More Women in M.A

Discussion in 'Women's Self Defence' started by tae-kwon-do0, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. tae-kwon-do0

    tae-kwon-do0 Banned Banned

    I do my part to try and influence women around us to join some type of self-defense training. tkd has been beneficial in more ways than self defense. I look foward to experimenting with different styles. The disciplne and motivation that comes with the arts is invaluable.
  2. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    How do you do your part? Are you an instructor?
  3. tae-kwon-do0

    tae-kwon-do0 Banned Banned

    Hi kgirl

    I try doing my part with domestic violence victims in particular..after some of the smoke has settled of course. Im not a trainer. Im new in the arts, but ive been around the block as far as self defense. :) I do plan on years of learning though.

  4. Omid24

    Omid24 New Member

    women in tkd


    the whole porpuse of the martial art is self defence. however, to most women i coach it is more than that. it is very hard to get a female player into our club due to negattive image of martial arts.

    i do my part by showing them the way. after a few years. when i see the change in the them, i smile. it is not the same with men. with men it is easier. men like to hit each other. convincing women to get physical and kicking is the trick. after a few years they enjot the physical touch and treat it as if they are doing thearpy to their souls. this kind of thearpy cures alot in ones soul.

    and luckly they get it. i believe it is a life changing experience. esspsially for women. l have learnt alot about women, just by wathing them train. if only there was anoher way of getting more females doing martial art.

    best regards,
  5. tracks

    tracks New Member

    I've been training in Taekwondo for 3yrs, I took my kids along as an excuse so that I could join. I feel more confident now than I ever. I achieved my 1st Dan at xmas at the age of 34.
    I didn't believe I would ever get that far because I have a real problem in seeing things through to the end, I loose heart and interest, and then don't see the point in carrying that project on.
    My Taekwondo training is different though....yes ok 3 times I have lost heart and wanted to give up due to injuries and feeling some what intimidated sometimes in class because of my age, and not being as flexible as the young whipper snappers, but I still enjoy it. I am alot calmer now than when I first started, not as hot headed, but it does me good.
  6. Omid24

    Omid24 New Member

    i know what you went through. my partner in colledge was abit older than you and her kid practices in my club. i spent the 3 years of my BA convincing her to strat doing martial art. :bang:

    eventually she started doing karate (not exactly what i ment, she was forgiven) and this week got an email from her saying how her life changed due to practice. :Angel:

    i will give you another example. my mom at the age of 46 started practicing TKD. now she cant get enough. ;)

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