How the chinese people treat Martial Arts ?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by sjzllc00, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. sjzllc00

    sjzllc00 Valued Member

    From my eyes, Martial Arts is used for fight ,no matter you want to fight sombody or somebody fight you.
    Martial Arts is a kind of violence.
    But so strange, the 武术 in ENGLISH, traded a kind of arts.
    In china, less and less people learned martial arts,especially for the youth.
    For child, in order to teach them some skills, the parents will ask his kids to learn taekwondo,personal defense skill and so on.
    for old men, they will practise some taijiquan or sword.
    Many many youth are busy for study ,leaning english ,or making love, or make money to buy house....
    They have too heavy stress and no interesting and no time to concern their health, and to learn some martial arts.
    I leared the taijiquan and north quan when i was in university..
    I love martial arts.. But i have stoped practice them for long time....
    Some of people go to shaolin Monastery to learn kongfu,,,maybe they only concern when they can be a popular film star, how much money he can make... not only bcoz of he loves Martial Arts .
    That is my opinion about Martial Arts from an eyes in chinese.
  2. panderso

    panderso Valued Member

    That's really interesting to get your perspective from China. It's too bad that you also have stopped practicing the martial arts that you love, especially because you understand how they are good for your stress and health.

    Do you plan to start martial arts again?
  3. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    I may be missing it but are you a Chinese nationist? Just asking, it would help me see things from your perspective.
  4. YouKnowWho

    YouKnowWho Valued Member

    If everybody on earth all train MA, you may want to do something else. When you train MA and most people don't, not to be part of the mainstream will make you feel great.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013

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