Slothosaurus Training Log!

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by LemonSloth, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    Oh good lord, this...yes. Just yes. Love my fellow MAPpers, but seriously, some of these should earn you a slap. With a chair :D.


    05/10/13 (cont.):

    Foam roller based deliciousness
    Gentle stretches

    Sonoba kihon waza (in either Naihanchi Dachi or Jigotai, usual // mix):

    Jodan zuki x 50 // Chudan zuki x 50
    Jodan uke x 50 // Jodan Uke x 50
    Naiwan Uke Jodan x 50 // Naiwan Uke Chudan x 50
    Mae geri chudan x 40 // Mae geri chudan x 20
    Gaiwan Uke Jodan x 50 // Gaiwan Uke chudan x 50
    Gedan Barai x 50 // Gedan Barai x 50
    Shuto Uchi Jodan x 50 // Shuto Uchi Jodan x 50
    Mawashi Geri x 40 // Mawashi Geri Chudan x 20
    Uraken Uchi Jodan x 50 // Uraken Uchi Jodan x 50
    Shuto Uchi Jodan x 50 // Shuto Uchi Chudan x 50
    Naname Zuki Jodan x 50 // Naname Zuki Chudan x 60
    Sokuto geri kekomi x 20 // x 0 (Still trying to get the feel for this)

    Moving kihon waza (all techniques full speed, 15 seconds tops between each set - I know, I was being lazy :) ):

    Boxing combo - Jab, cross, uppercut, hook x 52
    Mae geri chudan x 52
    Tsugi ashi gyaku zuki chudan ipponken x 52
    Mawashi geri chudan x 52
    Ayumi Ashi Jodan Junzuki x 52
    Hiza geri x 50
    Mae geri chudan, mae ashi mae geri chudan, mawashi geri chudan x 30

    Control kicking (left // right), no break between legs and technique:

    Mawashi Geri 30 // 30
    Mae geri chudan 30 // 30

    The control kicking was to basically hang a tennis ball I'd previous destroyed off a washing line by a bit of string, then try to kick it as fast and as accurate as possible while still trying to move and stay fluid. The idea is to be able to touch without knocking it flying.

    Not as much as I'd hoped today, but considering the awful start, I'm happy I did stuff. :)
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
  2. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    lol! :happy: Which of those in particular bother you? Most of them annoy me as well, and I would only use them in a joking manner. Regional dialects-especially in the midwest and east-are atrocious and I often have to ask speakers to translate. :O:bang:
    Not a bad workout. :) But I find your lack of kata disturbing. ;) Mr Miyagi is rolling in his grave. :hat: :bang: If you don't mind-have you got some tips on improving my kumite? I finally got to do some after staff class, and I'm not happy with my performance. I found the karate gloves awkward and it feels generally stilted-even when I watch more experienced people do it. It isn't as much fun as MMA-type sparring (yet). Domo arigato! Osu! :hat: ~bows~
  3. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    Hmm, let's see...I fear if I'm honest certain users (such as Ero) might enjoy taunting my tiny mind with them, but here we go:

    2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50

    ...Yup, that's it.

    Awww, I love a lot of your saucy American colloquialisms! I just hate the grammatical nightmares. But if you think you have it bad, you should hear some of the regional British accents...:eek:

    Oh...I see...that's all, huh?

    *stitches voodoo dolls of matveimediaarts*


    Your question? Not at all. Your failure to specify what I don't mind? Why yes, I do! :p

    I jest of course :D

    Aye, I've never enjoyed Shiai Kumite (karate kumite generally used in comp, the points based stuff) as much as the MMA stuff either. It always feels soulless to me.

    When you say it feels "generally stilted" - which aspect bugs you the most? Foot work? Hand movement? The gloves themselves?

    Ideally having a good partner is always the best way to go. But if you're like me (on your lonesome most days) I try to find tricks to work my hand/feet speed, placement and accuracy. General things like:

    200 Punch challenge - grab a pair of gloves and something fairly light but large like a tin of beans in each hand. While darting back and forth in your usual attacking stance, jab and use the reverse punch 50 times on each side as fast as you can without stopping. Then put the tins down and do it again, but try to go much faster. Simon's 100 punch challenge is a similar idea with a different methodology but still pretty awesome.

