Stupid Zombie Jokes

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Athleng Nordic, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. Athleng Nordic

    Athleng Nordic Sadly passed away. RIP. Supporter

    Q: What do zombie cows eat?
    A: Graaaaiiins!

    Q: What is a zombies prefered mode of transport?
    A: Traaaiiins!

    Q: What kind of underwear and socks do zombies wear?
    A: Haaaanes!

    Zombie 1: "Hey who's keys are those?"
    Zombie 2: "Jaaaaanes"

    "I was walking by a zombie optompitrist store and they had a sale on 2 for 1 fraaaaaames!"

    "My zombie friend just bought a xbox 360 from eb gaaaaames!"

    "A zombie once went to see the magic of David Blaaaaaaaaine!"

    "A chinese zombie once approached me and said "Zhai shun shuo zeeeeeiinnss!"

    Q: What did the zombie buy from the jewlery store?
    A: Gold chaaaaains!

    Q: Why did the Zombie have hunger pangs?
    A: Becasue he had gone 2 weeks without braiiiiiiiins!

    A stampede of zombies crashed a party and the cops showed up. There were bodies all over the place. The cop said, "Let's get outta here, this party is dead."
  2. Gong_Sau_Rick

    Gong_Sau_Rick ultimate WSL nutrider

    Your Nordic Zombie jokes are really laaammmmmmeeez!
  3. Sgt_Major

    Sgt_Major Ex Global Mod Supporter

    I hope I never see these agaaaaaaaain!
  4. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    Just thought I should say. I do not like it when you make jokes at the expence of my relatives.

    regards koyo
  5. Cait

    Cait da Bionic is BACK!

    Obviously, no one here reads Van Von Hunter... real zombies crave Broooooowniiiiiies! :D
  6. Athleng Nordic

    Athleng Nordic Sadly passed away. RIP. Supporter

  7. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    Hahahaha. Yes I'm stupid and willl laugh at anything.
  8. Athleng Nordic

    Athleng Nordic Sadly passed away. RIP. Supporter

    Woogie, Woogie, Woogie. :p

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