William Kraemer

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by blessed_samurai, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    Yoda, BeWater, KE, McG, any others...

    Someone mentioned to me the other day that William Kraemer is a good reference point for exercise science/kinesiology study. I was wondering if anyone else has read any of his stuff and how you rank it.
  2. The Viking

    The Viking Working

    WHat about Richard Simmons?
  3. MattN

    MattN Valued Member

    I'd quit exercising and become an unehalthy slob before I do anything Simmons says
  4. The Viking

    The Viking Working

    he made fat women feel good about themselves.
  5. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Never heard of him. You would probably be better off googling and checking out reviews, or searching t-mag etc.
  6. Colucci

    Colucci My buddies call me Chris.

    I have "Strength Training for Young Athletes", which he wrote with Steven Fleck. It's filled a bunch of useful information. I'd say he's a solid resource, and would regard anything else of his with serious credibility.

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