Tyre push sprint thingy

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Pkhamidar2com, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Pkhamidar2com

    Pkhamidar2com Panda Member

    Hey guys. I got some car tyres in my garden, and i made up this exercise where you push the tyre on the ground facing flat on the side (look at video underneath)

    The most i did was this sprint thing that is really tough on the legs. It looks like this, but i dont know if that is good or bad form.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAOv1ytkwPw"]boot camp, boot camps, castle hill, boot camp norwest,norwest business park, focus boot camp, hills district, bella vista, boot camps, outdoor fitness, step into life, hills district, tyre push night patrol - YouTube[/ame]

    What do you call these things

    The last time i did it, it was fine until the last set where i had a sharp pain in my knee, and i didnt do them again...

    What i feel the reason for the knee pain was, was because when i pushed with one leg, the other leg came up very close to my chest, so when pushing, the leg would go from the knee being near my chest all the way out... so very large steps, while in the video they take small steps... but im not sure and am slightly confused.

    But i feel that these are great for the legs as they really burned my legs up and got my heart beat really high!

    Do you think they are safe to do?
    Will it build explosive strength in legs?
    Is there a proper form for me to do these in?
    Any further tips you can give?

    Thanks! :)
  2. icefield

    icefield Valued Member

    Lord knows the question should be are they right to do?
    Nope it wont
    probably but why do them really
    yep if you want leg strength do heavy squats once a week, and then do jumps 48 hrs later, box jumps, broad jumps doesnt matter just keep the sets under 5 reps and rest between sets for 3 minutes and only do 3 - 5 sets

    its not hard, dont complicate things
  3. Pkhamidar2com

    Pkhamidar2com Panda Member

    ah ok damn.

    why I want to do them?

    don't have proper running shoes to start doing sprinting and heard that sprinting is great for explosive legs.

    so I don't have proper shoes and probably don't have proper sprinting form. so I thought these would be good if you do it as fast as possible.

    the image that gave me the idea was sledge pushes.

    it was on exrx
  4. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    Prowler pushes would probably be safer, you can make a prowler pretty easily.

    Will they build explosive strength? Well you aren't really moving very explosively, your hips are too high due to the tire. Again a prowler or sled can be used.

    The way I see it there are three main ways of working drags pushes and pulls:

    For conditioning: the goal here is to raise your heart rate, intervals and the like will do the job, most often you'll be starting one push while still shattered from the last push

    For 'off the line speed': short bursts with 100% recovery between pushes, focusing on acceleration.

    For hypertrophy: sleds and the like are a handy tool for hypertrophy, due to their eccentric-less nature they're easy to recover from and tend not to burn you out. Mid distance mid speed making sure you work through a full ROM on every step.

    If I were you I'd hook the tire to a rope and drag it behind for sprints as you'll struggle to get your hips low enough pushing like that.

    When I figure how to post pictures I'll show you the home made sled we put together, the similarities in movement are huge but the smaller difference are what a makes the difference IMO.
  5. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

  6. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

  7. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    Not even for a second :)
  8. Pkhamidar2com

    Pkhamidar2com Panda Member

    Yay seiken steve finally answered!

    Just searched up a prowler push, i dont have that big thing, or a sledge but here is a video i want to show.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ7VhuwVOus"]Prowler Push - YouTube[/ame]

    you see here how he is a bit lower than the first video i put up?

    or even better here

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm1j553V9kI"]CAVEMAN "STRONGMAN FINISHER" PAUL EMERY 330kg Sled Drag, 120kg Prowler Push 220kg Tyre Flip - YouTube[/ame]

    you see how low he is? Yeah thats how i was doing it, infact i was lower because the tyre is lower so i my chest was close to the ground and i was pushing as fast as i could...

    Basically i have a garden, its about 20 meters, give or take a few, long...

    And i was doing it up and down the garden in bursts. So i would do up the garden, rest, down garden, rest.

    But thing is, this is what i am worried about. Im going to try to explain it the best i can with words, and images off the net.

    When im down on the ground in the start position im like this.


    Except back is not rounded (hopefully), and one knee is quite close to the chest.

    I then push with the knee close to the chest (as you can see in the image) and then while doing that the leg that is extended folds up and becomes the same as the other knee before. So basically the same thing as the image but the legs switched.

    Now i felt some pain in knee after a while from doing these.

    My assumption, and this is an assumption im not sure, but i feel the reason for this knee pain during the last set, was due to a large step.

    What i mean by this is that if you look at the first video in this reply where the guy is pushing the thing. He is taking small fast steps.

    Same on the second "strong man" video.

    Do you think this is the reason why? Should i be taking small steps?

    Thanks :)
  9. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    hrmmmm 2 seconds, never thought about it going to have a look at my stride length.

    your knee would be pretty unstable like that i'd guess.
  10. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    right when i'm pushing my knee doesnt come anywhere near that far up, even on a low handle.

    i'd say my foot is about 3-4 inch ahead of my hip, much like the lads in the videos.

    dunno if that'd efffect anything but it i've never had knee pain of pushes.
  11. Pkhamidar2com

    Pkhamidar2com Panda Member

    Just took a video of myself doing these tyre pushes, my hip was actually pretty high in comparison to what i actually thought.

    Tried to do it with my hip more lower but it was quite hard!

    Maybe these were not a good idea after all haha!

    But the tyre sprints doesnt sound bad... But how important is proper shoes if im running on the grass? The last time i was taught sprinting was about a year or more ago during PE.

    I have an abundance of rope that i can use though.
  12. icefield

    icefield Valued Member

    so you arent sure about doing sprints unweighted because of form, but doing a form of weighted sprints did seem a good idea to you :eek:

    spriting is good for explosive work when done right, sled work can also be good if done with the right weight, a tire is not enough weight to challange you, but it will certianly mess your form up

    why not do jumps, short sprints and squat heavy, why try to reinvent the wheel?
  13. Pkhamidar2com

    Pkhamidar2com Panda Member

    yeah I realised lol.

    what should I do about sprints? I don't have anyone to teach me proper form or have a pair of running shoes.

    normal explosive jumps I don't feel anything in my legs like a burn :/ compared to squats.

    until I find out price of power lifting gym and whether I can afford I will do BSS
  14. icefield

    icefield Valued Member

    are you looking to become a track athlete? if not form really doesn't matter that much, warm up thoroughly then do a few sets of build up sprints, then do short, (under 50m) sprints will full recovery between sets doing no more than a total of 300meters

    You shouldnt feel a burn when doing jumps, you shouldnt feel one when sprinting if your goal is explosiveness, which is different from endurance or conditioning
  15. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    Hell yeah!

    Awesome post.
  16. Pkhamidar2com

    Pkhamidar2com Panda Member

    I'm not planning on becoming a track athlete. just doing this to become explosive for judo and to aid my legs. and also sprinting is just damn cool!

    what about the shoes? do I need specialist running shoes with my feet tested cause that is expensive. or will buying regular trainers from store work? (just so you know I had shin splints before from running but o haven't ran in a while, shin splints were not bad but it was there and vague)

    thanks :)
  17. icefield

    icefield Valued Member

    sometimes i hate the internet...there was a time people just lifted, ran and didnt have to ask these questions lol (not aimed at you just me getting old)

    no you dont need special shoes, run on grass, warm up properly and keep the sprints short and you will be fine

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