Women's self defense drills

Discussion in 'Women's Self Defence' started by wrydolphin, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    This is one we used to do at my old school and I just wanted to throw it out there to see what yall think. If you have any way that you think it might be better or other ideas, please throw it out. I thought it might be nice to have an exchange of thoughts on drilling techniques aimed directly at helping women become ready to defend themselves.

    This is a drill that we used once we felt that the women were starting to become familiar with the techniques. We ended up doing this about twice a month or so, depending upon when we thought they were ready with the new things we had shown them.

    We had the student stand in the middle of the room with several helpers spread in a rough circle around her. She was instructed to close her eyes. Our instructor would silently signal which of us was to attack and how we would attack her. Because she didn't know where the attack would come from or what form it would take, it caused her to react more naturally. We got to gauge how well the techniques were sinking and and she got to experience in a small way what an attack might be like.

    I know that other schools do this, but I don't seem to hear about it much.
  2. Melanie

    Melanie Bend the rules somewhat.. Supporter

    I did something fairly similar at a seminar. It was with fewer people though. It was one person in the middle and at most, three people around. The idea was that the person in the middle couls "sense", not hear an approach so the "attack" was just done by look and gesture, not even moving. You know how you could be walking down the street and suddenly "feel" someone stare at you and you turn round and look right at them, that sort of thing. Very clever exercise. The Instructor of the course said more women had this skill and that was proven at the seminar. I know its not exactly the same but its a starter :)
  3. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    That is an interesting variation.
  4. Matt_Bernius

    Matt_Bernius a student and a teacher

    These are great confidence building drills. However, the problem is, that mosts confrontations don't start this way. This is supported by what Melanie's posted.

    Role playing, which includes a verbal and emotional attack as part of the scenario can be used to really put someone in a situation. But it can also be very intimidating for people to start. It's funny, people get used to punches much faster than they get used to someone psychologically attacking them.

    What ideas do you have for easing someone into this type of confrontational drill?

    - Matt
  5. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    Grand question, Matt Bernius.

    We had addressed some of the phsycological aspects of self defense, but not any involving verbal attacks. Most of what we had hit on where things like, how to walk and acknowledge others to help prevent attacks. I must admit that I am a bit thrown for a loop as to address verbal attacks without making students too uncomfortable.

    Perhaps drill pairing so that the students could become used to defending verbally on a quieter, more one on one basis and then working up from there. I don't know that it would be ideal, but for now that is all I can come up with. It would allow enough time for a comfort level to arise in being verbally assaulted, but how effective would it be in the long run?
  6. Matt_Bernius

    Matt_Bernius a student and a teacher

    Its a tough one to deal with. But we need to remember that since most attacks seem to be domestic attacks one msut assume that they verbally escalate to violence. Not to make a joke of it, but I doubt that your partner is hiding in a closet or bush waiting to attack you.

    Great ideas by the way. Any others?

    - Matt
  7. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    I have been racking my brain (not very hard mind you as I already have it overworked and sickly) and I am still having trouble addressing the verbal assault properly.
    You are right that most forms of sexual assault are done by people known to the victim, especially when the vic is young. All I can think of for younger students is to teach them that worth enough to defend themselves and tell someone what is happening to them. So much psychological damage occurs when children are assaulted by someone they are supposed to be able to trust.
    Back to the topic at hand (sorry for the digression).
    I can't help but to think that this should be started on a more private basis. Maybe as part of a pull-out prgram or some such. In another room where they don't have to deal with it in front of an audience. As they better learn to cope, it should gradually escalate, until they can defend themselves against a fullout verbal and physical assault in front of the group. I would agrue the pull-outs because I am not confident that it can be done in the group environment without makeing the students so uncomfortable that they leave.
    This may not be the best of answers, any one else have thoughts?
  8. Judderman

    Judderman 'Ello darlin'

    Why not keep it on a volunteer basis. Warn students that this is what is going to happen. You could start by following the drills, but have someone (or more) in the back ground shouting something inoccuous, like two or more people shouting what they had for dinner, or insulting a really bad movie or the moves to a kata.

