My Experiment

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by KidCanFight, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. KidCanFight

    KidCanFight good is not good enough

    Hi Everyone.

    For the next week, starting yesterday, I have decided to write down everything I eat.
    I will write down the Protein, Carbs, and fat. I don't need to write down the calories because 1g of protein and carbs has 4 calories, and 1 gram of fat has 9.
    I will work out a PCF (protein-carbs-fat) ratio to see how many of those macronutrients I have in comparison to each other.

    I will post the results here. I would appreciate feedback on whether im having too much or not enough of something. Just for the record I am 14 years old, 5" 11, and weigh between about 160 and 165 pounds.

    I will post it like 8:00 toast - 10 - 25 - 7, meaning at eight oclock I had toast with 10 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs and 7 grams of fat.

    Results for 1/Jan/06

    10:47 Muesli with milk - 13 - 44 - 14

    12:05 Light alfredo pasta - 15.5 - 67 - 7

    12:45 yogurt - 10.5 - 29.5 - 2

    1:30 kiwifruit x2 - 0 - 20 - 0

    2:35 chocolate bar - 1.5 - 20.5 - 6

    3:20 tinned tuna - 16.5 - .5 - 9

    4:20 milk - 4 - 6.5 - 0

    4:55 nectarine - 1 - 11 - 0

    5:05 fruit lolly things - 1 - 38.5 - 4.5

    5:35 potato pie - 26 -20 - 22

    7:25 fruit yogurt parfait - 8 - 41.5 - 1.5

    9:20 - cheese sandwich in soy and linseed bread - 16 - 29 - 11.5

    Total: Protein - 113g
    carbs - 328g
    fat - 77g

    PCF ratio: 22:62:15

    Total calories - 2457

    Thanks for reading :)
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2006
  2. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    whats your goal im sorry?
  3. KidCanFight

    KidCanFight good is not good enough

    I dont have one. Im just seeing how much I eat and thought I might share it with everyone else :)
  4. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Origami Itto

    Origami Itto Walking Paths

    That reminds me, i should begin my own experiment of writing down every injury that i recieve, anything more serious than a bruise. Don't know where it will lead, but after some time i might draw conclusions on my technique, and if i keep it up i will have a list of points to watch out for when i get really old :).

    Keep it up Holocaust, more data is always a good thing! Everyone else, begin taking notes of something, no better time than the beginning of a new year to do that.
  6. KidCanFight

    KidCanFight good is not good enough

    results for 2/jan/06

    12:00 (big sleep in!) 2 toasted cheese and tuna sandwiches - 47 - 58 - 31.5

    1:30 K-time bar - 1.5 - 27.5 - 1

    2:30 fruit salad - 0 - 12 - 0

    4:00 Le Rice - 6 - 34.5 - 3.5

    4:50 prima bar - 5.5 - 15.5 - 3

    5:15 Potato Pie - 26 - 50 - 22

    5:20 chocolate dipped strawberry x2 - 0 - 15 - 2

    5:30 apricot - .5 - 6 - 0

    6:10 watermelon - 2 - 23 - .5

    7:50 slice of cheese - 5.5 - 0 - 7

    8:00 apricot/almond bar - 2.5 - 22 - 4.5

    8:15 yogurt - 8 - 20 - 2

    9:10 some biscuits - 4 - 21.5 - 6

    Protein - 109g
    Carbs - 275g
    Fat - 84g

    PCF ratio:

    total calories: 2292

    btw I changed my name
  7. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

  8. JKD_forever

    JKD_forever DEADLIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    id die from that food
  9. KidCanFight

    KidCanFight good is not good enough

    What food?

    Thanks, I'll check it out!
  10. flaming

    flaming Valued Member

    Possibly the worst diet i've ever seen And i thought my parents' was bad...
  11. harhar

    harhar I hate semaphores

    Replace the bars with something else like a meat/veggies combo and your diet rating goes up 50% :D.
  12. Combatant

    Combatant Monsiour Fitness himself.

    Do you have a life? :D

    Its good to eat frequently but you are barely giving yourself an hours sometimes to digest what you have eaten.
  13. ZenPixelTKD

    ZenPixelTKD not just a natural blonde

    why don't you go to
    you can enter in everything that you eat and it will caluate the calories, nutrients and everything.
  14. Vigilance

    Vigilance Valued Member

    Agreed ^^

    Check out fitday, it will be much easier to track everything. And your breakdown seems to be way off, I don't think you're getting as much protein as you think.

    As far as your diet itself, it clearly needs alot of work.
  15. Cuchulain82

    Cuchulain82 Custodia Legis

    While I agree that the diet isn't great, let's not come down too hard on a 14 year old because he doesn't have a perfect Protein/Fat/Carb ratio...
  16. flaming

    flaming Valued Member

    Sorry, i had to say something. In the long run if my harsh words, change the diet then im not a bad person.
  17. KidCanFight

    KidCanFight good is not good enough

    Ok Everyone, I will try to change my diet.

    I used to be really fat though, so im not eating half as bad as I used to.
  18. Blake_AE

    Blake_AE Valued Member

    Don't listen to them, the diet isn't that bad at all compared to a lot of people.

    Muesli, fruit, tuna, yogurt are all good. You could do with more green veggies - get some brocolli and spinach in there. Get some lean red meat and chicken/turkey in there. Check out the ingredients on your bars, lollies, parfaits - look at the grams of sugar. Replace those items with low-sugar snack options as much as possible. Raw almonds/nuts are a good start.

    Yes there is room for improvement but its miles above a lot of people's diets. Also like they said - use fitday. If you want feedback, use the reports fitday will generate and then post the ratios on here.
  19. KidCanFight

    KidCanFight good is not good enough

    Thanks alot for the advice instead of just saying my diet is bad. I look at the ingredients of alot of the bars I eat and they arent all terrible.
    The parfait I had I made. It just had yogurt, kiwifruit, and nectarine.

    I will try to eat more veggies!

    Thanks :)
  20. Ad McG

    Ad McG Troll-killer Supporter

    Please use a journal if you want to keep a food log. It's cool to discuss things here though.

    As with many diets - too many carbs, not enough protein! Try to get a bit more protein in there as well as more fruit and veg. At 14 you should be eating everything in sight, so get stuck in :)

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