Khun Kao's Fight Training Regimen

Discussion in 'Thai Boxing' started by Khun Kao, Jul 12, 2003.

  1. Khun Kao

    Khun Kao Valued Member


    Flying knees are actually a lot simpler than they sound.

    Lets say that you're in an Orthodox fighting stance (left-side lead) and you want to throw a left-leg flying knee strike. You take a step forward with your right leg towards your target. Instead of just stepping forward with your left leg, you lift it for the knee strike and launch yourself forwards with your back foot.

    The knee strike should be aimed FORWARDS, not UPWARDS! As you leap forwards, you should pop your shoulders backwards and hips forwards right as you're hitting the target for extra power.


    Khun Kao
  2. nicolo

    nicolo Valued Member


    Ok I see what you mean. But in order to achieve the height for a head attack, I'd probably have to be several steps away for that?
    I'm a righty so when I start out in a left-lead stance, I quickly step up with my right foot and left foot. As soon as the left foot hits the ground, my right leg comes up and out into a knee. My left leg pulls back. I don't know if that's how it's done.
    The further back I am, the more height I get. But again I don't know if that's how it's done.
  3. Khun Kao

    Khun Kao Valued Member


    Not quite sure. It *sounds* close, but I'd really have to see it.

    To make it really simple... Throw a knee, but JUMP with it rather than just stand up on your tiptoes.

    Khun Kao
  4. SoKKlab

    SoKKlab The Cwtch of Death!

    Maybe a slight confusion of terms between Jumping Knee and Flying Knee techniques, perhaps?

    Kao Loi-Flying knee is the tech that I've always done by bringing the one leg up and then jumping and hitting through with the other. Same motion as that jumping scissoring flicky-flack front kick which I can never remember the name of, except with knees instead of feet.

    I like the Flying knee best, but it is a bit of a double edged sword, as you might hit with it or you might get hit onto your ****...

    Perhaps Nicolo's thinking of that one instead of the straight thru jump knee tech? Oh the magic of Internet Video, we could say yeh or neh in an instant.

    Nicolo, do the technique from your normal Right Foot forward stance, it'll make more sense to you from there. Kao Dode-Jump Knee is just like throwing the normal straight knee but with a spring forward and through.

    Sorry to butt into a Private convo.
  5. nicolo

    nicolo Valued Member


    No that's the problem! I want to execute Kao Loy but end up with Kao Dode. You see what I mean? I guess I don't gain enough height when I jump forward sometimes because I'm standing too close to the opponent. All I end up with is a hopping or jump knee.
    In order to obtain the necessary height for a head attack, I'd have to start from several or more steps away. If I was in left-lead stance and wanted to throw the right flying knee, I'd quickly step forward right my right foot, then my left and as soon as my left foot hits the ground I spring forward and the right knee pulls forward. My right arm swings out and back and my left hand is covering my chin. I try to arch my back in the air as much as I can so that the knee gets more penetration.

    I guess I can try the way you described...I see what you're saying. It's like a crane kick...bring up one leg and then kick with the other. Except knees in this case.

    The other way to get jumping height is grow another foot taller...but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon.
  6. SoKKlab

    SoKKlab The Cwtch of Death!

    Seems like you've sussed it Nicolo,
    A good drill for practising launching Flying knee, I find is this, essentially throwing two Knee strikes in quick succession;

    In your natural stance, throw lead jab and cross (1-2),
    then straight Knee with your rear leg-in your case the Left leg.

    Throw the knee strike but don't step through, ie you've caught them in the gut with a standard straight knee strike, so you retract the Leg that you've just kneeded with.

    Now immediately bring the leg that you've just kneeded with back to starting position in stance.

    Follow up immediately by raising your Front knee up and off the floor-as you said like a crane kick-and bringing it down again with an almost bouncing motion on the ball of the foot (Carefully at first-you should be aiming for a fairly light springing motion to start with).

    So that you use that (Your front leg) as a springboard to Immediately power up off the floor bringing the rear Knee in to play as a Flying knee strike. Forward Up and Through.

    I've found that I have developed very good spring through and height using this method and repeated practice. It's also a fun sequence to do and I find myself Sproinging around the place, enjoying myself.

    It has worked for me many times as a combi in fighting scenarios, because it is slightly unexpected, as you are forcing an opening with the first Knee strike and if you have been lucky enough to not have that countered with a catch and throw or Elbowed/ Re-directed, then you immediately follow through with the Flying knee.

    Particularly if the opponent is going straight backwards.

