
Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by lominna, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. lominna

    lominna Valued Member

    Interesting site you have here.

    My art has been Tai Chi for over eleven years now. Long ago, my brother and I took Judo for a year and got our yellow belts. Some years after that, Uncle Sam gave me a brief Hand to Hand Combat class during Army Basic Training. After another couple of decades, my family and I took up Wado Ryu Karate at our local community center, taught by a Japanese sensei. I got an orange belt before that class was discontinued. A year of Tae Kwon Do (yellow belt) and a class in Shotokan Karate (white belt with a black slash) followed before taking up Tai Chi, from a book at first. Eventually, I went to a half-year class, but I've mostly practised a Yang style modified to include a few 'reality-based' self-defense measures, pretty well every day.

    I'm located in North America -my screen name means 'little old man in North America' :).

    Some other 'hobbies': trying to be a good husband and father (my kids are now grown), tending a small vegetable garden every year, walking the dog every day, and a little opportunistic birdwatching.

    I wish you all success in your MA journey.
  2. embra

    embra Valued Member

    Welcome to MAP, lominna.
  3. Taffyleigh

    Taffyleigh Valued Member

    Welcome to MAP, sounds like you have a nice mixture of skills.
  4. Ular Sawa

    Ular Sawa Valued Member

    Welcome aboard.

  5. cheesypeas

    cheesypeas Moved on

    Hiya, Welcome to MAP. Maybe I will see you on the TaiJi and IMA forums. :)
  6. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    Welcome to MAP lominna :)
  7. lominna

    lominna Valued Member

    Thanks for the welcomes, folks.

    Anth, I was wondering what's the significance of that adjustable wrench tightening or loosening a bolt in the yin-yang symbol? Or is it like a Rorshacht ink-blot test where you just say whatever it makes you think of, and thus tell more about yourself?
  8. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    Nothing technical like that. It just points to my job as MAP's tech guy :)
  9. progdan

    progdan Valued Member

    Welcome mate! :)
  10. locust

    locust Like a biblical plague

    Welcome to MAP lominna
  11. reedk

    reedk Valued Member

    just a mma fan that trains some jujitsu and has a website from hawaii. I train more for health rather than competition. Don't want to get hurt where cannot go to work with the economy as it is.
  12. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    Welcome to MAP! :)
  13. reedk

    reedk Valued Member

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