    You can then move this to a more individual scenario, saying "well?" "so?" and the like without shouting, then move to shouting. You could then move to more threatening verbal, I don't see any reason to make it personal attacks, just simple things like "I'm gonna <insert suitable profanity and graphic describtion of violence>"

    As a safety option students can sit out if they wish, but if everyone is partnered up, they will focus on the person in front of them, not the rest of the class.

    I guess if you go some where else, if they react badly, it will put everyone else off when it comes to their turn. Not to mention the feeling of "creeping death" as students await their turn in "the room". :D
  9. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    You might be right about the creeping room of death feeling that might be associated with it. And nothing would be worse then having a student run crying out of it with sheepish looking instructors on their heels. Ok, maybe the separate room thing is a no-go.
    Leads back to partner drills as you said. I think I like your progression. Might work at that.
  10. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

  11. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    Those are really nice. I wonder how much that body padding suit thing is.
    Without it, you really can't teach in that mannor.
  12. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    Actually, they make it themselves. Obviously, that will cut down on cost greatly.

    I don't know of any commercial manufacturer that makes padded suits of the type used by those groups. They might be willing to tell you how they do it.
  13. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    Hm, I wonder how one would go about making such a thing. Interesting. I will have to do some research on that. :) Thanks for the heads up.
  14. Kunoichi

    Kunoichi Valued Member

    I did an exercise similar to the circle one but it wasnt part of womens self-defence, it was a mixed class. it would start with everyone with their backs turned and the instructor tapped two random people on the back to be attackers (noone knows who they would be). The class then walked around the room anywhere they liked and kept walking (mixed with the attackers). The attackers were free to attack anyone they like anyway they liked when they were ready. After each attacker has a turn the attackers change, so again noone knows who they are. It was interesting to try and sense attacks since they might come from behind or the side or right in front of you. It was also fun to see people jump around because they think they are about to be attacked but... nope :p
  15. ubermint

    ubermint Banned Banned

    After watching my mom take the IMPACT course twice, I can say that the huge suits have unrealistic proportions and tend to slow down the attacker.

    On the physical side of drilling, I think one of the most important things to work on is the BJJ style guard. All joking about grappling=sex aside, the guard is where most women find themselves when defending against a rapist. Work basic sweeps and standing up vs. someone trying to push you down or just pass, then add in striking from both partners, stomping, etc.
    Then work it from a couch, car hood, or other environs.
  16. E-Rocker

    E-Rocker Valued Member

    Hey mods, would it be out of line for me to suggest that people interested in Women's SD take a look at the events promotion forum?

    An instructor whom I know to be an excellent teacher is giving a Women's SD seminar soon. I'm sure she has some good drills.
  17. 4141

    4141 New Member


    to those who are looking for those self defense suits go to a company at www.kwon.com they sell only wholesale and they can be expensive. If you can help me. am a guy who studies and teaches MA and i have gotten a lot of women asking me for self defense seminars. But i have seen some of them and they teach to fight not always to get the hell out of there. I am saying this with as much humility as i can but i can`t teach anyone to fight in a seminar but i can be a bit more relistic and teach to get away. Am i wrong or am i just not thinking this thru. :confused:
  18. ubermint

    ubermint Banned Banned

    What makes you think you're qualified to teach women's self defense?
  19. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    As this seems to be rather radomly thrown out there, I can only assume that this is aimed at me.
    What makes you think I am not? What makes you think I claimed to be the primary instructor?
    This was, and is, intended to be a thread in which people can share ideas for drills for self defense classes, if you wish to question me, do so. In a better format, like PMs.
    Other then that, if you have anything useful to contribute, please do so.
  20. Melanie

    Melanie Bend the rules somewhat.. Supporter

    I'm not sure wrydolphin but I think this actually applied to 4141! Just been looking at his (4141) profile and his previous posts and it doesn't really give away much information in the form of who they are and what level of MA they are so it could be that :)

    Please 4141 be nice to know more about you. Do you have a website? :)

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