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Discussion in 'Kickboxing' started by clumsybob, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. clumsybob

    clumsybob New Member

    Hi all, I am having a little dilema at the moment and would appreciate a little feedback.
    First a little history.
    I attend three different classes, mostly because of the days they fall on.
    Class one, 2 hours freestyle karate. Also includes groundwork, quite alot of sparring. I intend to continue this class.
    Class two, 1 hour freestyle karate. Just started this class, it seems geared up for competion sparring which although not my first choice of style it could be good for building speed.
    Class three, 1 1/2 hours kickboxing. This is my dilema, I have been attending this class for about three months now and at first I really enjoyed it. The instruction is very technical, concentrating on proper form etc. However this is all I have done in three months, there are students who have attended for over a year who still do techniques against pads from a static stance.
    As you can guess this doesn't appeal to me greatly, I want to spar and therefore I am considering looking around for another class, however does this sound normal, or do your classes start sparring work quite quickly.

  2. Bwuce

    Bwuce New Member

    Patience my friend .
    Like Bruce Lee said, in the beginning a punch is just a punch
    Bruce's theory
    there are 3 stages : - 1:Unlearned state - 2 Training - 3 : applying self

    you my friend ,your in stage 1 : you think you can do it all and its time for the next stage, its better to learn one thing constantly then to learn al kinds of things in such a short time !
    your practicing kickbox for 3 months,not so long, i had to wait a whole year before i did my first sparring and i didn't mind !
    i was happy cause i always saw myself improving, i was getting faster,my techniques where getting beter !
    so one day i said to myself , now i'm ready !
    so my advice for you, keep training, and then comes a day , that you are ready and you are ready for a sparring !
    so give yourself a 100 % during training sessions and wait !
    patience ! ;)

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