    Tie a tennis ball to a bit of string or an empty bottle, then tie that from a washing line or something similar. Practice your jabs/reverse punches/mae geri/mawashi geri. Strike it as fast as you possibly can and try to touch it without knocking it flying or it making a lot of noise. Incredibly good for developing speed and control. I did this religiously for a couple of months once and my speed and accuracy went through the roof. It's also good if you choose to strike it with your hands to practice good tai sabaki, hand/eye co-ordination and placement by striking it as it swings. It also helps you develop your rhythm.

    Resistance bands. Either on your ankles or in your hands. Then either continuously dart back & forth while striking or kicking. For every rep of the technique you do on each side, repeat it straight after without resistance bands. You'd be stunned how much faster you get.

    Finally, film yourself, play it back to see what you're doing. When you try again, see in your mind how you did last time and push to be better than that every time.

    Alternatively, take up Judo and take them to the ground and armbar them :D

    I don't know how much any of that will help you, but that's what helps me when I want to train for that kind of stuff.

    Toodles :)



    Surprisingly was hit with DOMs today but at least I had a good night's sleep :)

    In any case, my mobility's a bit restricted and my muscles just aren't quite working as well. So I figured I would just do the bits of training I really enjoy tonight so I can settle down earlier :)

    Warm up stretching
    Warm up mae geri x 24
    Warm up bouncing back/forth x 24
    Warm up gyaku tsuki while moving x 24
    More stretches

    Bodyweight warm up:

    Strict knuckle push ups 5/6
    Jack knives 5/6
    Hindu squats 5/6
    Plank 20s/40s
    Glute ham raise (single leg extended) 20s/40s (each side)
    Burpees 5/6
    Twisty lunges 20/24
    Wall sits 20s/40s
    Spiderman push ups 4/4
    Regular squats 4/4

    45 seconds between the two sets. Didn't entirely have the desire to do the full 5 sets as I was only hoping to loosen up and warm up :). Plus the bones in my left wrist moved out of alignment again earlier and I had to put them back in, so they were still tender :(. Spiderman push ups are just ghastly though :eek:

    Barbell @ 30kg:

    Thrusters (from Shiko Dachi rather than regular squats) 1 x 10
    Regular squats 1 x 10
    Good Mornings 1 x 10
    Shiko squats 1 x 10
    Stiff legged Trunk twists 1 x 20
    Shiko dachi trunk twists (going in and out of Shiko dachi w/ strict form) 1 x 20 (side note: OWWWW)
    Strict Overhead Press 1 x 10
    Lunges 1 x 24

    0 - 10 seconds rest between exercises.


    Pinan Sandan x 5, all full intensity. For some reason this kata just isn't clicking for me. I know the steps, but the tempo and feel is...odd. At least to me.


    300 punch challenge Simon style - full gloves + super light weights in hand, 50 fast punches while running on the spot, 50 faster punches. Put down light weights and repeat. Take off gloves and repeat.

    Control striking w/ tennis ball on a string (all full speed):

    Mae geri x 30
    Mae ashi mae geri x 30
    Junzuki & gyaku zuki x 60
    Mawashi geri x 30
    Mae ashi mawashi geri x 30
    Tai sabaki & hand/eye co-ordination based punching (strike it gently, move to keep in good line/avoid being hit by ball, hit it as it swings to and fro) x 30 w/ each hand.

    EDIT: I totally forgot!

    1 handed Chi-ishi:

    "Limp Wave" x 30
    "Shiko Roll" x 30
    "Wrist roll" x 40
    "Setting Sloth" x 30

    1.5 mile run to finish. I need the practice.

    Now if you'll excuse me, the foam roller awaits!

    *swishes towel batman style and rolls away*
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2013
  4. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    :D We do indeed have some amusing colloquialisms here. Folks out in the midwest and southeast have just the most hilarious dialects you'll likely ever hear.

    voodoo dolls, eh? :O ZOMG! ~looks around nervously~

    Well, to me it feels more like a light sport-"boxing lite", I guess-than really fighting. There's not (as I currently understand it) that much grappling to it. I kept wanting to sweep and grapple my opponents, but my instructor didn't mention that being allowed (I didn't see anyone else do it either). The best thing about it (thus far) is good footwork practice. Also, my partners were significantly younger and smaller than me. It really wasn't much of a challenge other than trying to work within a new rule set for the first time. Perhaps it will get better as I get the feel for it and can be more 'artistic'. :eek:

    Aye, that's brill, mate! :) The tennis ball trick sounds especially good. I'll start working on it this week. I somehow overlooked that 100 punch challenge. I did learn Simon's 30 30 30 drill routine, and love it. I adapted it to other karate strikes as well. :D

    You know, I really wanted to pick up judo, but there are no judo dojos within a reasonable distance. I tried all the dojo finder sites on the web, too. :( If I ever move to Scottsdale, there are good places to train. :eek:
    Thanks again!
    Osu! ~bows~
  5. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    Once you start sparring with people taller and with better reach and speed than yourself, then it really does become a skill set. But yeah, if you're with people smaller than yourself it's not great.

