Looking for a Valentine... (Pkaw!)

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Saccade, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. Saccade

    Saccade Valued Member

    Jason Valentine - username Pkaw!

    Last on here at the end of October.

    Kinda gone AWOL. Just got off the phone to his mum in the states and she's not heard from him and he was supposed to be staying with me and the Mrs this weekend before flying back out from Town...

    Not sure if this is the best place to put this, but I can't think where best to put it - if any mod can help, Anth said I could post to ask around; I can't think where's best to ask...

    If anyone here's "buddys" with him or speaks with him, will you please let me know as I'm a bit worried about him, and his mum's livid...

    I try to call and his phone's just off now instead of ringing out or saying the voicemail's full and he's not answering texts or emails.

    I'd be grateful if anyone would say if they'd heard from him since the end of the first week of November.

    Thanks a million and Happy Xmas and a Merry New Year,



    ps - Jay...

  2. Pkaaaww!!

    Pkaaaww!! Not-So-Valued Member. Yet

    10-4 old bud.

    Sorry bout alla that.
    I sent you a message but i'll call when its daytime. I reckon I got mysel' a lot of explaining to do huh?

    See ya soon

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