is boxing a street worthy style

Discussion in 'Boxing' started by Lance Uppercut, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. inosanto1

    inosanto1 Valued Member

    total realism usually involves one party involved running in the opposite direction as the adrenaline will take over, one thing that boxing helps control due to the contact involved. also in boxing, ya cant run, you are in a ring where some bloke would like to beat the living crap out of you
  2. hux

    hux ya, whatever.

    oh good lord man.

    ooh! internet sparring! Gosh, I might just step off a bit since an eye gouge has to have pretty much the accuracy of a laser beam to be effective. I've got a really good set of racquetball goggles, I can't wait for some clown to say this to me in real life so I can find out. I'm dying to try this. Seriously.

    wait - is this a trick question? I guess I'd have about a second to react with force, based on past experience..I might get 3 good punches in, or 7 deadly cobra strikes if I'm AcIdRaiN. Then I guess I'll roll around on the ground like everybody else. Maybe I'll puke if it got in really solid.

    I dunno what that is. Sounds like a punch to the back of the head? Guess I'd treat it like any other punch to the back of my head.

    that seems reasonable.

    What you and so many others fail to realize, though, is that you can take a super duper kung fu deadly guy who's never been popped in the nose and do exactly that - and you've most likely got a floundering idiot on your hands for at least a second, maybe two. Do that to somebody who spars full contact IN ANY SYSTEM every time they train - ropes or no - and they're prolly not going to even blink hard before coming after you.

    Based on GangrelChilde's description of how his Kung Fu school trains, I'd be much more wary of tackling him than a guy twice my size who is a member of a kickbox fitness class, ya dig?

    It's the training I'm advocating, not boxing in particular - but you can pretty much take for granted that any boxer who is actively training is training full contact on a semi regular basis.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2006
  3. Slindsay

    Slindsay All violence is necessary

    Boxing as a style is sure as hell on my list of "Stand up arts I'd like to know in the event of a bout of fisticuffs erupting" and thats a pretty short list when you consider the number of stand up arts out there. On top of that it comes in at number 3! Look:

    Joint 1st: Muay Thai / San Shou
    3. Boxing
    4. Kyokushin (And derivatives)
    5. FMA (Just the standup stuff, not the weapons stuff, errm, even if that is part of standup)
    7. Kickboxing

    See, no.3 on the list. It MUST be good. (n.b. the places on that list tend to change depending on how I feel on any give day)

    In fairness boxing is limited and on it's own it's hardly a fail safe MA but its better than a lot of MA places I've seen because they essentially change the artist ("Not the art but the artist" thing that always annoys me being turned to my advantage here).

    Now granted if you founf me MA places that trained in the same way that boxers did I would probably pick them over boxing sometimes but the sheer focus on that single oh so common area (Punching) and the very realistic way they train means that I would pick them even over some of those places.
  4. kenpoguy

    kenpoguy The Last Dragon


    Look Huxy :D

    I spent a fair number of years boxing, and from there moved onto kickboxing. I spent an even longer number of years studying various martial arts from around the world. They are all different. Not the kung fu stereo-type, you seem to picture them as. As far as the possible attacks i mentioned, you don't seem to realize that only one of those can make ANYONE go down. Stand up and keep fighting after a clean eyeshot nails you, and ill be content. I never said eye gouge(although those are effective too pending on the circumstances). The difference being an eye shot will not be seen, as it is thrown in a manner, boxers and many MA'ist don't know about. It is no "kung fu secret", instead it is only technique. A brainstem shot, you only prey would not paralyze or kill you. I do, now, see a bit of what you were saying as far as training goes. Before it gets too personal, let me explain about some different types of martial arts schools. Some schools take training very lightly, and will do little body conditioning, little fighting drills, and little of much else. Lessons will typically be once or twice a week,for a brief period of time. More serious schools, however, train a great deal more and offer private instruction. I cannot begin to emphasise enough that ALL styles are different. All systems are different, and all train seperate areas. Many schools also do allow both semi-contact sparring and full-contact sparring. I DO respect the way boxers train, and always have. Regardless of personal opinion, Boxing does have its flaws. Anyone can have an ego as to if they can be beat or not, but it leaves no room for assumptions. Thenumber one rule of all martial arts and for me what I boxed, was always torespect your opponent. Don't presume anything. I dont mean respect as in bow, but respect them as a fighter. You never know who you are fighting, and its best not to count any eggs before they hatch.
  5. kenpoguy

    kenpoguy The Last Dragon

    I wholeheardedly agree here. As I said in my last posts, there is a growing problem in the MA community about hardcore training. It seems as if there are also fewer and fewer good schools out there. I do envy boxers and muay thai fighters especially for their training and conditioning. Yet not their technique.
  6. philliphall

    philliphall Valued Member

    When do the school holidays finish ?.
  7. hux

    hux ya, whatever.


    I think we agree more than we disagree, actually. We are prolly getting lost in the semantics of the thing.

    I would, however, love to hear more about the above statement cause it sure smells like kung fu d34dly to me.
  8. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter


    You must be related to Bil Gee and Siphus.
    t3H d34d733 familia!
  9. kenpoguy

    kenpoguy The Last Dragon


    to eloborate a bit more on the eyeshot, this may hopefully clear it up...

    It's no kung fu trick, and its not hard to do. Its no one touch death shot, but it is certaintly a one shot fight ender. Simply put, and there is alot more to it... It can be thrown from a fighting stance or out of neutral, and is thrown so that the opponent cannot see it in time to do anything about it. i.e. the shoulder doesnt lead, you leg doesnt move first, your head doesnt move, but the hand leads for the entire body. Still sounds kung BU-llish you ask? I hereby trademark that word.... Allow me to contiune on :D As you and I hopefully agree on, absolutely no street fight starts in fighting stance. There is the chance of them ending up there, but its always out of neutral. There is always a push or a shove, or some big hooking punch heading your way. It is also not a one punch, two punch, stop action. Not like in the kung fu movies(but many people, even MA'ist fail to realize this principle). A fight doesnt stop from a MA'ist throwing one punch and winning, nor does it typically from a boxer. The opponent will keep coming and not stop despite what is thrown at him, unless thorwn correctly, or unless he is blinding drunk. That eyeshot would make him incabable of seeing, and thus leave him open for follow up strikes. And what typically happens if you feel like your eyes are being gouged or shot out? Your hands rise up to cover them. Thus your entire body is open. This is no 50% chance, its a 100% chance, if a clean eye shot gets through. Take a hook again for example. The most powerful one u can think of, and or throw. Using the correct block, it would be effortless to block, and my hand could go right to an eyeshot. I am using the eyeshot as only an example keep in mind, not something i'd by any means use everytime. The principle of moving above I described to you is called 'motion'. As far as kicking goes, from a non-MA'ist point of view(I remember what I thought when I boxed, and it seems to be the norm opinion), nobody fears it because they can clobber their opponent before the shot is thrown. If the kick is thrown compeltley wrong or telegraphed then yes. But the kick is thrown the correct way at the knee lets say, again the fight is ended. So far ive talked about the "one shot" fight ender shots. Again, not all fights will be like this. But in those cases, there is literally a whole arsenal of different strikes, shots, breaks, and whatever else you could think of for us to do. What im attempting to explain, is impossible to visualize unless you find an actual good MA school to go to and learn from. Unfortuantly very few exists, as its been noted by many of us here on MAP.

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