Your Opinions Needed On Weight Bench

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by toothpaste100, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. toothpaste100

    toothpaste100 Banned In 60 Seconds

  2. Athleng Nordic

    Athleng Nordic Sadly passed away. RIP. Supporter

    I'd say ask yourself the following questions.

    How much can I press and how much do you want to press? Small benches like these have a weight limit. The one I had was limited to 170 lbs. What is the limit on this one? What is it constructed from, will it hold up over time. The small ones are mostly made from stamped sheet steel and spot welded together, and have a habit of popping open at bad times. Where do you plan to put i this in your home? Some of these take up more space that you might think with all of the peices it's listed with. And Weider is famous for requiring that all peices be assembled for the warranty to go into effect.

    Just some food for though mate.
  3. toothpaste100

    toothpaste100 Banned In 60 Seconds

    Alas, it looks like a cheapo doesn't it. Looks like I might have to stick with my school's machines :p
  4. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

  5. Funky Phantom

    Funky Phantom Valued Member

    With cheap benches you're likely to get what you pay for. In my view it would probably be worth spending around $200 to $300 on a decent bench that will last you well and continue to be of use to you as you improve, rather than one you have to throw out once you start using a decent amount of weight.

    Remember, you'll end up spending more ultimately if you buy a poor quality bench but have to buy a better one at a later date.
  6. Athleng Nordic

    Athleng Nordic Sadly passed away. RIP. Supporter

    Good point on the squats.
  7. Wesker

    Wesker Professional Lurker

    The bar rests look to be too close together. They're right where your hands need to be.

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