    Depending on the rule sets though, some competitions allow limited sweeps and a 3 second rule to take them down. But most people don't try this in favour of scoring easy points. Might be worth chatting to your instructor about it.

    Aye, the first few times I used the tennis ball I was wondering if it was really all that fancy. Then I started to notice my aim was a little off. Then when it came to sparring with peeps I found I could actually kick them faster & make contact reliably without any impact, so that was cool.

    I have the same problem. Supposedly there is a judo club and an MMA club relatively near me I'm really keen to go to, but I can't seem to get hold of them :(



    Rough day today. Today was one of my scheduled relax days where I ease up on the training and only do just enough to stay mobile. Which is fine. The problem was that my legs cramped up so much that when I got back to the house after my jog I was pretty much hauling myself in on my hands :bang:. Looks like I'll be laying off the running for a few days.

    Barbell @ 15kg:

    Thrusters 1 x 5
    Power clean 1 x 5
    Good Morning 1 x 5
    Trunk twists 1 x 10
    Shrugs 1 x 5
    Strict OHP's 1 x 5
    OHPP's 1 x 5
    Deadlift 1 x 5
    Squats 1 x 5
    Bicep Curls 1 x 5
    1 Handed Overhead Press 1 x 5 (on left & right)
    Deficit Rows 1 x 5
    Shiko squats 1 x 5
    Behind the neck OHP's 1 x 5
    Tricep extensions 1 x 5
    Shrugs 1 x 5
    "Shiko Tiger Claw" 1 x 20 (stand with your feet twice as wide as your shoulders, barbell @ 90 degrees. Drop into shiko dachi, exhale, press the barbell away while rotating the hands. Breathe in, stand up, draw the barbell in, rinse and repeat. Change arms, rinse and repeat).

    0 - 10 second gaps.

    Barbell @ 30kg:

    Regular Thrusters 1 x 5
    Shiko Thrusters 1 x 5
    Clean & Press 1 x 5
    Strict OHP 1 x 5
    Strict OHP behind the neck 1 x 5
    Deadlift 1 x 5
    Deficit Row 1 x 5
    Trunk twists in @ out of Shiko Dachi 1 x 10
    Shiko squats 1 x 5
    Regular squats 1 x 5
    Good Mornings 1 x 5
    Bicep curls 1 x 5
    Shiko Circle Rows 1 x 10 (basically a row where you circle your arms in front of you rather than going up and down while going in & out of shiko dachi)

    0 - 10 seconds rest between movements.

    1.2 mile jog.

    Gonna lay off running for a couple of days, see how I do with a break from it.
  6. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Are "tricep extensions" the same as "tricep kickbacks"? /curious
  7. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Depends what equipment they are done with. If a barbell or e-z bar I think they are more like lying tricep extensions or skullcrusher or french press. Lots of variation on how you do these. I think kickbacks are with a light dumbbell
  8. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    More like these:

    [ame=""]How To: Seated Overhead Tricep Extension with an E-Z Curl Bar - YouTube[/ame]

    Than these:

    [ame=""]How To: Tricep Kickback (Dumbbell) - YouTube[/ame]

    Not really a fan of the extensions, but I wanted to give 'em a go. The kickbacks are much easier to do in my experience:



    Swimming in the morning. Trying to get myself back up to my 1k in 1/2 hour w/ breathstroke speed again. Also, hilariously my front crawl speed with just my arms is almost as fast as if I use my legs, too. I guess I'm not using my legs right :dunno:

    In the evening I went kickboxing. Didn't enjoy it to begin with, my feet were cramping like a beast and making it very difficult to move at all, plus my partner (who was a lovely personality I gotta say) was tired, hurting and not entirely in the mood to train. As the session went on things got livelier, the cramp eased up, I got to mix up with partners and it turned into a pretty cool session in the end. Apparently I have a surprisingly strong jab/cross already.

