I've decided to take up Muay Thai

Discussion in 'Thai Boxing' started by loiner85, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. loiner85

    loiner85 New Member

    Hi all

    Ive been thinking of taking up a martial art for a while now to improve my fitness and learn a form of self defence, I wanted to take up a striking art ie karate, taekwondo, kickboxing etc and looking on the Internet I couldnt decide for the life of me which one I like the look of most. So I decided to take up my wifes native art of muay thai as this will also give me something to do when we go to thailand to visit her family....plus it looks like the most simple yet effective art ive been looking at.

    So I was wondering if anyone on here goes to or has been to either of these 2 gyms (the 2 closest and easiest gyms for me to get to)

    www.muaythai-kiatphontip.co.uk or www.miketobinsgym.com

    Do they both except ppl who dont want to fight in competitions? Do they have go reputation for their training etc

    Its just ive heard stories that muay thai gyms only take comp fighters seriously.

    Thanks in advance

  2. fire cobra

    fire cobra Valued Member

    Both great gyms,both take people who want to train to get fit or to compete etc:)
  3. loiner85

    loiner85 New Member

    Thanks fire cobra u from leeds pal?
  4. fire cobra

    fire cobra Valued Member

    No Loiner85 Im from County Durham,you cant go wrong in either of the gyms you mentioned bro:)
  5. daggers

    daggers Valued Member

    both are great as mentioned, kiatphontip has a thai trainer and produces good fighters, tobins also has some top fighters training.
  6. Killa_Gorillas

    Killa_Gorillas Banned Banned

    Isn't bad company meant to be one of the best gyms in the entire UK? Could be worth a gander too if it isn't too much of a trek?
  7. fire cobra

    fire cobra Valued Member

    Sure is,Leeds and the surrounding area have several good gyms:)
  8. loiner85

    loiner85 New Member

    Thanks for ur comments ppl since they are all good gyms think ill probably be joining tobins in the next month or so as its a stones throw from my house so itll save me travel time and petrol, dont mind travelling to a good gym but since tobins gets good reviews I dont need to!!

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