I just cant understand it

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by El-Guapo, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. El-Guapo

    El-Guapo MMA'ER

    here is a question that had been on my mind recently
    If a person's weight is 70 kilos and he can do pull ups and handstand push ups
    why cant he lift 70 kilos? :confused:
    when a person does a handstand push up his arms carry his weight
    but why cant he bench press 70 kilos :confused::confused:

    thank you
  2. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Are you asking in general or about a specific instance you've seen/heard of lately - yourself maybe?

    In general, it could be any number of reasons - poor technique, lack of practise, greater ROM on one exercise than the other . . .

    If it's a specific instance, you're likely to get more helpful answers if you supply us with more information. Possibly the best way anyone can answer a specific question like this would be to see vids of the HS press up and Bench Press (at a lower, manageable, but still heavy weight) in question.

    (p.s. This should probably have been posted in the H&F forum. I'll see if I can get one of the globies to move it for you, coz I'm nice like that.)
  3. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

    I got a couple of guesses, may be totally wrong though! :)

    1) I think the hypothetical person you refer to probably can do the bench and lift if he/she knew how to tense up properly, i.e. when you do a pull up or a push up, a lot of your muscles work in synergy and tension/strength irradiates from muscle to muscle. Basically, the more muscles you tense the more power you can generate. So, in theory if this hypothetical person could learn to tense his overall musculature properly, it should provide him/her with enough power to do the bench and lift.

    2) The movements of lifting and benching are not in the hypothetical persons muscle memory, so his muscles cannot coordinate enough to produce sufficient power, i.e. the movement/coordination has to be trained at an appropriate weight before the 70kg weight can be taken.
  4. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Pullups are a back and bicep exercise.

    Handstand pushups are a shoulder and tricep workout.

    Bench press is a chest exercise. I actually fit this model when I was in high school. I could do 20 handstand pushups no worries. I was able to do 10-15 pullups and weighed 145lbs. I couldn't even bench 90lbs.
  5. SirVill

    SirVill Valued Member

    This one wins.
  6. El-Guapo

    El-Guapo MMA'ER

    are you sure?

    if a man can pull himeself and he weights 70 kilos why cant he lift a 35 kg dumbbel on each hand??

    thank you all
  7. John Titchen

    John Titchen Still Learning Supporter

    Muscle recruitment. The angle at which you do an exercise and the range of motion you use will affect how many parts of a muscle can be effectively employed.
  8. 19thlohan

    19thlohan Beast and the Broadsword

    I assume your talking about curling the dumbell? The pulling motion involves the back as well as the bicep but a curl is a bicep isolation move.

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