Join us in the mountains of Shaolin

Discussion in 'Kung Fu' started by wiz cool c, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. wiz cool c

    wiz cool c New Member

    Anyone interested in training ,for two weeks four weeks or full time training in the mountains of Shaolin welcome to join us.

    (link removed - Moderator 'Shroom)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 29, 2016
  2. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    Hey, I removed your link due to our MAP policy and Terms of Service. Which can be found on the top right corner banners.

    Section 3:*Advertising

    3.1*General advertising guidelines*
    MAP has a NO free advertising policy. This includes goods or services for sale, the promotion of discussion forums, message boards, chat sites, commercial businesses & services.
    3.1.1*You may publicise your club websites discreetly in your signature. You may however post a direct link to an outside site given that the information is RELEVANT to a question someone else has requested, or you believe it will be helpful to others. Sneaky advertising will not be tolerated.
    3.1.2*If you have a business or service that you think will benefit the members of MAP, please contact Aegis via*Email*or the*PM system*for our advertising rates.

    3.2*Advertising your club
    For those of you who would like to post more details of your martial arts club we have a "Clubs" section located on all MAP top menus where you are free to post details of your club etc.

    3.3*Martial Arts Seminars & Events
    Martial arts seminars and events may be advertised by regular members in the "Event Promotion" forum.
    3.3.1*Please see the rules there for specific requirements.
    3.3.2*If you wish to pay to advertise, please contact an Administrator via the PM (Private Messaging) system.

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