Mat suggestions.....

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Dead_pool, May 16, 2018.

  1. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    So I bought a baby jail so I can leave the room for more then 2 seconds without someone trying to kill themselves, and then matted it with baby jigsaw mats......

    So what I hear you cry.....

    Well I have a cat who seems to enjoy chewing mats, and then barfing up all over the mats, this was news to me, (although he did the same to a foam roller) but now I'm left with the issue of how to pad a fenced off area of carpet, without using jigsaws, and I think full judo mats might be overkill...

    Any suggestions..
  2. SWC Sifu Ben

    SWC Sifu Ben I am the law

    Covering it would be my best thought. Maybe velcro strips stapled to cheap blanket and the velcro attaches blanket to the out edge bottom so it wraps all the way over the mats.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  3. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    I could get a vinyl cover... Like most gyms do.... Its a pity wrestling mats arnt cheap/available.
  4. SWC Sifu Ben

    SWC Sifu Ben I am the law

    Or if the cat is chewing on the exposed outer edges away from the chilt you could cover them in hot sauce to dissuade the chewing. Vinyl may not solve it if the compound which makes the foam tasty also makes the vinyl tasty.
    Pretty In Pink and Dead_pool like this.
  5. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    First thing that came to my mind was a tarp as well; folded down about the edges, so the mats are not reachable anymore at all.

    Otherwise I'd say let her eat it, she will notice it makes her barf. But let's be honest, she won't care :D
    My tomcat eats thin plastic bags with passion. Poor idiot. Because, of course, they come out the wrong side as well.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  6. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    I'm pretty sure mats are really bad for her to eat, I had a three hundred pound bill from the other one recently. So I'm gonna try to keep the foam away from her!
    Plus cat spit isn't the best thing to coat babies faces in.

    Toxoplasma gondii - Wikipedia

    I think I'm gonna try a duvet case on the weekend.

    A tarp is too tough on the babies skin, although useful when outside with a blanket on top!

    Good ideas so far, thanks!
    SWC Sifu Ben likes this.
  7. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    Well, I wasn't exactly being serious with this, you know that, right?

    I might have chosen a wrong word here, but I'm not sure.
    I'm also not a baby person as well, so it doesn't really matter if I did or not, it might be either way a bad idea, material wise.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  8. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    The idea is sound!

    Just the material needs a little tweaking!
  9. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    A lightweight tarpaulin like one of theses: B&Q Tarpaulin (L)4.9m (W)3.9m | Departments | DIY at B&Q might do. I used one of these to cover some foam mats I got cheap. It's fairly smooth - I can roll on it, and wipes down easily. Just wrap the mat in the tarpaulin and duct tape it on the back.
  10. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    The gracie boys have that excellent tutorial on how to make their mats. That might be a good shout if you're looking for something more long lasting and reusable.

    Or kill the cat. Very cheap option too.
    SWC Sifu Ben likes this.
  11. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Don't let Mr flibble hear you say that...... ;)
    axelb likes this.

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