabata sounds like a killer work-out already and you're going to increase the time until Christmas? Well, good luck to you!
  5. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Well, I do allow myself a 1 minute rest between each 4 minute tabata, and I by no means 'beast myself' on either reps or intensity, so I'm sure that it sounds a lot worse than it is...

    Nachi likes this.
  6. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Well, 1 minute rest is... not much still. While 7 rounds of Tabata are quite a lot. I suppose it of course does depend on how much you push yourself, but it sounds like a hell of an exercise still :)
    Travess likes this.
  7. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Aren't Crossfit sessions an hour long???

    Admittedly, they are not something that I'd look to do regularly, especially not for that many rounds (says he who is planning 8 rounds on Sunday...) but as I had a day to make up for...

    ...Should be back to much more manageale workload of just 4 rounds on Monday.

  8. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    They are, but the main nasty work out is usually up to 20 mins. Usually less. But I would never disagree that they are killer workouts :p Just that Tabata that long sounds... like I wouldn't want to do it :D

    4 on a row sounds... well, a bit better :)
    Travess likes this.
  9. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Yeah, me neither... o_O

  10. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Sunday (17/12/17)

    I found myself struggling with what to do today, as I'd not trained yesterday, and if I wanted to stick to my (increasingly) silly Christmas/December training plan, then I'd need to complete a 33 minute Tabata today - Which, if I am honest, I just didn't fancy...

    It occurred to me though that I'd not pounded the pavement in a while, so I decided that an Intival Run/Sprint Session, still loosely following Tabata protocols, would be a good compromise.

    20 minutes Fast Walk

    Calendar Day 16 & 17:
    Intival Road Run Tabata @ 6.20km / 33 minutes, (av. Pace 5m 19s per/km) which instead of following the usual work/rest format, I Ran for 20 seconds then Sprinted for 10 seconds throughout.

    This was a (much) harder session than I'd anticipated, during which I even came close to 'Red-lining' a couple of times!

    Starting HR: 71 bpm (pre warm-up)
    Starting HR: 105 bpm (post warm-up)
    Average HR: 171 bpm
    Max HR: 191 bpm
    Recovery HR: 48 bpm

  11. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Monday (18/12/17)

    AM: Started off my workout day today with a small 4 x 4 minute TRX Tabata session, focusing solely on the Arms and Back, with 4 different exercises (which I alternated between for each 1 minute workout period) Bicep Curls / Low Row / 'Y' Flyes and Tricep Curls.

    PM: Karate @ 90 minutes
    Tonight was the final session of the year, so Sensei set up a Round Robin Circuit, made up of 6 workstations, with a Black Belt tasked to run a 15 minute session at each station, as the class came round in pairs.

    My session centred around Sanchin Principles, namely 'stacking the skeleton' core stability and grounding, and applying them to various more practical drills - a Takedown / a Break-Free Drill and Vertical Power Striking. (Which seemed to go down quite well)

    The other stations included: Restrictive Striking Pad Drills, Sanchin Kata, Ground Fighting and Randori, Gekisai Kata and (thanks to a visiting Black Belt from DKK Bristol) an impromptu Escrima Session (which I am gutted that I missed!!!)

    Knee Rider and axelb like this.
  12. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Tuesday (19/12/17) - Rest Day - This definitely was one of those Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Paradox kind of a day, as I woke up in the afternoon, blinked, and it was suddenly gone midnight!!!

    Wednesday (20/12/17)

    My eldest had friends round all day today, so I gave myself regular (sanity) breaks, by interspersing 2 x 4 minute Tabata EHOH throughout the day, with the main focuses being (light) Shadow Boxing, Legs and Core work. (As per usual I switched between exercises for each minute work period of each tabata)

    Tabata 1 - Shadow Boxing / Squats
    Tabata 2 - Shadow Boxing / Crunches

    Tabata 1 - Shadow Boxing / Lunges
    Tabata 2 - Shadow Boxing / Mason Twists

    Tabata 1 - Shadow Boxing / Calf Lift
    Tabata 2 - Shadow Boxing / Plank

    Tabata 1 - Shadow Boxing / Hamstring Curls
    Tabata 2 - Shadow Boxing / Leg Raises

    My motivation seems to have ebbed again, so much so that if it wasn't for me needing to regularly decompress today, I doubt very much that I'd got my backside in gear to train...

