having trouble squatting

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Ghoul, Jul 20, 2007.

  1. Ghoul

    Ghoul your newest role model

    as part of classes, we often do squats as exercise's, but I can't seem to do them properly

    my problem is I can't squat very low, i get about halfway down and find that one of my heals comes up, i dont know if this is a flexability thing or a balance thing, but i cerianly cant just force it back down again

    whats the best way to get correct this?
    just squat properly as low as i can go and gradualy try to get lower and lower wile maintaining proper posture,
    or keep squatting all the way down and gradualy try to keep my feet flatter and flatter.

    so basicaly should i maintain posture with limited range of motion, or maintain range or motion with incorrect posture,

    i hope this makes some sence.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2007
  2. Socrastein

    Socrastein The Boxing Philosopher

    Maintain posture with limited range of motion.

    Strengthen up your posterior chain with deadlift variations and glute-ham raises. Use dynamic stretches to increase your hip and ankle mobility.
  3. Prophet

    Prophet ♥ H&F ♥

    ^ Awesome post

    Also, just do more squats. Your range of motion will increase over time. Think of your squats as a stretch.

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