Kicking guys in the nutage

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Kosh, May 1, 2005.

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  1. Kosh

    Kosh New Member

    I watched a movie that had a scene where a women kicked a guy in the nuts. It was a fake self defence situation, but she did it anyway and got a round of applause. I know its just a movie but it got me thinking that kicking a guy there is seen as a kinda female empowerment thing...or it seems that way.

    If a woman (or man) was in a dangersous situation, then nut kicking is arguably a good way of getting out of it. I have no problems with that.


    do you think that under any other circumstances kicking someone in the nuts should be seen as sexual assault? Or at least a more serve form of assault than general hitting, since its a reproduction organ.

    I tend to think that if the atitudes towards the sexes where reversed that action would be seen as sexual assault.
  2. Noontidal

    Noontidal Popeye

    I'm sorry to not address the subject, but how many threads do we need about testicles? :eek:

    And yes, in other than a self-defense situation kicking in the nuts would = sexual assault.
  3. KickChick

    KickChick Valued Member

    I agree

    .... on both accounts
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