    Doesn't sound like much reading it back, does it?

    Should be more later - I've been asked to meet up with a group of dudes who want to do some training later today, so hopefully that won't be a damp squib. Apparently they didn't want to train with me at first because I'm "hardcore". Gotta love unobservant people making not entirely informed judgement calls :D
  9. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Thanks for clarifying, mate. :) Hey, do you remember a while back when I mentioned that kata don't really contain "blocks"? (I'm pretty sure it was in your blog I brought that up :/ ) I found an Iain Abernathy article that explains it much better than I can.

    How do you enjoy kickboxing? Does that skill cross over well to your karate? I've thought about giving it a try if I find a place with a good reputation.
  10. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    I vaguely remember, yeah. I haven't had my morning cuppa tea yet so my memory is hazy :p

    Awesome sauce! Iain Abernethy is pretty mental when it comes to kata and bunkai actually. Once the kids are off to school I'll sit down and read it properly :)

    It's pretty cool actually. Definitely more cardio intensive :D. I think the karate gave me a slightly better understanding about kicking techniques and footwork than I would have done had I just done kickboxing, even though there are subtle differences in things like the mae geri/front push kick and mawashi geri/roundhouse kick. The hand aspect is a little harder to get the hang of and its' difficult to make the karate deflections work consistently mind. But when I go to spar with other karateka I'm finding I'm a little more aggressive than I was, a little better at throwing combinations and my confidence with kicking techniques - including spinning ones - has really come on as late. :)

    The main reason for doing kickboxing for me though is - apart from the fact I get to do lots of padwork - that they occasionally enter harder contact sparring competitions which I'd like to try.



    Again, today was a scheduled relaxed day so I didn't do too much. Spent about 1/2 hour doing conditioning exercises, practising fundamental strikes and doing primal exercises with the big resistance band. Also managed some unassisted chin ups for the first time. They're not quite unassisted pull ups, but it's a start. Does anyone else find when they have to grip something large enough that they can't wrap their hands round it it gets much harder to do the exercise?

    Spent the next 45 minutes doing padwork, bobbing and weaving. Honestly it was a bit lacklustre but I was just happy someone was willing to hold the pads for me.

    EDIT: Also forgot:

    Grip Trainer @ 40kg:

    3 x 10 full closes on each hand.
    3 x 5 full closes for 5 seconds each on each hand.

    And that's it.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2013
  11. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!


    Wasn't a scheduled relaxed day, but it is wifey's birthday. To be fair though, I've been feeling stiff and fatigued all day so I wasn't up to doing my usual amount.

    2 mile walk for shopping. Been told to count the fact I was pushing 50kg+ & carrying 10kg on my back (both boys in a heavy double buggy and shopping), but I think that might be cheating, as would clearing out and re-ordering the shed with all my training equipment :p

    I then had to walk another mile to get more items of shopping I forgot the first time :cry:

    I did break out the barbell @ 40kg though:

    Deadlift 6 x 5
    Pendlay Rows 5 x 5
    Strict Overhead Press 6 x 5
    Trunk Twists 6 x 5
    Squats 3 x 5
    Shiko squats 2 x 5
    Behind the neck Overhead Push Press 1 x 12
    Lunges 1 x 24

    1 min rests between sets. Pretty sure I did more, if I did I'm sure I'll remember it.

    Rather than rest in between lifts like a sensible person I basically kept up by practising:

    Mae Geri
    Mawashi Geri Chudan
    Mawashi Geri Gedan
    Hiza Geri
    Ushiro Geri
    Boxing hooks
    Boxing jabs & crosses
    Empi Uchi

    Various combinations of the above. I'd pick one technique or combination and just drill that for the whole minute of rest from the barbell.

    So there you go. Not a lot, but something. Hopefully tomorrow shall be more special-icious :)
  12. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!


    Started off today with a nice swim. I'm a bit stiff this morning, so I basically broke it up by doing:

    Warm up (it's a regular 25m pool):

    1 x 50 metres breath stroke, aiming to get under 1:30 - 1:15 achieved.
    30 seconds rest.

    1 x 100 metres breath stroke, aiming to get under 3:00 - 2:35 achieved.
    45 seconds.

    1 x 150 metres breath stroke, aiming to get under 4:30 - 3:25 achieved.
    1 minute rest.

