Workout time

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Arnoo, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. Arnoo

    Arnoo Work in Progress

    At the moment i tend to do 2 4 minute tabata workouts rightbefore i go to bed its ussualy 2x4 min tabata, shower and then crawl into bed. I was wondering dous working out right before you go to sleep have any negative effects on:

    1. Increase in condition you gain from cardio
    2. Musclear growth you would gain from cardio
    3. Fat loss you would gain from cardio

    I have read that becouse you pump up your heart rate its harder to go to sleep between my tabata and acctualy getting under the sheets is rougly 15-20 minutes and i dont really experience problems with falling insleep compared to not working out before i go to sleep.
  2. warriorofanart

    warriorofanart Valued Member

    Maybe you don't workout hard enough :)

    Well personally I only do flexibility training before I go to bed. I recommened working out right when you wake up. I usually do it around 4-5 am as it adds on to the workout.
  3. newy085

    newy085 Valued Member

    Yeah the only problem I could see is having trouble falling asleep, if thats not affecting you then shouldn't have a problem. I you did want to lose weight, then I would be doing them in the morning, it set the metabolic rate within the muscle for the next couple of hours, and sleeping wouldn't use that to it's full potential.

    If I was you though I would at least be doing some stretching afterwards. Your body and muscles are warm and it has a very calming effect. And you can never have too much flexibility.

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