A bit of website advice

Discussion in 'Tai chi' started by Ki_user, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Ki_user

    Ki_user New Member

    Hi, I have only recently started doing doing tai chi, a few months, but really enjoying it. I previously trained in aikido and kyokushinkai. My club teaches sun style taiji, xing yi and bagua. I have just done a website for my club. The instructor is happy with it but I feel it's lacking something.

    If you have a spare moment could you take a look and maybe give me some feedback. Thanks.

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  2. ned

    ned Valued Member

    Bit of forum advice-people might like to read an introduction with a bit of personal background info. first. :)
  3. Ki_user

    Ki_user New Member

    OK, cheers.
  4. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member

    Do you have regular classes? if so a class schedule would be a good addition I think.
  5. Ki_user

    Ki_user New Member

    Thank you cloudz for your suggestion. The info for this is on the about page, seems it might be good if I make this more visible.
  6. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    I'm on the techniques page and, as someone who knows nothing about Taiji, nothing makes any sense to me. It would be great if you had some context to the entries - what are the different phases? Why do you go through phases rather than just learning everything all at once? What are the individual techniques? A media section with photos and videos might be good. One thing I very rarely see on martial arts pages is a video of a typical class, but I'd kind of like seeing that before going. Might be just me though.
  7. ned

    ned Valued Member

    Seems a bit vague on the background of the main instructor specifically in taiji ?
    (i.e how long he has practiced sun style)
  8. Ki_user

    Ki_user New Member

    Thanks philosoraptor, very good point. I have changed the page name from "Techniques" to "Student Guides" as the page is being made more as a student reference rather than a public tutorial. I think a media page is a great idea, will have to start working on this.

    Will have to ask him
  9. cloudz

    cloudz Valued Member

    Ok, saw it now. Didn't think to find it there, nice background on the Sun style on that page. £2 an hour is incredibly cheap!
  10. Ki_user

    Ki_user New Member

    I have dropped the times and location onto the contact page too. I have to agree £2 an hour is incredibly cheap, I'd say too cheap for an instructor of his experience, but hey it's his choice.
  11. GaryRomel

    GaryRomel Valued Member

    I have done quite a bit of web deveopment in the past. I would get rid of the ads, you can pay for a site to be hosted for like 3-5 dollars a month, www.ipowerweb.com comes to mind.

    Second, I would put more videos up, preferably ones showing martial skill, and of each style taught.


  12. Ki_user

    Ki_user New Member

    Cheers, will get rid of the adds as soon as, still in the development stage at the moment. Will look into getting vids up too.

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