Master Kwak Joon Ki

Discussion in 'Kuk Sool' started by psbn matt, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

    has anyone heard of this master? or knows what school he teaches at?

    i have a black belt who trained with this master moving into my area and wanting to start at my school.
    i have tried to do a search for Master Kwak Joon Ki, but can't find anything out about him, and am starting to wonder if he is a kjn from one of the offshoots and not a part of wksa.

    can anyone help?
  2. KSWarrior


    No, sorry I have never heard of him . . . I will ask my instructor and see if he knows.
  3. KSW_123

    KSW_123 Valued Member

    Never heard of him. I looked in the '85 red book and he wasn't in there.
  4. ksn-joe

    ksn-joe Valued Member

    this may sound obvious but you could ask by sending an email to headquarters if you get no other info here
  5. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

    i will if he ever turns up, but untill then i'll keep looking

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