Women's Heavyweight WTF TDK videos?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Tian-Tian, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    Does anyone know of any Women's Heavyweight WTF TDK sparring matches? :eek:

    So far I've only come across Dominique Bosshart vids and I really hope she's not the only one. :confused: I like her quite a bit, but I want to see more variety and different techniques from adult (ie, 18+) women of my weight class.

    Thanks! :D
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2010
  2. liero

    liero Valued Member

    search google for the WTF dartfish channel.

    Find the world championships 09 and look up the weight class.

    I know your thinking of embarking on a trip for WTF olympic glory and honestly Heavyweights where its at! There are less really good heavy weights out there than most weight categories, assuming your both tall and strong you should do well against all the unfit chuncky people if you work on power and conditioning.

    makes me wish I was taller and much more muscle bound
  3. Mitlov

    Mitlov Shiny

  4. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    Thanks, y'all!

    Strong? ... perhaps. ;)
    Tall? If 5'5" is tall... then yes to that, too. :D I'd have to squat down and go for the torso if I went against a 6' woman. Either that or grow springs for legs to make some headshots.

    Heavyweights is 149 lbs. up. Seeing as I'm working my way back down from 220 lbs.... moving against someone that tiny would be like pitting a cheetah against a tortoise. So I'd have to either miraculously shed at least 40 lbs. by the end of this year or learn to move fast like a bantam with my weight (by improving footwork, endurance etc).

    Because of the muscle I'm packing, I know I have powerful kicks... but my aim needs work. I have to learn how to feint better. There's so much to consider on technical things. And don't get me started on cost of training, travel and equipment... and food. I KNOW that'll cost a pretty penny. And seeing as I have two years left of college, that's my first focus. Once I finish, the world is my oyster. :)

    WTF Olympic glory would be awesome, but I think the training experience and competition experience would probably do me more good than the medal itself. I mean if I got a medal, it'd be icing on the cake. If I even won at a regionals comp, I'd be just as elated with myself in that win. :cool:

    So I guess I'm going to go for it and see how far I get. :D

    How many heavyweights would I have to face off with to even qualify for World TKD Qualifiers?
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2010
  5. liero

    liero Valued Member

    The heavy weight game plan is a bit different to the faster light weights. I watched the Australian rep who fought at worlds last year (and also got a silver at the 08 USA open) and he basically focussed on one good solid kick.
    When I watched him it was one kick, body or face and the opponent just went down. Thats the kind of power international players need to develop.

    Thats the best attitude you can have. Just have a go and try as many comps as possible

    in short...A LOT!

    You'd need regional experience to compete at a state level competition, as your still a colour belt, get as much experience fighting other colour belts as possible to hone your skills both regionally and at state (you will need a BB to fight at high level comps).

    Once you start winning state comps, you'll qualify for national level comps. The degree of skill makes a big leap here, but lots of international fighters don't even bother with national comps.

    Once you win or medal at the nationals, you will probably be put on a development squad for your country. Depending on funding (your from USA? which has a good Olympic program) you'll attend training camps and international competitions of different levels from which you will probably have to pay your own way unless your really in the top tier of your national squad.

    From there, the top 3-10 athletes are invited to world team qualifiers from your National Sporting Organisation, here you will have to fight and beat all your opponents to qualify for a world or Olympic team.

    Simple :)
  6. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    Huh, one good kick, you say? Well my roundhouse is fairly basic but good (need to get more padwork again to increase the force of my hits). I enjoy axe kick with my right leg (though I may do better developing my left leg kick due to my left ankle instability). My favorite is front jump-snap kick. If I have forward momentum going and enough space to get some air, I probably could score some decent headshots. One of my other favorite techniques is feinting forward, then stepping to the left and going for the kidney with fists or foot, depending on the distance. So I have a few I can work on for now, but I know a spinning back kick of some sort will probably come in handy for countering (which is where the aiming issue comes into play; my aim when I spin is AWFUL).

    Question: are you limited to the number of headshots you can make in a match? I mean the point of a match is to score the most points added up after each round, right? So a headshot is 3 points, a hit to the trunk is 1 point and a spinning kick is 2 points (I'm reading the WTF rules right now, all 54 pages. :cool: ) If I can get in enough successful headshots*, I jump ahead in the points system, right?

    * Assuming I can even score correctly

    I can finish my college degree in two years (or less if I test out of the rest of my basics). In the meantime I can train and belt up to BB. I want to work hard for my BB, mostly because I don't want something handed out to me like candy. One of my uncles trained for something like 5 days a week for two years and received his BB then.
    That level of training I am willing to do, so long as I can successfully balance school, church, work, family life, relationships, etc.

    And then comes the money question. I dunno... I am a poor college student as is. Unless one of my publications strikes gold, I might be hindered in both training and competing only by money. :( Which would be sad, pathetic and sort of unfair. So I'll have to do some serious budgeting on how much I'll have to save per year.

    If it were simple, I wouldn't have written a novel just now. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2010
  7. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    This dvd:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDgq1K_ypRE"]Taekwondo Sparring Drills Video Highlights - YouTube[/ame]

    features heavyweight Olympic champ Lynette Love and is an excellent training aid (helped me win a gold medal at the World Games).

    I'm 5'4" and can kick 6'2" folks in the head. Work on your stretches, particularly dynamic :cool:
  8. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    TURTLEPRESSS!!!!! It is love. :D
    Gold medal at World Games?? I did not know this; that is awesome. What class were you?

    Haha, you just want to torment me into a full split, don't you? ;)
  9. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Fly (58kg/128lbs). Don't let that that fool you into thinking I don't have a physique that puts Vin Diesel to shame. I don't but that's not important :p

    Now now, this is a PG-13 forum :)
  10. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    That is awesome! How long ago was that and is there video of this awesomeness? Maybe I could learn a thing or two...

    And I didn't mean that in a bad way at all! :eek: I just meant it like you were just being a tough coach kind of attitude. :D Sorry that came off wrong.
  11. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Was back in '03, got a video of it somewhere (back when stuff was still recorded on tape). Once I find it and convert it, I'll upload it and send you the link.

    Ha ha, don't worry I know. I was jesting :)
  12. Tian-Tian

    Tian-Tian Awesome 15 minutes a day.

    Oh, please do. :D That'd be great.

  13. liero

    liero Valued Member

    I would also love to see your fights VZ, put this strange 1 leg only 150 kick a round WTF sparring into perspective!

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