    1 x 200 metres breath stroke, aiming to get under 6 minutes - 6:05 achieved :dunno:. Not sure why this one was so slow.

    1 min 30 sec stretching. I'm saving the days where I swim 1k without stopping from cold for Tuesdays when I have less time to swim.

    Main swim:

    500 metres continuous doing the following:

    25 metres front crawl w/ just the legs.
    25 metres front crawl w/ just the arms.
    50 metres breath stroke w/ proper tuck & roll at the 25 metre mark.

    Repeat the above x 5 without stopping.

    Had a little time left over, so I figured I wanted to test something:

    1 x 50 metres regular front crawl - head under the water, legs being used, etc. 1 min 15 sec.

    1 x 50 metres front crawl w/ just arms, no legs used, no head under the water - 1 min 08 secs. :wow: :eek: :dunno:

    Walked 1 mile for shopping as well.

    I should be doing more later, so I'll update it then. Only I can swim faster with just my arms than my whole body lol.

    Also discovered CrossFit on YouTube. I think I'm in love :love::D


    11/10/13 (cont.):

    Sonoba Kihon Waza (Naihanchi dachi for everything except the keris', which were from Jigotai):

    Jodan Zuki x 50 // Chudan Zuki x 50
    Jodan Uke x 50 // Jodan Uke x 50
    Gaiwan Uke Jodan x 50 // Gaiwan Uke Chudan x 50
    Mae Geri Chudan x 40 // Mae Geri Chudan x 20
    Naiwan Uke Jodan x 50 // Naiwan Uke Chudan x 50
    Gedan Barai x 50 // Gedan Barai x 50
    Uraken Uchi Jodan x 50 // Uraken Uchi Jodan x 50
    Mawashi Geri Chudan x 40 // Mawashi Geri Chudan x 20
    Shuto Uchi Jodan x 50 // Shuto Uchi Jodan x 50
    Nuki te Uchi Jodan x 50 // Nuki te Uchi Chudan x 50
    Naname Zuki Jodan x 50 // Naname Zuki Chudan x 50

    Moving Kihon Waza:

    Mae Geri Jodan x 50 // Mae Geri Chudan x 10
    Tsugi ashi gyaku zuki chudan ipponken x 50 // Tsugi ashi gyaku zuki chudan ipponken x 10
    Mawashi Geri Chudan x 50 // Mawashi Geri Chudan x 20
    Jab, cross, low roundhouse x 30
    Jab & cross x 20
    Left & right hooks x 20

    Just not feeling it tonight to be frankly honest. The whole thing just felt...meh.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2013
  13. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!


    Dead man walking - 30kg heavy bag (again, may be heavier) slung over the shoulders, walk 1k. Good way to knacker out the shoulders.

    Bleep test (shuttle run) over 15 metre distance - got to Lvl 8.2, legs started to seize up :cry:. Still, my cardio can withstand it easily and it's slowly getting easier to run again. :)

    Band Assisted Pull Ups on a branch three times as thick as my max grip, which made it damn hard to hold on - 4, 4, 4, 2. (1 min between rests, failed on the third set).

    Heavy bag work:

    Lower Roundhouse kick x 20
    Mid level Roundhouse kick x 20
    Jab x 20
    Cross x 20
    Mae geri x 20
    Push kick off the front leg x 20
    Hook punch x 20
    Uppercut x 20
    Mawashi geri chudan x 20
    Head level Roundhouse kick x 20
    Empi uchi x 20
    Chudan zuki x 20
    Hiza Geri x 20
    Kizami Zuki, Gyaku Zuki x 20
    Left & Right Roundhouse kicks rib height x 20
    Kote Uchi x 20

    No breaks between techniques. Was interrupted at this point, got a few more mawashi geris in before the bag dropped to the point it was starting to scrape along the floor, so I figured it was time to stop it there.

    2 mile walk for shopping, pushing 50+kg, carrying 10kg on my back.

    Calf raises 5 x 1 minute, 1 minute rest between each set.

    Gonna do some grip training, maybe a little barbell work, but that's about it. I have paperwork to do tonight after all :(
  14. Wildlings

    Wildlings Baguette Jouster

    What the hell did you buy? :D
  15. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    it could be 2 x 25kg kids, though at that weight couldn't they walk, maybe a couple of bags of coal. I'm just old enough to remember coal truck deliveries
  16. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    Milk & meat and lots of it :p

    Younger one is about 15kg at 18 months and still isn't walking yet. Older one has just turned 4 and is a little over 25kg and can walk, but has special needs, is uncomfortable walking those kinds of distances and feels much safer sitting on the back of the double buggy with his cuddly toys (which is a nightmare contraption to push) than having reins put on him. Plus I physically can't help look after him, carry the shopping basket & push his little brother all at the same time without the double buggy. Yes I did count the weight of the buggy as well because the thing is ghastly to move.

