
Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Blevunly, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. Blevunly

    Blevunly Valued Member

    Would Olympic lifts be a good substitute for powerlifting lifts? If so will they be the only lifts needed or would I still need some powerlifts in there?
  2. GhostOfYourMind

    GhostOfYourMind Bewaters lil Iron Monkey

    Instead of using just Oly lifts or just P-lifts, do all of em. Although, olympic lifts are more technical, and require a greater level of skill. So you may need to do their variations. But I'd say keep the power lifts so that you can maintain absolute strength, and gain speed strength from oly lifting. They'd probably complement each other well.
  3. Blevunly

    Blevunly Valued Member

    So if I do both should I do them all in one workout or should I do one day Oly other day Power and just alternate?
  4. Radok

    Radok Love myself better than U

    You could do the O lifts as assisstance exercises after you do deadlifts or squats. Or you could make a separate day for them, to hit them 100%. It's really a question of how many training days you have.
  5. Blevunly

    Blevunly Valued Member

    Well I plan on lifting every other day, so I guess I could switch them every other day.
  6. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

    If it's oly lifting and powerlifting you're interested in, then just combine the two. True Oly lifting programs include the bench, squat, and a variant of deadlifting (RDLs).

    You could-
    One full oly move
    One power/hang Oly move
    Squat/RDL/front squat
    Jerk/push press

    **This would be a like a sample, generic Oly lifting style program where you'd feel in sets/reps/percentage of intensity.

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