vastus lateralis

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by flaming, May 28, 2007.

  1. flaming

    flaming Valued Member

    This muscle seams to allways be tensed for me. When I finish an romanian deadlift its is tensed realy hard my glutes are tensed as well. I keep the weight on my heels neck shoulders back and my core tight, but it still contracts at the end when it shouldn't be.

    When I do a side plank the vastus lateralis is tensed and my obliques stay relaxed.

    When I activate my gluteus medius, standing on one leg and lowering and raising my opposite hip the vastus lateralis tenses as well.

    What can I do to fix this?
  2. TheAngle

    TheAngle Valued Member

    I would think that if you dead lift and squat with your toes pointed more outward, the lateralis will give more way to medialis.
  3. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Why do you want to "fix" this?

    You can't be holding your body straight if your obliques aren't contracting on a side plank.

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