    Usually scares the pants off those who don't expect it, but be careful with this technique. As with all Flying or jumping techniques, they are a two-way street, great if they work but along way to the floor if they don't...Particularly if they palm you in the face or chest and you are leaning back with your upper body a little too much.

    As ever Keep a Tight Guard in front of your face. I naturally developed a version of this where on the second knee my hand automatically pushes/ strikes their face, obscuring their vision for what's coming.

    Again must be careful with this arm out tactic, as I often throw people from this sort of position. I figure if I can do it to them, then they night be able to do it to me.

    Hope this helps. Go easy to start. Happy Leaping!
  7. Khun Kao

    Khun Kao Valued Member

    Ah, difference in terminology.

    When I refer to the technique "Flying Knee" it is what you guys seem to be calling the "Jumping Knee".

    When you guys are referring to the "Flying Knee", it is what I refer to as the "Jumping Scissor Knee".

    (or maybe I've got it backwards? I've had one too many Singha's tonite... LOL)

    Khun Kao
  8. SoKKlab

    SoKKlab The Cwtch of Death!

    God help us when we get on to the side and spinning Knee strikes then :)

    As I've always understood it, Kao Dode is the Jumping Knee, similiar to Kao tone (straight knee), except that you are Jumping towards the adversary during the kneeing phase of the tech (instead of reaching for a clinch-One hand at a time please!).

    Whereas I've always done Kao Loi (Flying Knee) as a switcheroo
    with scissoring motion. It seems to get alot of spring and power using this method and works for me.

    Saying that i do a few different variations and was shown a shed load of flying/ jumping/ springing knee variants early on in my Muay Thai, some of which were more Ling Lom techniques than Muay Thai.

    Anyways, i hope the drill made sense to nicolo, whatever its really called...Confusing as well, because of Thai Dialect (Ie Sok Gnad/ Hud-Levering upward elbow).

    Mostly simpler in English, but not always the case-many's a time when I've been 'thrown' by a term in English for a simple technique (?Just what do you mean Straight Elbow? Huh?-Looks perplexed and watches fellow trainees for a clue)...Hohum.

    Regardless they work when applied Correctly with common sense...
  9. Khun Kao

    Khun Kao Valued Member


    I once asked my instructor, Master Kumron "K" Vaitayanonta if he would teach me the Thai names for the techniques. He just laughed and told me to call them whatever I want to call them because thats what the Thai's do. Most of the techniques don't have "official" names, so going from gym to gym, or camp to camp, you are likely to hear different names for the same techniques.

    So, I do as you described, I just use the simplest common English that I can. And as far as using the Thai names for techniques, I simply teach my guys the terms: Sawk, Kao, Teep, and Dtae. (since the boxing that I teach is directly from International Style Boxing, I teach only the English terms for them. Especially considering that the Thai's use English for some of their punches, too!)

    Khun Kao
  10. Skye

    Skye New Member

    Brooks- You put alot of work into it, I hope it pays off at your next event. I'll start off and say I haven't had a fight so I'm not the most knowledgable. I did train for one last year (and was going to take a boxing fight in the lead up to it) but it got called off. Looking back on it I'd have to say I really lacked some key areas of conditioning, and you maybe lack the same things. I had good cardio from training hard, jogging and sprints, one night I got my heart rate over 200 and had recovered to be able to talk after half a minute.

    I really lacked anaerobic fitness though, and still do, something alot of kickboxers don't work on enough. I'd look into adding a long term weight program for your serious students. You can add to this base with more specific programs like plyometrics. Maybe try to get a group discount at a local gym if you don't have a weights set up, and get some pro advice.

    I also like like the idea of specialised classes. Oh and one small thing I've read jumping jacks are baaaad:

    "Don't do jumping jacks.

    Why not jumping jacks? Because there is no technique in sports that is similar to and can be improved by doing jumping jacks, but what is more important jumping jacks can neurologically disorganize a person (Diamond 1979). Jumping jacks, even for normal persons, can cause regression to an out-of-sync, homolateral pattern of locomotion (left arm swings forward with the left leg, right arm with right leg) and “a vague feeling of confusion” (Diamond 1979).1 An instructor who makes athletes do jumping jacks shows ignorance of exercise physiology, proper methods of training, and pedagogy. Jumping jacks raise the blood level of lactate before the main part of the workout and they are not a lead-up exercise for any technique."

    From here
    Good luck.
  11. nicolo

    nicolo Valued Member

    oh yeah it makes sense...wonder if I can do spinning reverse elbow jumping jack techniques...
  12. Khun Kao

    Khun Kao Valued Member

    Interesting post. I had never heard that before re: jumping jacks. Definate food for thought....

    Brooks (Khun Kao)

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