JKD & Fencing

Discussion in 'Jeet Kune Do' started by pmosiun, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. pmosiun

    pmosiun Valued Member

    Hi, i have read a thread on whether studying Wing Chun would help their JKD. I was wondering about a similar thing after reading that thread whether studying fencing would help a person's JKD?
  2. Semper Fi

    Semper Fi Valued Member

    Short answer. No.
  3. Joe917

    Joe917 New Member

    I would have to disagree and say yes. Is it the best option? probably not. but the foot movement is similar. Also the explosive movements of JKD are largely based on fencing. From what I have been reading granted I am not a expert on the subject.
  4. fire cobra

    fire cobra Valued Member

    I would of thought it would help with the understanding of where B Lee got some of(quite a lot of?)his combat principles,Range awareness,a straight hit,deception,footwork penetration,cadence,rhythmn etc etc:)
  5. Semper Fi

    Semper Fi Valued Member

    While I agree with you that he got a lot of his principles from fencing ie.. small phasic bent-knee stance, I do not think you need to take fencing to help you with your JKD as it is part of JKD already.
  6. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    I personally think that cross training in anything once you've got a solid base in your JKD is going to help you. Cross training is one of the principles of JKD. Additionally, weapons training has always been part of JKD training too.
  7. Arnoo

    Arnoo Work in Progress

    I would only do it if you really wanted to do fencing yourself since it will not help your jkd that much you'd be better of stuyding other MA's to help your JKD. Unless you really fancy fencing ofc ;)
  8. Simplicity

    Simplicity Valued Member

    If I may chime in here guys.......The best way to help your Jeet Kune Do, is to train your JKD principle's, over and over again and again.....Plain & simple! There are no short-cut's or a secret to get you there faster......I would advise people to be like a double edge sword......Sharpen both ends.....Exercising your body and training your body for JKD skill are two different things here, that make each one better.....Something to think about, ya know! Have a Great Weekend! :)

    Keep "IT" Real,
    Sifu John McNabney
  9. Emil

    Emil Valued Member

    You'd be best off investing your time into studying JKD if you want to get better at JKD, rather than fencing/Wing Chun etc etc.

  10. g-bells

    g-bells Don't look up!

    wrong there is no weapon training in JKD , you can use your jkd principles while doing weapon training

    it would'nt hurt to read up on it to help understand them but as others have said, train your jkd to get better
  11. JeetKuneDero

    JeetKuneDero Valued Member

    Who was it said/wrote "understand the root and you''ll understand all it's blossoming (Branches)."

    The root of JKD is principles unique to JKD. Principles Lee found had a correlation to one another (compliment/balance one another).

    To study fencing, Wing Chun, both of which I have, would be to have to weed out those principles which together violate one another! Take it from someone who's not only been there and done that but, just as importantly, has carefully noted his journey so as to ensure objcetive science rules over subjectivity - why reinvent Lee's wheel!

    By subjectivity I mean the way to often habit of many of unsoundly declaring, "well what worked for Lee (subjective) would not work for me (subjective)." When all Lee did was to set out to uncover, so he could then set out to master, scientifically sound, objective principles, rather than just "what works for me!"

    Follow Lee's JKD principles and you'll find science will be the only opinion or guide you'll need.

    For, studying fencing, Wing Chun, without Lee's extensive background in physics, kinesiology and a myriad of other "ologies" he thoroughly ground himself in, will certainly not guarantee one will arrive at the same efficient art he ended up with.

    Enjoy your weekend!
  12. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    I tend to disagree with that. Both Dan Inosanto and Richard Bustillo are both high level FMA players. How is it that there is no weapon training in JKD when it's top exponents are training weapons??
  13. DaeHanL

    DaeHanL FortuneCracker

  14. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Please describe Lee's "extensive background" in physics and kinesiology. I was not aware of this.
  15. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    I would also ask WHAT principles are unique to Jeet Kun Do:rolleyes:

    regards koyo
  16. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    They aren't. That's supposed to be the point of JKD - that it's founded in the effective principles that are common to all arts, or that's my interpretation anyway.
  17. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    Agreed. I think that saying "you train weapons using JKD principles" is a distinction without a difference. I've been to JKD classes and been taught how to use weapons. I wasn't taught the principles then handed weapons and told to use my principles. I was taught how to use the weapon.

    As to the original question, I've practiced fencing. I think it was more useful to my FMA than to my JKD specifically. I agree with Simplicity and others. To get better at what you're doing, do it more.

    I think there's a strong temptation in JKD to seek out more and more influences. The danger of this is that you spend all your time doing research and none of it doing development.

  18. kongwell

    kongwell Valued Member

    To be honest i think fencing would help ones JKD, i mean the JKD fortwork is based on the fencing footwork so how could it not help, i have a friend who did fencing and he recently started JKD and you could tell he had a massive advantage on his footwork where as, it would take months to develop the basic footwork for a new beginner.

    Bruce lee's brother was a champion in fencing and thats where he got the footwork from, i could be wrong but thats what ive been told anyway lol
  19. Arnoo

    Arnoo Work in Progress

    It will help but if you put half of that time into acctualy doing jkd footwork you'l get way more benefit then when you do twice the time fencing. So if you practice JKD and want to improve your footwork train your footwork and dont go fencing. Or let me put it this way training your footwork by fencing will benefit you less then training your footwork by doing JKD.
  20. kongwell

    kongwell Valued Member

    I can see your point but its an element of training that could help, however JKD footwork is more benifical but you still cant rule out fencing footwork all together

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