Shodokan and Tomiki Sport Aikido

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Graham, May 9, 2005.

  1. Graham

    Graham Valued Member

    Is there a difference between Shodokan and Tomiki Sport Aikido? I had assumed they where the same thing, but I was told by a practicioner of the later, that Shodokan was develeloped and changed, after Tomiki's death. So, they are not the same thing. Any info?
  2. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    So far as I know they are the same thing. Any Tomiki/Shodokan people want to field this one?
  3. Shinkei

    Shinkei Valued Member

    Within the UK Aikidoka who follow the teaching of Nariyama Shihan grade within the Shodokan syllabus.

    Aikidoka who follow the teachings of Senta Yamada Sensei, Takeshi Inoue Sensei and the style of the late Ohba Sensei tend to call themselves Traditional Tomiki Aikido, although many Aikidoka fall between the two.

    As with all styles each instructor has his/her own way of doing things. Basicly its about a slightly different take on the same thing.
  4. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    Sounds pretty much like all "other" styles of the discipline then :rolleyes:

  5. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    So what's in the name then? Are they all affiliated to the same organisation or are they totaly and completely seperate?
  6. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Tintin (an old MAP member) competed in these tournaments. He used to post that Shodokan was the same thing as Tomiki. For him, Shodokan was the preferred name. That's all I know.
    Last edited: May 11, 2005
  7. Shinkei

    Shinkei Valued Member

    Like all styles of Aikido there are some groups that are independant. although if you want to compete at the world championships your association will have to be a member of the Tomiki Aikido International Network.

    Grading if you want to be issued with a Japan Aikido Association Menjo your association Instructor will have to be recognised by the JAA. Because of the cost of theses JAA Menjo many western associations also issue their own certificates.
  8. Freeform

    Freeform Fully operational War-Pig Supporter

    When Tomiki formalised his style of Aikido he wanted it to be called Shodokan. The people that refer to the style as Shodokan are carrying out that wish.
  9. Rebel Wado

    Rebel Wado Valued Member


    I didn't know until recently that in Japanese, the word "Shodokan" means School (KAN) of the Way (DO) of the Opening (SHO).

    I'm not sure exactly the literal translation but I think Shodokan simply means "Open School."
  10. erubio14

    erubio14 New Member

    I learned something new today :cool:

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