    Knee Rider and axelb like this.
  13. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Thursday (21/12/17)

    Just a quick singular 21 minute Strength Training Tabata this morning, rotating thru 3 Exercises - Bicep Curls / Squats / Incline Push Ups - alternating with each 1 minute work period.

    Start time: 09:56
    End time: 10:17

    Starting HR: 68 bpm
    Average HR: 97 bpm
    Max HR: 126 bpm

    Tomorrow will likely now be a Rest Day...

    Knee Rider and axelb like this.
  14. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Saturday (23/12/17)

    Heavy-Bag @ 23+ minutes (including rest periods) - I had planned on making Bag Work one of my staple workouts of December, but as of this morning I had barely made it out there at all...

    2 minute Light Shadow Boxing

    Bag Rounds:
    5 rounds @ 60s each (30s rest between each)
    4 rounds @ 75s each (30s rest between each)
    3 rounds @ 90s each (30s rest between each)

    As far as round content is concerned, the above workout followed Iain Abernethy's Bag Workout Podcast - Though I obviously completely messed with the round length and rest frequency here, as the podcast covers 5 x 3 minute rounds, with drill changes at each minute mark...

    Start time: 11:25
    End time: 11:49

    Starting HR: 62 bpm
    Average HR: 144 bpm
    Max HR: 186 bpm
    Recovery HR: 47 bpm

    Nachi, axelb and Knee Rider like this.
  15. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    that's a great HR range your have on there, starting at 62bpm :eek:
  16. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Which by the emoji I'm guessing is not particularly good??? I must confess that I have little to no (closer to no actually) understanding of HR ranges / zones etc... :oops:

    Sunday (24/12/17)

    Figured I'd finish my advent training month, with a quick little pre-Christmas, post-work, pre-dawn run...

    ...Well, that's what I would have done, had my (mild) OCD not been eating away at me for not training on the 22nd, and even more so for not making up for it during my next workout...

    ...Making today's outing a 46 minute Road Run instead, which was neither quick nor little.

    Distance: 8.34 km
    Av. Pace: 5m 31s per km

    Starting HR: 79 bpm
    Average HR: 163 bpm
    Max HR: 178 bpm
    Recovery HR: 48 bpm - Which seems to be a constant.

    Nachi, axelb and Knee Rider like this.
  17. Knee Rider

    Knee Rider Valued Member Supporter

    Great pace!
    Travess likes this.
  18. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    It's a good rest HR-you had a low HR and a high max. So your working range is larger :)

    Nice Christmas Eve run, a good solid pace :D
  19. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Ah, so nowhere near as negative as I'd assumed - Good to know.

    Cheers guys - Merry Christmas.

  20. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Following 2* Rest Days, which were equal parts glorious and terrible, I was eager to get back to it...

    (Note: *We went for quite a long Walk with the dogs on Christmas day, during which I coerced my eldest into running thru Saifa Kata with me, which we did on the way out as well as the way back...)

    Wedesday (27/12/17)

    I hadn't originally planned to 'get back to it' this heavily, this soon, but I felt inspired by all the festive runners that I have spied out and about on my travels. So, much like Christmas eve, I set out on another 46 minute Run, adding in a couple of trails and hills this time around, instead of just sticking to the flatter roads, but still aiming (hoping) for a (slightly) quicker pace time.

    Tensho Kata
    Sanchin Kata
    2 x 1 minute Light Bagwork

    (I was gonna consider the 90+ minutes that I spent at a soft play area this morning, running around after my 2 year old, as my 'warm-up' but the lunchtime visit to McDonalds that followed put pay to that )

    46 minute Trail/Road
    Distance: 8.46 km
    Av. Pace: 5m 26s per km

    Cool down:
    2 x 1 minute Light Bagwork
    Sanchin Kata
    Tensho Kata

    Starting HR: 79 bpm
    Average HR: 173 bpm
    Max HR: 182 bpm
    Recovery HR: 29 bpm - though this did flag up on my watch when I was only 1 minute into my cool down.

    Nachi likes this.

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