    Thankfully I don't have the horror of needing coal any more, so that saves me a weighted trip :)


    More kihon training, all techniques done for 30 reps in front of a mirror to check the form:

    Jodan Zuki
    Chudan Zuki
    Jodan Uke
    Gaiwan Uke Chudan
    Naiwan Uke Chudan
    Gedan Barai
    Shuto Uchi Jodan
    Uraken Uchi Jodan
    Nuki te Uchi Jodan & Chudan
    Hiki Uke Chudan
    Hook Punch
    Mae Geri
    Mawashi Geri
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2013
  17. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    I see you like to practice uchi too. :) Have a look into Mabuni Sensei's Hiji Ate Goho. :D It's all elbows except the opening gadan barai.
  18. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!

    I had a look actually, that was pretty interesting :)



    I'm ashamed to say I'm resting tonight. The fatigue/pain issues have got me pretty hard so I'm going to have a night off. I'll do some calf raises and have done some grip training, but that's about it.
  19. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!


    Although I'm not feeling particularly fit, I have done a little bit this morning:

    Strict knuckle press ups 6/7/5/5
    Jack Knives 6/7/5/5
    Hindu Squats 6/7/5/5
    Plank 25s/45s/25s/25s
    Glute ham bridge, leg extended (per leg) 15s/25s/25s/25s
    Burpees 6/7/5/5
    Twisty Lunges 20/22/20/20
    Wall Sits 25s/45s/25s/25s

    1 minute rest between sets. Got to the fourth set, my body gave up on me half way through so I finished it there.

    Makiage Kigu (wrist roller) @ 7kg:

    1 x 7 reps up and down, handle held at shoulder height.

    Calf Raises 5 x 1 minute, 1 minute rests inbetween.


    Barbell @ 40kg - all gaps between lifting filled with kihon waza rather than taking rest periods:

    Shrugs 3 x 8
    Jodan zuki x 30, Chudan zuki x 30, Jodan uke x 30

    Deadlift 5 x 5
    Gaiwan uke jodan x 30, Gaiwan uke chudan x 30, Naiwan uke jodan x 30, Naiwan uke chudan x 30, Gedan barai x 30

    Bicep curl 3 x 5
    Mae geri x 30, Mawashi geri x 30, Low roundhouse x 30

    Shiko dachi squats 5 x 5
    Sokuto geri kekomi x 30, Shuto uchi jodan x 30, Uraken uchi jodan x 30, Naname zuki jodan x 30, Naname zuki chudan x 30

    Strict Overhead press 2 x 5
    Hiki uke x 30, Boxing jab x 60

    Overhead push press 2 x 5
    Boxing cross x 60, Hook x 30

    Clean & Press 1 x 5
    Uppercut x 30

    Trunk Twist, Good Mornings & Squats 3 x 5 (one straight after the other, no rest time between them).
    Mae geri from Junzuki dachi x 30, Junzuki jodan x 30, Junzuki chudan x 30

    Grip trainer @ 40kg:

    1 x 10 Slow full closes on each hand, 1 x 5 second squeeze & holds, 5 seconds rest between each on each hand. Did the same yesterday.

    Gonna go stretch off a bit as I have kickboxing tomorrow.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
  20. LemonSloth

    LemonSloth Laugh and grow fat!


    Swimming in the morning - 850 metres in just under 27 minutes, then I was told the school would be taking the pool and I had to get out. I'm getting closer to my 2k/hour speed again (nearly all breath stroke, occasional front crawl because I hate it) but I'm not there yet.

    Kickboxing in the evening - yet again, awesome session. Apart from punching myself in the eye :cry:. My punches with gloves still feel like weak sauce and my guard still isn't great but is improving. My kicks, elbow and forearm strikes however seem to be coming back to their former awesomeness as can be testified by the dude that had to hold the bags and pads for me. I'm struggling to get the hang of pulling a good guard still, but I'm starting to move a lot more naturally. So fingers crossed, I'm making progress! :)

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