Fasting. Is it a good idea?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by AndrewTheAndroid, May 31, 2018.

  1. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    I already do 16 hour fasts to cut down on snacking. The more I get into it the more I think about doing longer fasts. I already did a 24 hour fast by accident. So I’m going to try a two day fast sometime soon.
  2. Morik

    Morik Well-Known Member Supporter MAP 2017 Gold Award

    Research I've read indicates that fasting is in general a good idea. I've seen a very small bit of negative stuff (e.g., might damage your pancreas... though that experiment had 24 hour fasts every other day (could have been excessive), and was done on rats or mice, I forget which).

    I did 16 hour fasts for a few months, but decided it was too hard on my schedule. Now instead I do a ~24 hour fast 1/week.
    AndrewTheAndroid likes this.
  3. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    How do you keep productive when you are fasting!? I just want to eat lunch. Lol
  4. Morik

    Morik Well-Known Member Supporter MAP 2017 Gold Award

    I do my fast Saturday evening/night to Sunday evening/night, and just don't do anything on Sunday. If I get cravings I try to distract myself for a bit and then its ok.
    I also find supplementing BCAA significantly reduces the hunger.
    And after your body has gone through fasts a few times, it also seems to get easier (at least, if they were recently).
    AndrewTheAndroid likes this.
  5. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    With me doing 24hr shifts, I actually accidentally fast. (I know. Me?!)
    16:8. Sometimes Im not even that hungry but I have a rough guestimate of how many calories Im eating.
    Then whatever.
  6. Tom bayley

    Tom bayley Valued Member

    Better out than in!
  7. Tom bayley

    Tom bayley Valued Member

    Er no! hang on a minute! I may have miss-read the title of the thread.
  8. Tom bayley

    Tom bayley Valued Member

    Note - the way you break a fast (and this time I have read the title correctly), the way you break a fast is important. - fruit, light food etc. much stuff in yoga and I am sure many other disciplines about the proper way to do it.
  9. Understand your body structure 1st then decide, Don't force your body to unnatural conditions. Its gonna do more harm than good.
  10. Jackie6419

    Jackie6419 Banned Banned

    Hi everyone;

    Do you know that fasting is good for our health it makes our stomach healthy and fasting can save us from all dangerous disease we have to do 30 day fasting in 1 year so it can help us to stay healthy and fit.
  11. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    I like it use of fasting, it has benefits, I will occasionally do a 24 hour fast, or intermittent fasting.

    I wouldn't go as far as saying it saves you from all dangerous diseases, that is a pretty extravagant claim. Maybe some research journal to back that up?
    If we want to go anacdotal, I was fasting and I got covid, so that is my 1 person study which disproves it.

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