Names or Numbers

Discussion in 'Kenpo' started by KenpoDavid, Aug 12, 2003.

  1. KenpoDavid

    KenpoDavid Working Title

    I've noticed that some Kenpos use names for defense techniques and some use numbers.

    Which does your school use? Do you think it is better than the other way, and why?

    (I'm mainly intersted in kenpo but anyoen is welcome to discuss)

    My school uses numbers. At first, I thought, it would be "cooler" and more interesting if we used names like "Eagle Holds the Key" instead of "Grab Defense #4"... but now, after learning some 20 techniques or so... thank God for numbers!

    we also have fun making up names for some of the moves... Snake breaks twig... Hungry Tiger in the Dark.. or my favorite : The Front and Back Nutsack Attack LOL

  2. mattsylvester

    mattsylvester One proud daddy!

    We use names in both Kenpo and Shunryu. Numbers would really confuse me I think! :)
  3. Jim

    Jim New Member

    We do the same for Techniques in Judo (using Kawaishi's numbering system) but it makes it a little hard when discussing with other Judoka's who don't use the same numbering system.
  4. Joe karate

    Joe karate New Member

    In my Kempo, we use numbers. There are the "combination" numbers which run from 1-26(thats white to first degree blackbelt) and then our techniques called "kempos"(note however that the "combination" techniques are still kempo movements, its just a naming system). So someone might say "do combination 6" or "do yellow belt kempo 2".

    I like the fact that they are numbered, makes the learning faster i think.
  5. cal_JJJ

    cal_JJJ New Member

    Names here, but when writing notes we will refer to technique board #'s.
  6. Pacificshore

    Pacificshore Hit n RUN!

    In my former Kenpo style we used names such as "arm breaker/pee bag", "diving board", "pistol poke" just to name a few. Now in my current system we use numbers.

    I've always found names easier to remember, but part of growing and learning is to be able to adapt to change:D .
  7. Les

    Les Valued Member

    Actually, the names of the techniques are designed to help with the learning process.

    The name gives clues to the execution of the technique, the attack, the defence, or a combination of these factors.

    For example, Deflecting Hammer tells us that the technique uses a hammering action.......... the 'method of execution'

    That the hammer is 'deflecting' tells us something about the angles that should be used when executing the block.

    Surely this makes learning faster than #4 yellow?

    Just my opinion

  8. KenpoDavid

    KenpoDavid Working Title

    I've wondered about that too, Les, and think that can be true in many cases, but with sooo many techniques some of the names I can't map to the actions...

    Of course, yelling the name of the move as you do it (a la DBZ) is much cooler when they are names and not numbers. "Grab Number 7!" is just not as intimidating as "Crushing Mace!" :/
  9. Les

    Les Valued Member

    Let's not lose sight of the fact that the techniques are really only 'ideas & suggestions' to guide us towards finding our own solutions in 'real world' situations. (And, of course, benchmarks of our progress in the syllabus)

    I always tell my students that the main thing they should be focusing on is "TNT".........Targets, Not Techniques

    Last edited: Oct 10, 2003
  10. KenpoDavid

    KenpoDavid Working Title

    Yes, I'm in the middle of that learnign process now. I have accumulated a stack of techniques I've been shown and am practicing, and they are slowly working into my fighting. For example one of our katas uses a spinning backfist and I was able to land one yesterday (although it was pretty sloppy and desperate move as I was getting pounded, it did back him off)
  11. Razor

    Razor New Member

    In Kara-Ho Kempo we use categories like Basics, Advanced, Grabs, Clubs etc.. Then they are split into sets-

    So names and #'s I suppose-
  12. matsloth

    matsloth New Member


    hi i teach the names ,and agree hole hartedly with les ,the names should make it easyer ,and all the early english syllubus use names ,(i think)like the b.k.k.u and e.k.k.f ,but on the subject what would be your favorite technique if you had to name 1,

    ps i think it makes learning the later forms much easyer to
  13. Brother John

    Brother John New Member

    a word in edge-wise.... ; )

    There I was reading down the thread here when I come upon Les speaking my thoughts before I've even thought them.
    You're increadible Les. :eek:

    I used to train in styles that used #s.... yuk.
    Got so old, had no flavor...

    gimme "Thundering Hammers" any day.

    Your Brother state-side

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