Side control escapes.

Discussion in 'MMA' started by Bon, May 23, 2003.

  1. Bon

    Bon Banned Banned

    What escapes do you use to escape from side control? At the moment I only really use the basic escape where I push on their neck & hips, then scoot my hips out from under them - simple, yet very effective once you get the scooting motion happening. I've recently started working my double underhook escape though, 'cause I've seen it (and felt it :D) used very effectively. I'll detail the escapes I'm working at the moment as I've been told these are the three main ones people get in sparring:

    Basic push away escape - get posture by positioning our forearms on their neck and on their hip. Push, may need to alternate the pushing from arm to arm to make it easier and more effective until we can place our hands on their neck and hip - from here, we continue to do the same thing until our arms are fully extended, only we have more leverage now. Scoot our hips out away from them as far away as possible, hereby creating space. This is the KEY PART to this escape! Then bring out hips back in towards them sliding our shin across their stomach. From here, we go back to closed guard, or we can put a hook in and go for the hooking sweep.

    Single underhook - assume we have our arm closest to their head hooked underneath them and our other hand postured on their hip. From here, pull our arm back over our head and use the hand on their hip to help us push in the other direction. Keep doing this until we get get our neck out (or almost get it out) and continue to push while we come up onto our knees and go to side back control.

    Double underhooks - assuming we have posture (this escape may be good to work when we can't establish posture 'cause we have one arm stuck underneath them or our basic escape isn't
    working), we'll buck our hips continously and wedge our arm closest to their head underneath them and come up over their back and grab their lats. We'll do the same for the other hand on their hips and bring it up onto their back. We then push our arms back as pull our neck underneath them and KEEP pushing our arms back until we get our neck out (or almost out) and keep pushing as we come up onto our knees and go into side back control.
  2. Andrew Green

    Andrew Green Member

    3 basic options:

    Recover guard

    Get to knees

    Or roll them off

    and a number of ways to do each. has some side mount escapes up

    I'd say recovering guard is the one I use most

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