Stretching programmes

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by dredleviathan, Oct 2, 2003.

  1. dredleviathan

    dredleviathan New Member


    Just wondering if anyone has any experience and opinions of either of the following stretching programes:


    Secrets of Stretching (Tom Kurz)

    If you've used either, or in fact any other programme I'd appreciate some feedback as to how good your thought they were and whether they gave good results.


  2. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    I'd be a little wary of the first...

    "will help you get loose fast and stay that way with minimum effort...and with less pain! " Gaining flexibility takes time, and alot of effort ....

    I have the Stretching Scientifically book but not Secrets of Stretching ... worked for me.!!
  3. WadoDon

    WadoDon New Member

    First I would like to say Hi everyone, first post here.

    Stretching is an often overlooked process and failing to stretch properly can cause serious problems, I am living proof of that. A failure to make sure I was correctly prepared to spar two years ago resulted in a hamstring injury (while attempting a hook kick at my instructor's head it felt like someone stuck a knife in my base leg).

    The secrets to stretching properly aren't really secrets. I suggest checking out university athletic sites, you can find a wealth of information there.

    Following is a link to a very informative site that not only explains various methods of correct stretching but also explains what is happening to your muscles as you stretch.

    Stretching and Flexibility

    edit: While surfing other threads here I spotted the above link previously posted (sigh)...beat to the punch ...again...
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2003
  4. dredleviathan

    dredleviathan New Member

    Well thanks for your feedback guys - really appreciated. Stretching is not something that I've neglected in my training but. I'm beginning to find that age is over-taking the stretching I currently do. It's kind of like erosion I think...

    Thanks for the link Wado, I've seen this in the past but I notice that it is now available in PDF format which is much better. The only problem (for me) is that I'm pretty lazy or resistant to change and tend to read books, agree whole-heartedly and then carry on doing what I've always done. However, if I can stick a video in the machine and follow along I seem to do better.

    I just wondered if anyone had seen either of the products I mentioned or knew of any others. Also whether they had followed the programme and what results they achieved. The Kurz programme seems to be pretty much a favourite with everyone I speak to (and is the most expensive of course).

    Sorry about not trawling previous posts before asking!


  5. Apache

    Apache New Member

    Well, you have something there but it just means we, now 31+, need to work harder for our flexibility.

    If I can do it - surely you can (your full month younger!)


  6. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    Stretching & Flexibility both have to be the two most popular subjects of all martial arts forums.

    The Appleton document on stretching is truly a popular piece and has wide circulation on the net.

    To find out more regarding flexibility check out this thread in the Tae Kwon do forum ....
    Flexibility . I also submitted a Stetching Program in the MAP Magazine in the Stretching Index .."Martial Arts Warm-up and Stretching Program" .

    Equating poor flexibility with the inevitable and irreversible effects of aging is a copout. True, we aren't as limber as we may have been in our earlier years and because of that should strength train and stretch regularly to gain and (most important) "retain" our flexibility.

    Bear in mind that every individual has a specific range of motion. dictated by your body I.e. the bone and hip structure (pelvic alignment)....

    Shoot for a goal say in one year to be able to touch toes or chest to floor in a sitting v-stretch.... and work at it!

    I did... and it paid off.

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